RG 3 or Kirk Cousins

I heard today that Cousins is the 7th rated passer in the league so I figured I would fire this thread up for old time's sake.

At this point, it's not even a fair argument. We might as well shift focus to something more equitable (perhaps). RGIII or Kraep? who would you rather take?

RGIII will get another shot in this league IMO. So will Kraep. Ultimately, it depends on where they land, but if one of them ends up with Chip I could see it working ok. Yes, even for Kraep.
I cant believe Krap got paid like that....offhand, was his guaranteed a bunch?

Cousins has these guys in the playoffs. Prob get beat 1st game, but shit....winning that shitty division was a nice feat
I refuse to even close the book on the possibility that RG3 ends up having a better overall career than cousins. Cousins looks a lot like 2013 nick foles to me.

As far as Chip, i am 100% team "keep bradford" but IF he wants to try a reclamation project, gimme rg3 over kaep any day. Kaep fell apart as soon as things did not go his way . Looks very weak mentally and from multiple accounts, hes dumb as a doornail & isnt a student of the game.

i still think RG3 got jobbed big time by Gruden, and he will have a year of rest in him now. If he does get another chance and gets hurt again, its on him