Ray Rice new video

Just seems the public pressure will be too much for him to stay in the position.

He did make a major blunder not trying harder to view the tape( if we are to believe him). One that a guy in his position should not make. People in these types of positions have to be nearly perfect in every way they run the business, it's why they make millions of dollars
People won't forget this because it was on video. If there was no video I actually doubt this would be much of a story and even the 2 game suspension wouldn't have gotten much play. As of now, Goodell creates a bad image for the league. People will bring this up everytime they want to say something about him. Or everytime someone gets suspended and someone think it's unfair "but goodell only gave rice 2 games". We've already heard all summer. With the Gordon suspension that was the constant comparison. This won't be forgotten so easily. He's already being portrayed as someone that's ok with men beating women.

In terms of money we like to think this sport is going nowhere, but according to NBC news 45% of the fans in the league are women. How many of those women are just watching or going to game with husbands? Idk. But when the commisioner of the NFL makes it looks like he doesn't give a shit about supposedly 45% of the fans, it won't bode well.
It's a credibility issue now. How does anyone trust him? any decision he hands down now will be questioned & by proxy the league. It's bad business to keep a person that has treated it's customers as fools as it's authority
Public image is important though, and all the lying doesn't bode well for whatever it is he's trying to hide and protect. And fickle and wishy washy is a great way to describe the way they implement punishment in this league.
Public image is just lip service though. I mean, how many times have you heard "I'm never watching such and such sport again" after a work stoppage, and yet people always come back. Like teeed said, a few weeks from now, hardly anyone will even care (pretty much the same scenario we were in up until a few days ago).

And while we're on the subject, where's the backlash against John Harbaugh? Seeing Rice hit his wife as opposed to just assuming Rice hit his wife means he's not a "great guy" anymore? WTF?
because its not a coverup, its internal business, they aren't a public entity or publicly traded, they aren't lying to shareholders

companies lie to customers all the time

they can lie all they want, would I prefer if they don't of course, but it's their business

this isn't the government, they dont need to fulfill public trust
Big difference between lying to fans and lying to the owners. He works for the owners. He is paid extremely well. If sponsors get nervous, the owners may get nervous.....goodbye Roger.
Big difference between lying to fans and lying to the owners. He works for the owners. He is paid extremely well. If sponsors get nervous, the owners may get nervous.....goodbye Roger.

if the owners dont know everything he knew, he gets fired anyway
because its not a coverup, its internal business, they aren't a public entity or publicly traded, they aren't lying to shareholders

companies lie to customers all the time

they can lie all they want, would I prefer if they don't of course, but it's their business

this isn't the government, they dont need to fulfill public trust

His is job is to expand the brand. he can't do that if everyone thinks he's full of shit. just because it's not a public company doesn't disqualify the possibility of a cover up happening. I think we're using different definitions of cover up.
will go away in a few weeks, they won't lose any sponsors they can't more than make up for

if they feel like they are being lied to or made to look dumb by this, that's when they fire him, these are not guys who would understand being left in the dark
His is job is to expand the brand. he can't do that if everyone thinks he's full of shit. just because it's not a public company doesn't disqualify the possibility of a cover up happening. I think we're using different definitions of cover up.

ya I think it's just that, I consider it to be position of authority lying to the public

government, police, military, etc.
will go away in a few weeks, they won't lose any sponsors they can't more than make up for

if they feel like they are being lied to or made to look dumb by this, that's when they fire him, these are not guys who would understand being left in the dark

Well John Mara, owner of the Giants, released a statement earlier today before the AP report that stated he stood by Goddell but that was based on him not seeing the video. SO if the AP report is true than he did lie to the owners.


"My understanding is that the League and the Ravens made repeated requests to obtain the video of the Ray Rice incident and were denied each time. The notion that the League should have gone around law enforcement to obtain the video is, in my opinion, misguided, as is the notion that the Commissioner's job is now in jeopardy. The video is appalling, and I believe that the team and the League took appropriate action after they finally had the opportunity to view it.
NFL spokesman says "we have no knowledge of this." Restates no one to their knowledge possessed or saw the vid. "We will look into it."
it seems weird to me they would keep digging a bigger hole at this point...

flat out denial would be just that unless it can be proven they received/viewed tape
But according to the AP report there is a voicemail received from an NFL office phone number that confirms receipt of the video and stated "it's terrible" indicated that someone in the office saw the video.
it seems weird to me they would keep digging a bigger hole at this point...

flat out denial would be just that unless it can be proven they received/viewed tape
They'll just find some lower level official to be the fall guy, I would assume...
Not sure why Roger would go through all this and risk his career over Ray Rice. I get protecting the brand and all, but he is an extremely bright guy. You dont get to a salary of 44 mil a year through luck.
Yeah the worst thing for him at this point is to blame someone else, everyone's already expecting that
Seems to me that a resignation will be coming soon.

Maybe he has a chance if they are able to refute the AP story, but then he still is dealing with the issue as to why he did not pursue the tape harder.

If they did receive the tape and he didn't know it or receive it then it just looks like it was a lower priority item for him ( looks real bad).
Bob Costas probably said it right

if there is evidence he saw it, hes done

plausible deniability keeps him safe, he takes a huge hit, but he is safe
They just showed on TV slow motion of the video and you clearly see Ray Rice spit on her not once, but twice. So not only did he instigate the fight he knocks her out. SMH.
<iframe width="854" height="510" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/JcbQsTzi-WI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

really, what part? unless it was the parts that were cut out?
seems cut from what i saw here

maybe i am on crack, but was that tape cut twice?
Yeah, that video was cut...

What more did he say that you thought he dropped the ball?
i was about to sleep. He seemed to just really really fumble the conversation....like about to say something and caught himself a few times

again if one saw the whole deal, i think it would be clear

he didnt say anything crazy.....just...not the best
Bob Costas probably said it right

if there is evidence he saw it, hes done

plausible deniability keeps him safe, he takes a huge hit, but he is safe

Thats fine Bob, but will players be able to use plausible deniability?
Other commissioners suspend players; Goodell releases open letters to them, publicly rebuking them. His Saints bounty investigation was another big show, and so was the line that haunts him in the league today: “Ignorance is not an excuse.” That is what he told Saints general manager Mickey Loomis and coach Sean Payton. He said they were responsible for knowing everything that happened in their locker room. Why doesn’t that apply to Goodell?
Our country is all about cronyism.

[h=1]Uneven playing field? Judge, prosecutor who let Ray Rice walk toss book at single mom[/h]
Shaneen Allen, 27, faces more than three years in prison if convicted after she mistakenly entered New Jersey, where she was stopped for a traffic violation and found in possession of a handgun loaded with hollow-point bullets. (Courtesy: Evan Nappen)

EXCLUSIVE: Shaneen Allen wants to know what makes her so different from Ray Rice.
Allen, a 27-year-old Philadelphia mother who says she mistakenly entered New Jersey with a handgun legally registered in her state, was not accepted into a pre-trial intervention program, unlike the former Baltimore Ravens running back who was caught on an elevator surveillance camera punching his then-fiancée and current wife. The disparate decisions, made by the same prosecutor and approved by the same judge, leave Allen facing more than three years in prison and Rice free, though disgraced.
Atlantic County prosecutor Jim McClain recommended Rice for the program in May, months after denying the single mother's application. And Superior Court Judge Michael Donio, who signed off on the agreement that spared Rice jail time, denied a motion by Allen's attorney to force McClain to reconsider.
"What makes Ray Rice so different from me that I couldn’t be accepted by the same prosecutor and judge? Is it that he ‘was’ a pro athlete but I’m a single mother of 2?”​
“That’s not justice for me or my children,” Allen, a single mom of two sons, Niaire, 10, and Sincere, 3, told FoxNews.com. “What makes Ray Rice so different from me that I couldn’t be accepted by the same prosecutor and judge? Is it that he was a pro athlete but I’m a single mother of two?”
Jay McKeen, public information officer for the Atlantic County prosecutor’s office, said McClain’s position on Rice’s case has been clearly stated in previous court filings and press releases.
“We have no comment beyond that,” McKeen told FoxNews.com early Wednesday. “Neither do we have comment on the conflation of the two cases.”
McClain announced Rice’s acceptance into the program for first-time offenders — similar to probation in that it avoids incarceration and requires certain conditions be met — on May 20, saying the decision was made after “careful consideration” of all facts surrounding the case.
“After considering all relevant information in light of applicable law, it was determined that this was the appropriate decision,” McClain said in a statement.
McKeen declined to indicate whether prosecutors made that decision prior to seeing the elevator surveillance tape released on Monday clearly showed Rice — who has since been indefinitely suspended by the NFL — striking Janay Palmer in the Revel Casino Hotel in Atlantic City. The couple has since married.
The president of New Jersey’s state Senate is now calling for a review of the decision to allow Rice into the program and at least one New York-based attorney with knowledge of New Jersey’s “Draconian” gun laws said the comparison between the cases is a valid one.
“She is being strong and she’s proven to be a survivor, but to have her go through this is outrageous,” Allen's attorney, Evan Nappen, told FoxNews.com. “It does raise dubious questions about [the PTI program]. It just makes you shake your head.”
Allen, who is legally permitted to carry a concealed firearm in Pennsylvania, was pulled over in New Jersey's Atlantic County after making an unsafe lane change in the early morning hours of Oct. 1. She told the officer she had a .380 Bersa Thunder handgun during the traffic stop.
Allen last month rejected McClain's offer to serve 3 ½ years in prison. Nappen said Allen was not denied entry into the program due to her gun charges. Many prosecutors in the state allow individuals like Allen to participate in the program or choose not to prosecute similar suspects altogether, he said.
“The prosecutor has the discretion,” he said. “That’s the bottom line. So pretrial intervention is absolutely something this prosecutor could have done for Shaneen but did not and chose to do so for Ray Rice.”
Attorney Mark Bederow said the comparison between Allen and Rice is a valid one.
“We’ve heard them say that this is standard operating procedure and if that’s the case, then this program is in crisis," he told FoxNews.com Wednesday.
Bederow said he found it “mind-boggling” that Allen, who has since lost her job as a medical technician, faces at least 3 ½ years behind bars if convicted yet Rice remains free, albeit without a current employer. Rice, also 27, has lost several endorsement deals after the video surfaced online, including pacts with Nike and M&T Bank.
“There isn’t a reasonable person in America who would literally say that this woman deserves to be in prison and Ray Rice should be free,” he said. “I think they’re going to have a credibility issue … It’s a ludicrous scenario.”
Bederow said the case reminded him of a 2011 case in which a Florida man was found not guilty for driving into New York City with an unloaded gun that was legal in his hometown. Jonathan Ryan, then 29, reportedly won over a jury thanks to his “Southern charm,” something Allen’s attorney hopes she can emulate come next month when her trial is scheduled to start on Oct. 6.
2 NFL owners involved in the special investigation. that shit don't sound independent from here.

Wonder what the timeframe on this is? Goddell is probably hoping it takes at least a couple of weeks and maybe the story dies down by then.
Our country is all about cronyism.

Uneven playing field? Judge, prosecutor who let Ray Rice walk toss book at single mom

Shaneen Allen, 27, faces more than three years in prison if convicted after she mistakenly entered New Jersey, where she was stopped for a traffic violation and found in possession of a handgun loaded with hollow-point bullets. (Courtesy: Evan Nappen)

EXCLUSIVE: Shaneen Allen wants to know what makes her so different from Ray Rice.
Allen, a 27-year-old Philadelphia mother who says she mistakenly entered New Jersey with a handgun legally registered in her state, was not accepted into a pre-trial intervention program, unlike the former Baltimore Ravens running back who was caught on an elevator surveillance camera punching his then-fiancée and current wife. The disparate decisions, made by the same prosecutor and approved by the same judge, leave Allen facing more than three years in prison and Rice free, though disgraced.
Atlantic County prosecutor Jim McClain recommended Rice for the program in May, months after denying the single mother's application. And Superior Court Judge Michael Donio, who signed off on the agreement that spared Rice jail time, denied a motion by Allen's attorney to force McClain to reconsider.
"What makes Ray Rice so different from me that I couldn’t be accepted by the same prosecutor and judge? Is it that he ‘was’ a pro athlete but I’m a single mother of 2?”​
“That’s not justice for me or my children,” Allen, a single mom of two sons, Niaire, 10, and Sincere, 3, told FoxNews.com. “What makes Ray Rice so different from me that I couldn’t be accepted by the same prosecutor and judge? Is it that he was a pro athlete but I’m a single mother of two?”
Jay McKeen, public information officer for the Atlantic County prosecutor’s office, said McClain’s position on Rice’s case has been clearly stated in previous court filings and press releases.
“We have no comment beyond that,” McKeen told FoxNews.com early Wednesday. “Neither do we have comment on the conflation of the two cases.”
McClain announced Rice’s acceptance into the program for first-time offenders — similar to probation in that it avoids incarceration and requires certain conditions be met — on May 20, saying the decision was made after “careful consideration” of all facts surrounding the case.
“After considering all relevant information in light of applicable law, it was determined that this was the appropriate decision,” McClain said in a statement.
McKeen declined to indicate whether prosecutors made that decision prior to seeing the elevator surveillance tape released on Monday clearly showed Rice — who has since been indefinitely suspended by the NFL — striking Janay Palmer in the Revel Casino Hotel in Atlantic City. The couple has since married.
The president of New Jersey’s state Senate is now calling for a review of the decision to allow Rice into the program and at least one New York-based attorney with knowledge of New Jersey’s “Draconian” gun laws said the comparison between the cases is a valid one.
“She is being strong and she’s proven to be a survivor, but to have her go through this is outrageous,” Allen's attorney, Evan Nappen, told FoxNews.com. “It does raise dubious questions about [the PTI program]. It just makes you shake your head.”
Allen, who is legally permitted to carry a concealed firearm in Pennsylvania, was pulled over in New Jersey's Atlantic County after making an unsafe lane change in the early morning hours of Oct. 1. She told the officer she had a .380 Bersa Thunder handgun during the traffic stop.
Allen last month rejected McClain's offer to serve 3 ½ years in prison. Nappen said Allen was not denied entry into the program due to her gun charges. Many prosecutors in the state allow individuals like Allen to participate in the program or choose not to prosecute similar suspects altogether, he said.
“The prosecutor has the discretion,” he said. “That’s the bottom line. So pretrial intervention is absolutely something this prosecutor could have done for Shaneen but did not and chose to do so for Ray Rice.”
Attorney Mark Bederow said the comparison between Allen and Rice is a valid one.
“We’ve heard them say that this is standard operating procedure and if that’s the case, then this program is in crisis," he told FoxNews.com Wednesday.
Bederow said he found it “mind-boggling” that Allen, who has since lost her job as a medical technician, faces at least 3 ½ years behind bars if convicted yet Rice remains free, albeit without a current employer. Rice, also 27, has lost several endorsement deals after the video surfaced online, including pacts with Nike and M&T Bank.
“There isn’t a reasonable person in America who would literally say that this woman deserves to be in prison and Ray Rice should be free,” he said. “I think they’re going to have a credibility issue … It’s a ludicrous scenario.”
Bederow said the case reminded him of a 2011 case in which a Florida man was found not guilty for driving into New York City with an unloaded gun that was legal in his hometown. Jonathan Ryan, then 29, reportedly won over a jury thanks to his “Southern charm,” something Allen’s attorney hopes she can emulate come next month when her trial is scheduled to start on Oct. 6.

justice in America usually favors those with money.
initially Ray Rice even said publically that he struck his fiance' in the elavator, but because there was no video evidence at the moment of this, he only got the 2 games.
guy even owned up to hitting her and they still dropped the ball
Why does the world suddenly want Goodell's head on a stick because Ray Rice likes to belt his fiancé/wife in the mouth, several weeks after we already found out Ray Rice likes to belt his fiancé/wife in the mouth? The media - all of it, TV, radio, social media, whatever print media is left - it's so fucking loud now. It's bizarro world. It's like the heat's now off Rice, and now on Goodell … and after Goodell did what everyone screamed about wanting done in the first place. All over whether or not he saw the fucking video or not. Who cares? What did the new video tell you that you didn't already know?

Goodell must really, really hate Ray Rice right about now.
Other commissioners suspend players; Goodell releases open letters to them, publicly rebuking them. His Saints bounty investigation was another big show, and so was the line that haunts him in the league today: “Ignorance is not an excuse.” That is what he told Saints general manager Mickey Loomis and coach Sean Payton. He said they were responsible for knowing everything that happened in their locker room. Why doesn’t that apply to Goodell?


someone mention this to him
truthfully I think everyone hates Goodell and this seems like a great and justifiable reason to get the owners to show him the door
Its become impossible to watch a "sports" broadcast, listen to radio etc...maybe its my age, but the constant need to villify, persecute, pontificate, moralize and talk is tiresome