Rivals / Orangebloods Reporting Mack Brown Will Resign

^ but saban would be such a huge upgrade it would be hard to imagine he didn't have a honeymoon period of a few years and by then he should have the program rolling. I mean it wasn't that long ago texas was in two title games ( won one ). Sure they have fallen off the map to a degree but talent in texas is right there with cali, fla, and ohio
Unless you are Mizzou that never sniffed a Big 12 title yet finished 2nd this year in SEC oops

3rd according to BCS rankings. I know that they won't use rankings next year, but I think it's pretty widely thought that Alabama is #2, but I get your point
It all depends on the panel imo. I don't think that's a lock.

Yeah but if they aren't using rankings I would have a hard time thinking they would put a team in that didn't even win its division like the BCS would, never know. We're still probably heading towards 4 super conferences at some point.
Think you're gonna have to win your conference to get in going forward

not this year or in year's past. 2011 and 2013 Bama did not win their conference but 2011 they obviously got into the BCS title game and this year they are ranked #3 BCS and literally every major analyst across every network put them in the mock final 4 they all did this past weekend.

Hopefully the panel is smart enough to know that sometimes you can be 2nd in your conference but still be top 4 in the country. Bama, in just about everyone's eyes, would deserve to go this year over 2-loss stanford.

the consensus final 4: FSU, Aub, Bama, Mich St

literally 90% of analysts had these 4. As an ardent follower of college football for multiple decades, I have to agree with those 4, fwiw (not worth much though)
What a joke if a 1-loss Baylor team that won its conference (one that was strong enough to get a 2nd BCS bid mind you) didn't get in over a team that didn't win its own division, if that's the case, just keep the BCS.
I'm not sure MSU should be in the consensus top 4 like they have been. Teams with 1 loss with more impressive resumes, MSU's loss just happened to come earlier in the season with easier games later.
Where do you put in conference champions with multiple losses? I get the line of thinking of leaving Alabama out in 2011 and this year for a playoff, but winning a conference doesn't necessarily make that team better than a non-champ with a better record. Like everything, I imagine TV dollars will end up ruling, so do you put in a one loss SEC team that lost their last game to the conference champion, or a conference champion with 5 losses, like Wisconsin last year (I know their circumstances, just making a point)?

I think the heirarchy has to be:
undefeated major conference champions
one loss conf champions or higher ranked one loss conference runners up
everyone else
What a joke if a 1-loss Baylor team that won its conference (one that was strong enough to get a 2nd BCS bid mind you) didn't get in over a team that didn't win its own division, if that's the case, just keep the BCS.

Wrong thread but Baylor over bama is pretty questionable I think.
When saban got hired there were thousands of people at the airport. Ttown is nuts. I sent to college there for a few years. Also, yes he is recruiting hard, but maybe those kids will just follow him to Texas.
not this year or in year's past. 2011 and 2013 Bama did not win their conference but 2011 they obviously got into the BCS title game and this year they are ranked #3 BCS and literally every major analyst across every network put them in the mock final 4 they all did this past weekend.

Hopefully the panel is smart enough to know that sometimes you can be 2nd in your conference but still be top 4 in the country. Bama, in just about everyone's eyes, would deserve to go this year over 2-loss stanford.

the consensus final 4: FSU, Aub, Bama, Mich St

literally 90% of analysts had these 4. As an ardent follower of college football for multiple decades, I have to agree with those 4, fwiw (not worth much though)

I haven't heard anyone put them in the final four all week? And I have a lot of windshield time during the week listening to local and satellite radio.
Someone mentioned Todd Graham earlier, I think that is certainly a possibility. I just don't see Saban leaving Bama for Texas.
Someone mentioned Todd Graham earlier, I think that is certainly a possibility. I just don't see Saban leaving Bama for Texas.

Saw where a Texas site posted a wishlist that looked like:
1) Saban
2) Harbaugh
3) Carroll
4) James Franklin

I'm sure that was made up by some beat writer, especially the Harbaugh and Carroll names, but Saban, Franklin, Mora, Graham, Jimbo and Gundy are some names that I think are legit contenders
Wrong thread but Baylor over bama is pretty questionable I think.

While its easy for most any fan to say we think bama is better than Baylor I don't know how any objective committee could logically place Bama in over Baylor in this scenario. Remember, rankings aren't going to be used.
I think the heirarchy has to be:
undefeated major conference champions
one loss conf champions or higher ranked one loss conference runners up
everyone else

These are the lines I imagine they would think along, but is a conference runner up the one that loses in its championship game?
Surprised not to hear Graham's name thrown around more around here, woulda thought he would certainly be high on the list and he's got the track record to bolt, but not nary a peep on the local talkshows.
Our AD may want Graham (ASU ties) but there's too much concern with the nomadic baggage. But, in theory, our job should be a destination job so not reason to look much after that. Our President has and does want Shaw. That's unlikely. I'm hoping for Harbaugh. Want nothing to do with Saban, though he's not coming here anyway.

From what I gather, now it appears like Brown is digging in. Was offered the opportunity to resign by Powers (President) and the Board of Regents. Presser was initially set up for yesterday. Brown refused, and UT then leaked that he was out to Orangebloods in response to Brown's resistance. Brown desperately wants 9 more wins at Texas to become the all-time winning coach, and to be able to extend a giant fuck you to all Texas fans. Now, it appears, we're edging toward him being fired, perhaps. As i mentioned earlier, Brown is more about PR than he is about football. And that PR side is taking a big bath right now.
I don't know if that giant fuck you wouldn't be directed at the President, Board of Regents or the new AD. Fans have no control and that is not who the powers at be use as a barometer for a firing no matter what any Joe Fan thinks.
These are the lines I imagine they would think along, but is a conference runner up the one that loses in its championship game?

Tough question. Since there are so many teams/conferences, and we're only considering 4 teams, I don't think you can rule out a team that doesn't make it to the conference championship because they lost at the wrong time. What would Alabama and Auburn's record been with Missouri's schedule? No worse than 11-1 I'd bet, but likely that one goes at least 12-0.
I don't know if that giant fuck you wouldn't be directed at the President, Board of Regents or the new AD. Fans have no control and that is not who the powers at be use as a barometer for a firing no matter what any Joe Fan thinks.

Brown has always felt under appreciated by the Texas fan base, in his own passive aggressive and petty way. Ten-win seasons, but not winning games that matter. Thus, 2 conference titles in 16 years. He may say want to say fuck you to pieces of the admin right now, but he'd definitely extend one of those fingers to the fan base.
Mack Brown In or Out/Saban or somebody else POLL

Can't do a poll on mobile, but, maybe a mod can fix this up...

I'm curious to know what the CTG consensus on this is. Here are the options:

A) Mack stays

B) Mack gone / Saban replaces him

C) Mack gone / somebody other than Saban replaces him

He's def leaving. Was doing it the entire time. Media jumped it first b4 he could get back and talk to team. His terms.
Saw where a Texas site posted a wishlist that looked like:
1) Saban
2) Harbaugh
3) Carroll
4) James Franklin

I'm sure that was made up by some beat writer, especially the Harbaugh and Carroll names, but Saban, Franklin, Mora, Graham, Jimbo and Gundy are some names that I think are legit contenders

1) praying
2) no way he goes back to a college that isn't michigan
3) impossible
4) maybe

jimbo will be hard considering the game coming up


mora--doubt it

graham seems the easiest fit, but who knows.
Our AD may want Graham (ASU ties) but there's too much concern with the nomadic baggage. But, in theory, our job should be a destination job so not reason to look much after that. Our President has and does want Shaw. That's unlikely. I'm hoping for Harbaugh. Want nothing to do with Saban, though he's not coming here anyway.

From what I gather, now it appears like Brown is digging in. Was offered the opportunity to resign by Powers (President) and the Board of Regents. Presser was initially set up for yesterday. Brown refused, and UT then leaked that he was out to Orangebloods in response to Brown's resistance. Brown desperately wants 9 more wins at Texas to become the all-time winning coach, and to be able to extend a giant fuck you to all Texas fans. Now, it appears, we're edging toward him being fired, perhaps. As i mentioned earlier, Brown is more about PR than he is about football. And that PR side is taking a big bath right now.

Todd Graham also coached at allen and poteet. deep, deep ties with high schools in the state. could help push patterson towards him.
I'm really praying to god Graham goes to Texas, that would be great

I can't wait to hear about how his wife's family lives in Austin. This guys family lives on the four corners of the nation
Tomlin doesn't look real comfortable around steer:

Todd Graham also coached at allen and poteet. deep, deep ties with high schools in the state. could help push patterson towards him.

Yeah, crucial element of things (Texas ties). With the way Briles (and Sumlin) continue to corner the high school markets in the state, this is going to be a necessity.
Mack goes and Saban comes, logical option for UT. His recruiting in the south and throw in Texas recruits and he's set.
I can see John Harbaugh going before Jim. Lot of rumors he wants to coach cfb..I doubt either comes to Michigan..too much beef with harbaughs and mich...who knows..it's all about money anyways.
The real question here is: who is going to be turning down/ taking name out of hat for the Texas job?

You know who makes sense at UT? Butch Davis.