RG 3 or Kirk Cousins

This shit right here is sad. How much longer are we gonna hear about how he needs to work on his fundamentals? He's a professional quarterback for shit sake!! These are elementary mistakes and I don't know if they're correctable. Pocket presence is instinct, either you have it or you don't. You can't wait until you're the supposed "face of the franchise" to start to learn things like that. When will this franchise realize this guy isn't the answer?

one thing is certain, IF he is ever going to have success, it is not going ot be in a west coast offense. the coach/qb match here is toxic. although it seems like with RG3, all coach matches are toxic

Irony at its best :cigarguy:
been a rocky ride for him

he has to have issues it would seem

can't be both head coaches

I remember when he started off hot he just seemed like a cool down to earth dude. Real easy to root for. Now this. Seems like he has a way of making people hate him, thats for sure.

As far as the coaches go, the Gruden-RG3 pairing was about as dumb as they could have possibly donej from the start. I don't know how much I blame RG3 for this shit. Hes been hung out to dry with this West Coast offense nonsense. Coaches should modify their systems based on teh players they have, the player can't change his skillset
team mates hate him because he is a pretty big self absorbed douche. seems remedial in play. guess they aren't picking up that $18mil option
team mates hate him because he is a pretty big self absorbed douche. seems remedial in play. guess they aren't picking up that $18mil option

The national media likes to force this point of view on people, but this isn't what the local media and former teammates like Chris Cooley and London Fletcher say.
I could see him being somewhat off-putting to teammates as he is a bit more intelligent and moral than your average athlete.
The national media likes to force this point of view on people, but this isn't what the local media and former teammates like Chris Cooley and London Fletcher say.
what is their opinion? I am not listening to the media on this. He gets crushed on a sack and the linemen don't help him up, he sits by himself on the bench offset from team. It looks like a bad scenario there.
yea i dont really see a whole lot positive in that article from Cooley. RG3 could be a good guy or whatever but with an option looming and the way he has played I'd take my chances with McCoy
I remember when he started off hot he just seemed like a cool down to earth dude. Real easy to root for. Now this. Seems like he has a way of making people hate him, thats for sure.

As far as the coaches go, the Gruden-RG3 pairing was about as dumb as they could have possibly donej from the start. I don't know how much I blame RG3 for this shit. Hes been hung out to dry with this West Coast offense nonsense. Coaches should modify their systems based on teh players they have, the player can't change his skillset

What a a silly statement. The guy is supposed to go away from the system he believes in and has helped him get where he is now for RG fucking 3-13? They didn't hire him to try to mask the QBs many shortcomings, they hired him to win football games. And btw it's much easier to just switch out the player than change the whole goddamn offensive system. Cmon Danny, your loyal Philly Fastbreak subscribers are expecting better analysis than that.

What a a silly statement. The guy is supposed to go away from the system he believes in and has helped him get where he is now for RG fucking 3-13? They didn't hire him to try to mask the QBs many shortcomings, they hired him to win football games. And btw it's much easier to just switch out the player than change the whole goddamn offensive system. Cmon Danny, your loyal Philly Fastbreak subscribers are expecting better analysis than that.

I agree. If 2 time fucking SB winner Eli can adjust to a change, Griffin sure as fuck can too.

What a a silly statement. The guy is supposed to go away from the system he believes in and has helped him get where he is now for RG fucking 3-13? They didn't hire him to try to mask the QBs many shortcomings, they hired him to win football games. And btw it's much easier to just switch out the player than change the whole goddamn offensive system. Cmon Danny, your loyal Philly Fastbreak subscribers are expecting better analysis than that.

Chip Kelly says this all the time man. He looks at the players he has on offense and then creates the best scheme that fits the skill sets.

However, The real problem was the hiring of Gruden anyway. He is not some offensive whiz, he has his West Coast thing and that's it. Not sure how they thought that would work with Griffin.
what is their opinion? I am not listening to the media on this. He gets crushed on a sack and the linemen don't help him up, he sits by himself on the bench offset from team. It looks like a bad scenario there.

That RG3 is a good kid. And yes, that was what I was referring to and not his play on the field. I think that should be separated in the equation. Knock his play on the field all you want this year, he's been terrible. I don't like the characters attacks though. He's certainly made some mistakes, but by most accounts he's a good kid that just talks too much in the media, which allows them to spin it in a negative light.

I do think there is some jealousy from his teammates because of his rookie year though. That is something that Fletcher has spoken out about. And I agree with Clown, RG is a very intelligent guy that is a religious person with a white wife. That certainly puts some people off.
Chip Kelly says this all the time man. He looks at the players he has on offense and then creates the best scheme that fits the skill sets.

However, The real problem was the hiring of Gruden anyway. He is not some offensive whiz, he has his West Coast thing and that's it. Not sure how they thought that would work with Griffin.

Grudens offense is not the issue at all, imo. I've went through every game with All-22 over the past 2 years. His play design is excellent, imo. RG3's problem is not trusting his reads/throws. He too afraid to make mistakes/throw interceptions. He has good arm strength and accuracy on throws, but he's too reluctant to make the difficult throws that need to be made. There isn't going to be a guy running free on every play and that is what RG is looking for; a wide open guy. Something in his mentality changed after the knee injury and has caused him to go into a shell on the football field.

I will certainly be a RG fanboy in terms of his character; there isn't a player that fights harder than him on the field. But, I cannot defend his play from this year. I just don't know that Washington is the place for him because he's takes criticism too harshly and Washington fans always hate the starting QB. I do believe he would be successful playing for someone like Andy Reid if he can clear his head and get away from the distractions.
Not a chance

This. I think they stick with Sanchize as the named starter and try to find someone in the 2nd or 3rd round that they can groom. i actually think the Skins will keep Bob around another season just because of all the assets they gave up in that horrible trade. They will try to squeeze any value out of him that they can.
This. I think they stick with Sanchize as the named starter and try to find someone in the 2nd or 3rd round that they can groom. i actually think the Skins will keep Bob around another season just because of all the assets they gave up in that horrible trade. They will try to squeeze any value out of him that they can.

I mean I guess I could see a desperate bottom feeder team wanting to get him and get lucky that he can play. But the eagles lol. No chance
Rg3 can't read a defense, looks like a sitting duck in the pocket. Just a terrible qb. Cut n dry
Yall see who the Rammers sent out as captains for the coin toss?

LOL, I didnt notice it from the blasting the got ala Kitty vs Saints haha


It was all the picks they got from the RG3-13 trade(my first 3-13 post, that has been funny)

Either way, I thought that was a bit cock lol
Why talk about a below avg qb?
But seriously, fuck Daniel Synder. The coaching staff and front office want to move on but the owner won't let them.. Wish they had the balls to say fuck u Danny and quit.
He hasnt been the same since his rookie year in the playoffs injury...it sucks cause he lit it up that year and was fun to watch.

But when your team mates know the 2nd and 3rd QB are better than you, ...
He was a solid QB but one I never would of drafted because he was always susceptible to injury.
ill be the one to say it....the books not written on him. let him find a coach or an OC who actually wants him and wants to try to utilize him. still think he can have success.
Gonna be awesome when Chip trots out an offensive line and former QBs at every skill position
He tore the NCAA apart on athletic ability. Guys like him can get by on that alone for a little bit before the league and the coordinators catch up. (Mike Vick Eagles anyone?). That's all that happened, he got away with it for a while till everyone caught up. He is a very average quarterback with above average athletic ability. His body and his game were not meant for the NFL.
I heard someone mention Eagles. Is Chip a miracle worker or something?

My biggest problem with this as an Eagles fan is the very realistic possibility of Bradford getting hurt AND then RG3 getting hurt. I am OK rolling the dice with Bradford but I wouldn't want two guys who are so injury prone on the same team
I clearly remember his first game week 1 at New Orleans. He won straight up as a 10 point dog.

I hope he gets a fresh start somewhere else. Redskins coaching staff is a joke. They ruined this kid.
Skins may be more fucked up than the Browns, if possible. (And the Browns were the other team trying to get him on draft day.)

I'd buy low on RGIII's career going forward sooner than I would Johnny's.
Alecko Eskandarian ✔@alecko11
I have just read that the neurologist involved in the RG3 concussion fiasco is Dr. Kurtzke...
11:05 AM - 5 Sep 2015

Alecko Eskandarian @alecko11
I cannot tell you how much pent up anger I have towards this man, as he is the same doc who nearly caused me brain damage and maybe worse...
11:06 AM - 5 Sep 2015

Alecko Eskandarian ✔@alecko11
10 years ago when I suffered a Grade 3 concussion that took me a year to recover from, Dr. Kurtzke suggested to "just keep taking Tylenol".
11:08 AM - 5 Sep 2015

Alecko Eskandarian ✔@alecko11
The fact that this quack still works w/ high profiled athletes is A JOKE. This man put my life at risk and is a name I will never forget.
11:11 AM - 5 Sep 2015

Alecko Eskandarian ✔@alecko11
When I explained that taking painkillers and continuing to play w/ bad symptoms didn't seem smart, he asked me who the doctor was...
11:45 AM - 5 Sep 2015

Alecko Eskandarian ✔@alecko11
I've never had a doctor be so condescending while spewing BS. But I wanted to play, and he told me I was fine to play. So I played...
11:50 AM - 5 Sep 2015

Alecko Eskandarian ✔@alecko11
After practice that week my headaches + pressure in my head got so bad, I swerved behind the wheel + had to pull over. I knew I wasn't OK...
11:52 AM - 5 Sep 2015

Alecko Eskandarian ✔@alecko11
Anyone that has followed me on social media knows I HATE talking about my struggle w/ this. But reading this man's name just hit a nerve...
11:57 AM - 5 Sep 2015

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