Ryan Perrilloux leaves LSU??


The Mel Kiper of CTG
QB Ryan Perrilloux walks off the LSU football team?

There's quite a bit of smoke coming from several LSU message boards indicating that QB Ryan Perrilloux has left the Tigers football team.
While I have to urge a HUGE grain of salt, the reports go something like this....
Due to an ongoing dispute between Perrilloux's mother and LSU -- potentially stemming from Ryan's mother trying to shake down the school -- the projected starting quarterback has cleaned out his locker and left the team. Perrilloux reportedly missed a team meeting this week, but his absence is clouded by reports that Perrilloux was attending his father's funeral.​
The only aspect that does not seem to be in dispute is that Ryan Perrilloux has cleaned out his locker.
WDSU-TV in New Orleans is reporting the rumors that Perrilloux quit the team, but -- so far -- there's no comment from Perrilloux or the Tigers.
This could be exactly what the rumors say it is, or it could be a confused kid who just lost his father acting out.
Either way, I think we're nearing some kind of school record on off-the-field headlines.
Here is the latest that I've been able to find...


I'm hearing a little more backstory now (which is starting to make this rumor seem more credible, but -- again -- I cannot confirm just yet because no one will comment officially)...
Apparently Perrilloux and the coaching staff have an understanding about certain things that QB must do to stay in LSU's good graces. This all stems from his previous track record. Allegedly broke this agreement 2-3 times in the last two weeks and was threatened with suspension or outright suspended from the team. It is believed that one of the issues was class attendance, missing a team appointment and the other was related to him going somewhere he wasn't supposed to be. So... the coaches met with Perrilloux and the suspension talk came up. This conversation apparently led to Perrilloux's mother threatening to pull the QB off the team. Very shortly thereafter, Perrilloux's father left passed away and the QB has not been with the team on campus since then.

That's the update. Still looking for some confirmations, although I understand that everyone at LSU is hesitant to say anything about the situation given the emotions of all involved as well as Perrilloux history of brush-ups with the coaching staff. There may not be an officially comment until Les Miles decides what that comment will be.
What we are hearing is that Miles is getting fed up with RP. RP struck back saying he would spill the beans on his recruitment and other things going on in the program.

One of the issues is he can't seem to stay away from the casinos. A broke college kid shouldn't be playing $500 hands at the blackjack table.

Seems alot of the LSU stars play at "special" poker tables.

This doesn't surprise me like I've said before a former security guard of mine played for Miles at Okie St. and he told me alot of what went on with his recruitment and time at Okie St.
A major college football program committing shady recruiting and paying players enough for $500 a hand blackjack? Sounds right up Cheerleader Pete's alley. Say it isnt so...

Supposedly the LSU stars go play poker in "special" poker rooms with boosters of the program. Basically the boosters fold when even showing Ace-Ace.
The only concrete info is that RP has been suspended from the team indefinitely.

The only official quote from a team official: “Ryan has been suspended indefinitely due to his failure to follow team rules.”
As far as the speculation over 'rigged' poker games, I can say this -- I have played poker with several players over the last two years and have had friends host poker games in which players have attended.

I do not think anything of substance will come from this rumor.
Horn you have to let us in on some of these Miles things. What kind of recruiting "things" are we talking about here?
As far as the speculation over 'rigged' poker games, I can say this -- I have played poker with several players over the last two years and have had friends host poker games in which players have attended.

I do not think anything of substance will come from this rumor.

I agree. If OU got a slap on the wrist for having 12 players working for Big Red, and the NCAA has yet to touch USC over the Bush shit then nothing will probably happen.

What we heard is the NCAA knows what's going on with LSU and giving them the chance to clean it up themselves but Perriloux didn't get the memo and refuses to read the memo.
What we are hearing is that Miles is getting fed up with RP. RP struck back saying he would spill the beans on his recruitment and other things going on in the program.

One of the issues is he can't seem to stay away from the casinos. A broke college kid shouldn't be playing $500 hands at the blackjack table.

Seems alot of the LSU stars play at "special" poker tables.

SEC recruiting at it's best...why do y'all think we're the best CFB conference in the nation year-after-year? :36_11_6:

This doesn't surprise me like I've said before a former security guard of mine played for Miles at Okie St. and he told me alot of what went on with his recruitment and time at Okie St.

Mully :cheers:
very interesting news on this front. I can not believe that les miles can't keep his starting QB for next year happy. I really think that miles lost control of him long before this story broke. Reason i say this is because he treats his players like rock stars and when you do that they develop attitudes that rival rock stars.

Anyone think that Perioulloux will not play for LSU next year? I am unsure because i am sure there is much more about this than we have not heard as he has gotten suspended indefintley.
very interesting news on this front. I can not believe that les miles can't keep his starting QB for next year happy. I really think that miles lost control of him long before this story broke. Reason i say this is because he treats his players like rock stars and when you do that they develop attitudes that rival rock stars.

Anyone think that Perioulloux will not play for LSU next year? I am unsure because i am sure there is much more about this than we have not heard as he has gotten suspended indefintley.

I'm not sure what you are referring to with Miles' attitude toward his players; Perrilloux has been the only problem on the team. Alley Broussard was a head case and made threats of quitting to his teammates, but those were primarily based on his disagreements with Crowton and Miles when they were strict on him cutting weight. And as far as Miles losing control of Perrilloux, Horn said it above, the guy thought he was a rockstar before he committed to Texas/LSU.

I think Perrilloux will miss Spring and be asked back for Summer. If Perrilloux is off the team, my only concern would be lack of depth as I think Jarrett Lee will be a smash hit once he takes over the QB position. LSU does not want to ruin Jordan Jefferson's redshirt, meaning if Perrilloux leaves, Lee is the starting QB, and Andrew Hatch (Harvard transfer) is the only backup.
I do not know much about the SEC, will LSU be making another title run or is this a rebuilding year for them? Thanks in advance.
I do not know much about the SEC, will LSU be making another title run or is this a rebuilding year for them? Thanks in advance.

The SEC champ will come from the East division and their colors are more likely Blue/Orange than Red/Black
I do not know much about the SEC, will LSU be making another title run or is this a rebuilding year for them? Thanks in advance.

IMO, looking at a LSU vs UGA or LSU vs UF conference championship. Good news is you will see both of those games in the regular season this year.
Well damn I missed all the fun rumor talk.

Basically, unless RP is caught with a knife over a dead body he will be starting for LSU next year. I have a hard time believing he could make it through the whole season without getting into more trouble.

As for LSU chances I expect them to be very underrated this year.
I know that is impossible for a BCS champion to get overlooked but the starting defense if the CBs can hold up will be more talented and scary than the lineup we started the season with last year.

The OL and backs are freaking solid and any sort of decent QB should make this team scary. I really expect a running team with short passes here and there to move the chains. LSU has a few tough SEC games but the out of conference schedule is the worst I have ever seen. All we need is one inspired performance against UGA at home and you got yourself a contender.

But yes this is a rebuilding year on the grand scale.
As for LSU chances I expect them to be very underrated this year.
I know that is impossible for a BCS champion to get overlooked but the starting defense if the CBs can hold up will be more talented and scary than the lineup we started the season with last year.

... couldn't have said it better myself. LSU should be a great pick ATS in early SEC play.
Perriloser is not going anywhere as long as Lester is the coach. In other devastating news (if you're a UT fan) is that Russell Shepard has committed to LSU. I want to vomit.
I heard he won't play QB though.
Yes thats the fucking irony of hte whole fucking thing. Makes me so pissed. He is a lifelong diehard UT fan. He said as long as he was offered the chance to play QB he would commit immediately to UT. We were straight up with him and told him he could come in as a WR and play immediately. We just didn't have room for him as a QB. Miles though has no worries about doing whatever it takes to get a player. That includes lying. Told him that he will play QB so thats why RS has committed. Read through the fucking lines Shep! LSU already has one QB commit this year and offers out to several others. I hate Les Miles. RS owns Houston and this is a huge loss for UT in terms of recruiting H-town.
Shepard to LSU isn't too shocking..he loved his visit a few weeks ago and wanted to stay south.
In other devastating news (if you're a UT fan) is that Russell Shepard has committed to LSU.

... smart kid, that Russell Shepard!

6'2"... 185 lbs... 4.4 forty... 5-star by Scouts and Rivals... #4 prospect in the country... chose LSU over 34 other offers including Texas, Florida, Michigan, and USC.

I'd rather he go to LSU then OU or Aggie. He was never going to play QB with Gilbert at Texas.

The kid will be switched to WR his sophmore year and he will realize he just got fucked.

LSU will probably get his RB teammate as well that is pretty good.
Here is the latest update from today:

March 27, 2008
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</noscript> Bryan Lazare
TigerBait.com Senior Writer
<script language="javascript"> if ((bIEWindowBrowser) && (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.") != -1)) document.write("<div id=outercontainer style='height:220px;'>"); else document.write("<div id=outercontainer>"); document.write("<div id=contentcontainer style='font-size: " + currentsize + "pt;'>");</script> Talk about it in Tiger Penthouse

LSU quarterback Ryan Perrilloux, who is no longer suspended from the team, may return to practice next Monday.

Speaking at a press conference Thursday afternoon concerning the events surrounding next weekend's spring game, Tigers coach Les Miles gave another update on Perrilloux's status.

<!--Start ryan perrilloux, 250Xtall with MVP trophy Image--><script language="Javascript">document.write(insertImage('http://vmedia.rivals.com/uploads/886/575367.jpg', '575367.jpg', 1, 357, 250, 1, 'Perrilloux can return if he gets his work done', 'Dave Martin', 1206644192000, 'ryan perrilloux, 250Xtall with MVP trophy', 886, 'Align=Left'));</script><table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="258"><tbody><tr><td width="252">
</td><td rowspan="4" width="6">
</td></tr><tr><td align="right">AP: Dave Martin</td></tr><tr><td height="3">
</td></tr><tr><td align="center">Perrilloux can return if he gets his work done</td></tr></tbody></table><!-- End ryan perrilloux, 250Xtall with MVP trophy Image-->"Ryan now has the opportunity to make up six workouts," said Miles, who reported at his post-practice press conference Wednesday night that Perrilloux was no longer suspended, but couldn't practice. "Everyone must do these workouts before they can practice.

"There are six coaching workouts. The six workouts for Ryan started (Wednesday). So, his weight room work and his running began (Wednesday). He has to make them up on his own time. It's his responsibility to the team to be in shape when he returns."

According to Miles, LSU Strength and Conditioning Coordinator Tommy Moffitt and his staff are in charge of Perrilloux's work.

"The last workout for (Perrilloux) will be on Saturday," Miles said. "He may rejoin the team (for practice) Monday."

The Tigers are scheduled to practice Thursday afternoon and scrimmage Saturday morning. LSU will have four practices next week, including the spring game on April 5. The Tigers will practice on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday before the game.

Miles indicated there was "a chance" that Perrilloux would play in the spring game as long as he keeps "doing the things he should be doing." However, Miles denied that Perrilloux has won the quarterback job.

"(Perrilloux) will be allowed to compete fully for the position," Miles said. "We are not ready to rely upon anybody at the quarterback spot right now. There are three guys at that position. There will be a competition. (Perrilloux) has to compete for that spot."

Miles said that the spring game will be more game-like than in the past. However, there will still be situational plays. That structure is simply the way with which Miles feels most comfortable.

"Coaches think the spring game has to be in a way that's the best way to teach," Miles said. "In my background, coaches have not embraced a full-fledged spring game. There will still be certain down and distance plays."

According to Miles, approximately 15,000 tickets have been sold for the spring game. Miles believes that it helps the team to play before a large crowd.

"I'd like to see a pile more tickets sold," Miles said. "We are putting new players on the field. They need to know the passion of the LSU fans. There is competition at a lot of positions. It's a great day for the guys to show their strengths and abilities."

Miles stressed that it will not be a full game. He said that there will be about 100 plays during the night.
[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Les Miles Dismisses QB Ryan Perrilloux[/FONT]

Posted:<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>var wn_last_ed_date = getLEDate("May 2, 2008 8:56 AM EST"); document.write(wn_last_ed_date);</SCRIPT> May 2, 2008 08:56 AM EDT
Updated:<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>var wn_last_ed_date = getLEDate("May 2, 2008 9:07 AM EST"); document.write(wn_last_ed_date);</SCRIPT> May 2, 2008 09:07 AM EDT
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</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle colSpan=2>QB Ryan Perrilloux
</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle colSpan=2>
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BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) - LSU quarterback Ryan Perrilloux has been dismissed from the team.
Head coach Les Miles says that Perrilloux "didn't fulfill his obligation as an LSU student-athlete." He is declining additional comment.
LSU said Friday that Perrilloux is expected to finish out the spring semester at the school.
Perrilloux ran up against the law and team discipline with regularity at LSU. He was on the fringe of a counterfeiting investigation and was caught trying to enter a Baton Rouge casino with a false identification. That got him suspended all of last summer.
He also was involved in an incident at a nightclub in November, but he was cleared of wrongdoing.

LSU boots quarterback Ryan Perrilloux off team

<HR width="100%" noShade SIZE=1>ESPN.com news services

BATON ROUGE, La. -- LSU quarterback Ryan Perrilloux, who had legal and disciplinary problems throughout his college career, was kicked off the defending national championship team.

Perrilloux, who had been suspended three times in his college career, "didn't fulfill his obligation as an LSU student-athlete," LSU coach Les Miles said Friday. He did not offer details.

LSU said Friday that Perrilloux is expected to finish out the spring semester at the school.

"Ryan was given every opportunity to be a part of this football team," Miles said in a release Friday.

Perrilloux was a backup to Matt Flynn for the Tigers, who defeated Ohio State to win the national title.

Miles suspended Perrilloux, whose father died Feb. 7, in mid-February after he missed a team meeting, skipped some classes and was late for a handful of conditioning workouts.

Perrilloux had to meet academic requirements and do extra conditioning work before he was reinstated April 6, in time to go with the Tigers to meet President Bush at the White House.

Perrilloux was not allowed to play in LSU's spring game.

Before his last reinstatement, Miles said Perrilloux had been doing better with his classwork. During the spring, redshirt freshman Jarrett Lee and junior Andrew Hatch split time as the quarterback of the Tigers.

In 12 games last season, Perrilloux completed 51 of 75 passes for eight touchdowns and two interceptions. He led LSU to two victories -- including the Southeastern Conference championship game -- when Flynn, a senior, was injured during the 2007 season.

Perrilloux, who also was suspended by the Tigers last summer, was on the fringe of a counterfeiting investigation and was caught trying to enter a Baton Rouge casino with false identification. He also was involved in a fracas at a nightclub in November, but was cleared of wrongdoing.
A waste of talent indeed, reNew.

Perrilloux had the IQ of my left testicle. Crowton was going to have to alter the play calling to adjust for RP's inability to read coverage schemes by opposing defenses. Jarrett Lee is a smart guy (so is Hatch), and I expect very big things from the TX native. Lee was the #2 QB recruit out of high school, ranked behind only Jimmy Clausen. God, let's hope he is better than that gelhead! I think P&G and I eluded to this in a prior "Perrilloux fuck up thread" and our point was this -- it is better RP get the boot now than for him to start as QB only to screw up again and get booted during the third week of the season. How things are now, Lee will get the opportunity to work with the starting squad (although Miles says Hatch and Lee are splitting snaps) throughout the summer, which I think is beneficial. This will allow Lee and the WR corps to get on the same page; they can have their timing down and start the season with a bang.

As talented as RP was, I truly think this is a good thing for the LSU football program. RP or not, LSU wins the SEC West and will face either UGA or UF in Atlanta for the SEC crown come December. LSU will play both those teams during the regular season, so everyone watch closely because it will be a rematch come conference championship week.
I never thought that Les would of kicked him off the team....I just thought that Ryan was the future and he didn't want to jeopordize that.
You had to kick this guy off the team. He gets in trouble about once a month.

Hell Barry Switzer probably would've even kicked him off the team.
A waste of talent indeed, reNew.

Perrilloux had the IQ of my left testicle. Crowton was going to have to alter the play calling to adjust for RP's inability to read coverage schemes by opposing defenses. Jarrett Lee is a smart guy (so is Hatch), and I expect very big things from the TX native. Lee was the #2 QB recruit out of high school, ranked behind only Jimmy Clausen. God, let's hope he is better than that gelhead! I think P&G and I eluded to this in a prior "Perrilloux fuck up thread" and our point was this -- it is better RP get the boot now than for him to start as QB only to screw up again and get booted during the third week of the season. How things are now, Lee will get the opportunity to work with the starting squad (although Miles says Hatch and Lee are splitting snaps) throughout the summer, which I think is beneficial. This will allow Lee and the WR corps to get on the same page; they can have their timing down and start the season with a bang.

As talented as RP was, I truly think this is a good thing for the LSU football program. RP or not, LSU wins the SEC West and will face either UGA or UF in Atlanta for the SEC crown come December. LSU will play both those teams during the regular season, so everyone watch closely because it will be a rematch come conference championship week.


If there is anything I've learned from being a STUDENT of SEC CFB for 17 years it's that y'all are INSANE to be counting an SEC West title months before the season starts...:seeya:

Mully :cheers:
You had to kick this guy off the team. He gets in trouble about once a month.

Hell Barry Switzer probably would've even kicked him off the team.

C'mon bro...ya know Switzer would've hooked him up with a proper fake ID and thrown in an Uzi for good measure...:tiphat:

Mully :cheers:
Jarrett Lee wasn't the #2 QB in the country behind Clausen. Lee wasn't even the second best QB in the state of Texas that year as both Mallett and Mansion were ranked higher. That year was also one of the weakest ver for the state in producing QBs.

Lee wasn't even in the top 10 of QBs in the country.
Big time HS QBs I was extremely pissed that didn't commit to Texas even though they visited:

Ryan Perriloux
Rhett Bomar
Xavier Lee
Kyle Wright
Bobby Reid

Mustain, Mallet, Brantley, and Sanchez are now on the clock...
I never thought that Les would of kicked him off the team....I just thought that Ryan was the future and he didn't want to jeopordize that.
Well your hands are tied when your starting QB is addicted to blow. Even ole Lester has standards I guess.
A waste of talent indeed, reNew.

Perrilloux had the IQ of my left testicle. Crowton was going to have to alter the play calling to adjust for RP's inability to read coverage schemes by opposing defenses. Jarrett Lee is a smart guy (so is Hatch), and I expect very big things from the TX native. Lee was the #2 QB recruit out of high school, ranked behind only Jimmy Clausen. God, let's hope he is better than that gelhead! I think P&G and I eluded to this in a prior "Perrilloux fuck up thread" and our point was this -- it is better RP get the boot now than for him to start as QB only to screw up again and get booted during the third week of the season. How things are now, Lee will get the opportunity to work with the starting squad (although Miles says Hatch and Lee are splitting snaps) throughout the summer, which I think is beneficial. This will allow Lee and the WR corps to get on the same page; they can have their timing down and start the season with a bang.

As talented as RP was, I truly think this is a good thing for the LSU football program. RP or not, LSU wins the SEC West and will face either UGA or UF in Atlanta for the SEC crown come December. LSU will play both those teams during the regular season, so everyone watch closely because it will be a rematch come conference championship week.

Auburn might have something to say about this?
Blue, you pretty much said it. I wanted him gone long ago. I personally knew some things that weren't public that made me that way. I certainly didn't want him around in the fall to screw up and blow up the season vis a vis unreliability week to week.

I also think LSU is good enough with Lee (who I've liked since signing him) to compete for Atlanta and a shot at the SEC. That's all I ever really want anyway.

Willb3rd, I hear it was coke and not weed. Who knows... Kid's an idiot.