RG 3 or Kirk Cousins

if you would like to make a wager with me on quarterbacks of the future, i would be glad to if you wanna just be a sarcastic twat then that is fine too.

obviously i am not a scout or a gm or anybody with any significance at all in terms of what i think, but i do have a good history of evaluating qbs. sure i am wrong sometimes. i still dont think i am WRONG about rg3, he just cant stay on the field. also at least jgalt rips my opinions but then provides his own. what substance have you added to either conversation?

yes i will wager whatever you want.. I think I can evaluate Qb's better all day
dollaz are you a skins fan? just wondering. i agree with a lot of what you said, just not that the trade is defendable. but your points about rg3 are accurate. just wondering if htat is your home team

"Homer" is a better word to describe Dollaz. Him and Silky have the adult sized Hog footie pajamas.
"Homer" is a better word to describe Dollaz. Him and Silky have the adult sized Hog footie pajamas.

What team are you a fan of, btw?

I have posted the numbers of the 2 QBS and want nothing less than Cousins being an all pro QB this year. I just believe he is too limited to be that.
he also makes poor decisions and seems to be drinking his own cool aid. I don't dislike him, I just don't think hes a finished product as a qb, and if he thinks he is and stops learning and evolving, then its going to be an issue.
there we go, we agree here. I posted in what have you learned wk 2 about kaep.
What team are you a fan of, btw?

The fact that you don't know is very reassuring to me. Lets me know than I'm levelheaded in my fandom.

Also I don't believe for a second that you're rooting for Cousins. I know so many Skins fans who actively dislike the guy from being so invested in Team RGIII from Day 1. You guys have planted your flag, gonna stick it out forever.
I'm reassured every draft, every season, it's got to be a slam dunk P. Manning or Andrew Luck to draft a QB high, no matter your QB situation. It's a minefield, and teams find their quarterbacks up and down the draft. Look at this Hoyer. He didn't have a lot around him yesterday in the playmaker department. Tate's out, Cameron's out, Gordon's out. Receivers are midgets. Rookie coach, rookie backs. No turnovers and a hell of a drive at the end including a 4th-and-7 bullet. I mean, he's the guy right now. When he plays he wins.
I'm reassured every draft, every season, it's got to be a slam dunk P. Manning or Andrew Luck to draft a QB high, no matter your QB situation. It's a minefield, and teams find their quarterbacks up and down the draft. Look at this Hoyer. He didn't have a lot around him yesterday in the playmaker department. Tate's out, Cameron's out, Gordon's out. Receivers are midgets. Rookie coach, rookie backs. No turnovers and a hell of a drive at the end including a 4th-and-7 bullet. I mean, he's the guy right now. When he plays he wins.

Every year guys are overhyped. The next elite pro QB in my opinion is Hackenburg.
I'm reassured every draft, every season, it's got to be a slam dunk P. Manning or Andrew Luck to draft a QB high, no matter your QB situation. It's a minefield, and teams find their quarterbacks up and down the draft. Look at this Hoyer. He didn't have a lot around him yesterday in the playmaker department. Tate's out, Cameron's out, Gordon's out. Receivers are midgets. Rookie coach, rookie backs. No turnovers and a hell of a drive at the end including a 4th-and-7 bullet. I mean, he's the guy right now. When he plays he wins.

crazy what hindsight does to ppl. Peyton is often used as an example of a "sure thing" but there were plenty of teams what would have gone Leaf over Manning that year.
I'm reassured every draft, every season, it's got to be a slam dunk P. Manning or Andrew Luck to draft a QB high, no matter your QB situation. It's a minefield, and teams find their quarterbacks up and down the draft. Look at this Hoyer. He didn't have a lot around him yesterday in the playmaker department. Tate's out, Cameron's out, Gordon's out. Receivers are midgets. Rookie coach, rookie backs. No turnovers and a hell of a drive at the end including a 4th-and-7 bullet. I mean, he's the guy right now. When he plays he wins.

Its funny to me, you either post totally crazy stuff in GD or Ohio State threads and then you go and post something like this and totally redeem yourself.

I'm reassured every draft, every season, it's got to be a slam dunk P. Manning or Andrew Luck to draft a QB high, no matter your QB situation. It's a minefield, and teams find their quarterbacks up and down the draft. Look at this Hoyer. He didn't have a lot around him yesterday in the playmaker department. Tate's out, Cameron's out, Gordon's out. Receivers are midgets. Rookie coach, rookie backs. No turnovers and a hell of a drive at the end including a 4th-and-7 bullet. I mean, he's the guy right now. When he plays he wins.
lol you guys are in love with him cause he is hometown boy.
was a nice win yesterday
crazy what hindsight does to ppl. Peyton is often used as an example of a "sure thing" but there were plenty of teams what would have gone Leaf over Manning that year.

I do remember that, but Manning was going one or two, the Colts definitely knew who they wanted, and I think most teams would have settled on Manning in that spot. You're right though, Leaf was highly thought of, obviously.
Hoyer's a perfectly competent starting qb. Not a star. If you draft a guy in rd 1 its bc you want a star. I like Hoyer, but will he ever play in a SB? Same with Cousins...these guys wont be crappy and embarass themselves or the team, but they are not GUYS. They are fine. If that is ok with you, sure. If I were a cleveland fan i would be THRILLED with how hes played not just yesterday but last year as well. theyre gonna beat balty next week too. but when you take a guy in rd 1 its bc you think he could be something special
I do remember that, but Manning was going one or two, the Colts definitely knew who they wanted, and I think most teams would have settled on Manning in that spot. You're right though, Leaf was highly thought of, obviously.

im huge on character. i would have gone with peyton for that reason. everyone knew leaf was the douchebag brash piece of shit, and ultimately i believe that is why he didnt work out.

i want the guy who just wants to be great and is going to spend hours in his room studying the playbook and in the video room watching tape.

if you can get the rare combination of guy with great talent who is also the video room fiend, then you have yourself a guy you take in rd 1
lol you guys are in love with him cause he is hometown boy.
was a nice win yesterday

No, it's pretty weird. Young people want Johnny. Still do. I sat in the Pound yesterday. I saw no Hoyer jerseys, not a single one. Hundreds of Manziels.
Hoyer's a perfectly competent starting qb. Not a star. If you draft a guy in rd 1 its bc you want a star. I like Hoyer, but will he ever play in a SB? Same with Cousins...these guys wont be crappy and embarass themselves or the team, but they are not GUYS. They are fine. If that is ok with you, sure. If I were a cleveland fan i would be THRILLED with how hes played not just yesterday but last year as well. theyre gonna beat balty next week too. but when you take a guy in rd 1 its bc you think he could be something special

You see, who knows if Hoyer will play in a Super Bowl. Probably not, he's on the Browns, and he's Hoyer. It's just that there are a lot of ways to skin the Super Bowl cat, it's a team game. We learned it just last season. Don't turn it over, get your D off the field, win. Also zero evidence that Manziel is a better NFL quarterback than Hoyer, little bit of evidence to the contrary, so play the guy with the winning record.
As a previous poster alluded to Cousins sample size comes from a period when the whole team mailed it in last year. Go back to 2012 when the Skins needed to win out. Griffin gets hurt against Baltimore and trailing 28-20 to Baltimore as a rookie he brings them back in the final minute converts 2pt\er wins in OT then goes to Cleveland and dices them up. Then they turned back to Griffin. He shows hes got poise,the stage doesn't get too big for him and Ive seen him hit wrs running down the field where he has to fit it over the lb and btw the safety. I just think players have more defined roles with him at QB whereas Griffin offers(ed) the ability to extend plays when they breakdown and make something big happen. It remains to be seen whether rg3 still has that elusiveness.
If RGIII gets any more hurt, he's going to have to become a pocket passer or be out of the league, right? He's a young guy, but he seems to be busting bones and shredding ligaments at an alarming pace. I think he can do it, not sure what Galtie thinks. Didn't he lead the league in completion %, how the fuck did that happen?
He has to adjust his game for sure. I personally think that takes away what is best about him and he is a below average pocket QB and certainly not as good as Cousins (even the Junkies and other homer sports talk radio guys were admitting this much this morning, Dollaz would probably be the only one to disagree with this). I told Urda and others when he got drafted; he just is not durable enough to play the style he wants to play in the NFL. Nothing is going to change this, especially not at this point.

He had a great completion % his rookie year because he a) didn't throw the ball that much and b) defenses had not yet adjusted to that spread option they ran that year, they overcompensated to stop him and Morris from running and opened up the passing game for him.
As a previous poster alluded to Cousins sample size comes from a period when the whole team mailed it in last year. Go back to 2012 when the Skins needed to win out. Griffin gets hurt against Baltimore and trailing 28-20 to Baltimore as a rookie he brings them back in the final minute converts 2pt\er wins in OT then goes to Cleveland and dices them up. Then they turned back to Griffin. He shows hes got poise,the stage doesn't get too big for him and Ive seen him hit wrs running down the field where he has to fit it over the lb and btw the safety. I just think players have more defined roles with him at QB whereas Griffin offers(ed) the ability to extend plays when they breakdown and make something big happen. It remains to be seen whether rg3 still has that elusiveness.

Just to be accurate, RG3 got hurt while driving down the field against Baltimore. Cousins threw 2 passes for 20 yards to score the TD. In OT, punt returner returns first Balty punt into FG range and we do a couple runs and kick game winning FG.

I don't completely excuse Cousins from last year, but I do think there might be some validity to the team quiting after Shanny quit on the team. But, Cousins in the Meadowlands looked like he had nothing on the throws and that concerns me.
If RGIII gets any more hurt, he's going to have to become a pocket passer or be out of the league, right? He's a young guy, but he seems to be busting bones and shredding ligaments at an alarming pace. I think he can do it, not sure what Galtie thinks. Didn't he lead the league in completion %, how the fuck did that happen?

That's part of the problem though. He's not getting hurt running the ball. He's gotten hurt when the rush has forced him out of the pocket or in this case, a designed bootleg.

RG3 with an injured leg last year stayed in the pocket and completed 60% of his passes with a 16/12 td-int ratio. He has very good accuracy and arm strength for a QB. His problem is that he holds on to the ball to long waiting to make the big play. He needs to work on making reads and getting the ball out sooner (which is what he did vs. Houston). He tries to score a TD every play and needs to learn to live another day.

The next 4-8 weeks that Cousins is in will tell us a lot, but I don't see how Cousins is a better QB. Even last year when RG was forced to be a pocket QB, his numbers were much better than Cousins has shown for his career. But, both are in their 3rd year and sometimes guys makes the jump so I'm hoping that's the case for Cousins though it will make it even that more annoying to follow the Redskins and their yearly QB controversies that have lasted 35 years.
And I do remember being disappointed about not getting RGIII for all my draft picks. That's why I sit in the stands. (I could run the Indians though.)
That's part of the problem though. He's not getting hurt running the ball. He's gotten hurt when the rush has forced him out of the pocket or in this case, a designed bootleg.

RG3 with an injured leg last year stayed in the pocket and completed 60% of his passes with a 16/12 td-int ratio. He has very good accuracy and arm strength for a QB. His problem is that he holds on to the ball to long waiting to make the big play. He needs to work on making reads and getting the ball out sooner (which is what he did vs. Houston). He tries to score a TD every play and needs to learn to live another day.

The next 4-8 weeks that Cousins is in will tell us a lot, but I don't see how Cousins is a better QB. Even last year when RG was forced to be a pocket QB, his numbers were much better than Cousins has shown for his career. But, both are in their 3rd year and sometimes guys makes the jump so I'm hoping that's the case for Cousins though it will make it even that more annoying to follow the Redskins and their yearly QB controversies that have lasted 35 years.

lol, those QB controversies are more than half the teams, check in on Cleveland. I know what you're talking about though. I was in school in VA in the 80's, the Skins were winning games, Super Bowls, and Rypien or Schroeder was always looking over the shoulder.
lol, those QB controversies are more than half the teams, check in on Cleveland. I know what you're talking about though. I was in school in VA in the 80's, the Skins were winning games, Super Bowls, and Rypien or Schroeder was always looking over the shoulder.

Theisman, Doug WIlliams, Brunell, Trent Green, Jeff George, Health Shuler/Gus Frerotte.....there are QB controversies every damn year.
It ain't much but Monday fodder to me. When healthy RGIII is on the cusp of becoming elite. When healthy Kirk Cousins is a decent starter. Problem is RGIII seemingly is made of balsa wood.

With Cousins you need a better team surrounding him. You're not going to ask Kirk to win a game for you nor should you expect it, but you do & will with RGIII.

the problem becomes everyone standing around awaiting RGIII to be superman & not doing it themselves. With Kirk they all know they must step up more because you don't have a guy back there that can singlehandedly change the game.

No bad words for Kirk he's solid & with a good team around him he can win.

but Shanny looks brilliant in hindsight for taking him now.
Cousins plays well the next few weeks and we have a rare QB controversy in DC.
Good read lads,would of been a bit more spicy I suppose if you knew where Galties heart lies (Im suprised you dont
And fans of the Washington Foreskins, Washington Capitals, and Old Dominion University should not be casting aspersions at America's Premier Public Institution of Higher Learning. Let's have some respect and know our roles in here, kids.
And fans of the Washington Foreskins, Washington Capitals, and Old Dominion University should not be casting aspersions at America's Premier Public Institution of Higher Learning. Let's have some respect and know our roles in here, kids.

Is that necktie a little too tight around your neck?
I won't defend the ties at football games thing. I never participated and thought it was extremely douchey.

After some consideration, I'd also like to remove ODU from the list above. I have nothing against them and really liked their basketball teams from a few years back that would dominate the glass and get up and down the floor. What I said about the Skins and Caps stands, however, 2 shit organizations right there.
I won't defend the ties at football games thing. I never participated and thought it was extremely douchey.

Defend the Pergola and the swaying

Also please defend wine and cheese over beer and wings at a tailgate
I won't defend the ties at football games thing. I never participated and thought it was extremely douchey.

After some consideration, I'd also like to remove ODU from the list above. I have nothing against them and really liked their basketball teams from a few years back that would dominate the glass and get up and down the floor. What I said about the Skins and Caps stands, however, 2 shit organizations right there.

I can't help who I root for. Some of us are built to root for the home team.

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The wine and cheese is bullshit, it's a made up thing to poke fun at the snobbery of the university.

Pergola is part of the schools obsession with columns, which goes back to Jefferson, and the swaying is another dorky tradition that someone invented to ruin the Good Ol Song.

dont make me get started on Clempson, though, Dwight, this thread will turn into a 100 page affair. I have a truckload of kissing cousin and confederate flag carrying jokes teed up and ready for your country ass.