Ray Rice new video

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really, what part? unless it was the parts that were cut out?
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — A law enforcement official says he sent a video of Ray Rice punching his then-fiancee to an NFL executive three months ago, while league officers have insisted they didn't see the violent images until this week.
The person played The Associated Press a 12-second voicemail from an NFL office number on April 9 confirming the video arrived. A female voice expresses thanks and says: "You're right. It's terrible."
The law enforcement official, speaking to the AP on condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation, says he had no further communication with any NFL employee and can't confirm anyone watched the video. The person said they were unauthorized to release the video but shared it unsolicited, because they wanted the NFL to have it before deciding on Rice's punishment.
The NFL has repeatedly said it asked for but could not obtain the video of Rice hitting Janay Palmer — who is now his wife — at an Atlantic City casino in February.
The league says it has no record of the video, and no one in the league office had seen it until TMZ released it. When asked about the voicemail Wednesday, NFL officials repeated their assertion that no league official had seen the video before Monday.
The person said he sent a DVD copy of the security camera video to an NFL office and included his contact information. He asked the AP not to release the name of the NFL executive, for fear that the information would identify the law enforcement official as the source.
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell initially suspended Rice for two games following the February incident, but the Ravens released Rice on Monday and the NFL suspended him indefinitely after the website TMZ released the video.
Goodell told CBS on Tuesday that "no one in the NFL, to my knowledge" had seen a new video of what happened on the elevator until it was posted online.
"We assumed that there was a video. We asked for video. But we were never granted that opportunity," Goodell said.
In a memo to the NFL's 32 teams on Wednesday, Goodell said that the league asked law enforcement for the video, but not the casino. "In the context of a criminal investigation, information obtained outside of law enforcement that has not been tested by prosecutors or by the court system is not necessarily a reliable basis for imposing league discipline," he wrote.
The video, shown to the AP on Monday, is slightly longer than the TMZ version, and includes some audio.
Rice and Janay Palmer — now Janay Rice — can be heard shouting obscenities at each other, and she appears to spit at Rice right before he throws a brutal punch. After she collapses, he drags her out of the elevator and is met by some hotel staff. One of them can be heard saying, "She's drunk, right?" And then, "No cops."
Rice had been charged with felony aggravated assault in the case, but in May he was accepted into a pretrial intervention program that allowed him to avoid jail time and could lead to the charge being purged from his record. A prominent New Jersey lawmaker called Tuesday for that decision to be reviewed.
Hours after portions of the video were made public by TMZ, Goodell suspended Rice indefinitely and Baltimore terminated his contract. He had originally been suspended for two games, and team officials had praised him for his apologies and actions after his arrest for aggravated assault.
Goodell and team officials said they were taking more severe action because of the violence in the video.
This could be the end of Goodell

The Associated Press@AP <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166); right: 15px;"> 1m</small>
MORE: Law enforcement official says he sent video of Ray Rice to NFL 3 months ago http://apne.ws/1tyfp7x

No idea how he stays on.
NFL getting blasted from all directions, someone has to take the hit.. Jones and Kraft working on his resignation letter and severance package..
Goodell told CBS on Tuesday that "no one in the NFL, to my knowledge" had seen a new video of what happened on the elevator until it was posted online.

This is the BS that Roger, and the NFL will try and stick to. The obvious next question to Roger and his cronies would then be....how could you not have known this if you're the one(s) in charge of the entire operation? Either you're lying, or it seems you're a bit incompetent....take your pick....either way you should be out of a job Roger.
Damn, this has turned into such a mess because of social media and how easy it is to hear about it.

Ray Rice...out about $20 million at least

Goodell...out about $40 million A YEAR!!!
Scott Isaacs@ScottIsaacs <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 3m</small>
Via ESPN, NFL statement on the AP bombshell that NFL had Ray Rice elevator video in April pic.twitter.com/JwjdGENADp #wcvb

Because they are making the rules up as they go along, looks bad all the way around

And now, Greg Hardy, is going to be subject to discipline under the new rules about domestic violence...even though his incident happened well before the rules were changed. I'm certainly not defending Greg Hardy, but you can't punish someone under the new rules that were put in place well after Hardy's incident took place. That's not how it works....unless, of course, you're just making up the rules as you go along. JFC with the NFL.
Scott Isaacs@ScottIsaacs <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 3m</small>
Via ESPN, NFL statement on the AP bombshell that NFL had Ray Rice elevator video in April pic.twitter.com/JwjdGENADp #wcvb


They just keep digging themselves a bigger hole it seems. First, they didn't get the tape...now there is apparent proof they did, backed up with voicemails and other evidence....so now their story is exactly what everyone thought it would be..."we had no knowledge of this." Like I said, either they are lying (which is seems like they clearly are), or they are completely incompetent and shouldn't occupy the positions they occupy for the NFL.
And now, Greg Hardy, is going to be subject to discipline under the new rules about domestic violence...even though his incident happened well before the rules were changed. I'm certainly not defending Greg Hardy, but you can't punish someone under the new rules that were put in place well after Hardy's incident took place. That's not how it works....unless, of course, you're just making up the rules as you go along. JFC with the NFL.

probably best for a separate thread on this subject but as a private entity (nfl) with 2 sides (owners and players unions) that negotiate a deal - aren't they allowed to make it up as they go along? Ya its sucky and SOL for Hardy but don't put yourself in that situation...
They just keep digging themselves a bigger hole it seems. First, they didn't get the tape...now there is apparent proof they did, backed up with voicemails and other evidence....so now their story is exactly what everyone thought it would be..."we had no knowledge of this." Like I said, either they are lying (which is seems like they clearly are), or they are completely incompetent and shouldn't occupy the positions they occupy for the NFL.

now not so sure Goodell steps down now (kinda protects himself) - by them releasing that denial it sets up for someone else to be the fall guy....
can see it now. October is breast cancer awareness month in the NFL. November will now become domestic violence awareness month.....
Gooddell is done. If you're going to release a statement saying nobody in the NFL has seen the tape, make sure it's accurate. He's going to say now that he had no knowledge that they received the tape but now it shows incompetence. How can you have a huge report and investigation on the Miami bully incident but not follow up thoroughly on this? He's covering up and lying. Time to go Gooddell.
He said " to my knowledge" which protects him to a degree( unless someone in the NFl front office outs him" but he is the head of the Nfl he needs to know about this stuff

Looks like he will probably be the fall guy, and it may be warranted , shows incompetence on his part at the very least
Considering Goddell is judge, jury and executioner when it comes to hanging out punishment to players, there is no way in hell that anyone in the league office had this video and it wasn't forwarded to him.
Next in the investigation is to see who's female voice that was and ask her who did you give the tape to and then go from there. I seriously doubt they can get a tape like that and hold it from Gooddell.
probably best for a separate thread on this subject but as a private entity (nfl) with 2 sides (owners and players unions) that negotiate a deal - aren't they allowed to make it up as they go along? Ya its sucky and SOL for Hardy but don't put yourself in that situation...

Right, I understand don't put yourself in that situation, and I said I wasn't sticking up for Hardy. Whether 2 sides negotiate a deal or not, they are changing the rules after the incident. Yes, they are allowed to make up the new rules as they go along...but you can't go back and retroactively punish guys based on the new rules.

What about Rice getting an indefinite ban, even though they just outlined new rules for domestic violence that states it's a 6 game suspension? Not to mention, Rice was already suspended before the new 6 game rule...so not only shouldn't he be subject to the 6 game ban, he most certainly shouldn't be suspended indefinitely. Again, these guys deserve pretty much everything that is coming to them because they are scum for doing what they did...but there has to be some sort of structure to the rules/punishment.
He said " to my knowledge" which protects him to a degree( unless someone in the NFl front office outs him" but he is the head of the Nfl he needs to know about this stuff

Looks like he will probably be the fall guy, and it may be warranted , shows incompetence on his part at the very least

Right, exactly my thoughts a few posts back. I just can't believe they are dumb enough to think everyone will fall for this BS. Especially because, as you and Lloyd both pointed out, he is the head of the NFL and plays judge, jury, executioner...there is no way that video made it to the NFL offices (after being requested by Roger in some way, as he's said himself), without Roger knowing about it.
Considering Goddell is judge, jury and executioner when it comes to hanging out punishment to players, there is no way in hell that anyone in the league office had this video and it wasn't forwarded to him.

Right, which makes me think he is lying. He seems like the type of guy who knows about and has his hands in everything
Just for laughs, Floyd Mayweather has made some comments on the NFL's handling of the Ray Rice incident...

Floyd Mayweather Jr. says he believes the NFL should have stuck with its original discipline of Ray Rice, saying the league was overly influenced by new video showing Rice knocking out his then-fiancee in an Atlantic City casino elevator.
The boxing superstar — who has had his own domestic abuse issues — said Tuesday he didn’t feel the original two-game suspension should be changed because of video.
“I think there’s a lot worse things that go on in other people’s households, also,” Mayweather said. “It’s just not caught on video, if that’s safe to say.”

Ummm, no Floyd, outside of your household, there aren't a lot worse things that go on in other people's households.
saw that Lareux, I'm like wtf this guy is giving his opinion? Hmmm hypocrite.

Well, he did go on to say this...

Mayweather said he has been falsely accused many times.

“Like I’ve said in the past, no bumps, no bruises, no nothing,” Mayweather said. “With O.J. and Nicole, you seen pictures. With Chris Brown and Rihanna, you seen pictures. With (Chad) Ochocinco and Evelyn, you seen pictures. You guys have yet to see any pictures of a battered woman, a woman who says she was kicked and beaten (by Mayweather). So I just live my life and try to stay positive, and try to become a better person each and every day.”

So, in his eyes, he isn't being a hypocrite because he's been falsely accused....you know what they say...."pictures or it didn't happen." Hahahahaha!!
The buck stops with Roger, regardless if he knew they had the tape, he's the man in charge, he should take the fall
@LostLettermen: Preview of next 48 hours of sports media: Calls for Ray Rice to be banned for life, Goodell to resign, stop watching NFL if you have a soul
why does Goodell need to be fired for this?

he works for a private group of owners

this isn't a coverup, he didnt break the law

this is just a bunch of pissy media
people are more mad at an NFL commish than at the DA who 100% saw the video and barely charged Rice

weird priorities
ya I get that, but to his 32 bosses I doubt very much that he they think that way

his job is to please them, not the public

I mean you can have better commissioner, Silver seems like he's gonna be good, but its like people forget their jobs

they work for the owners, not the sport or public interest
True teed that is his primary obligation . But he also has an obligation to the players fans, networks, and advertisers. At the very least it shows incompetence. Public pressure may lead some of these owners to shy away from support of him.

Sounds like from the DA that this is usually the protocol for a first time offender
ya I get that, but to his 32 bosses I doubt very much that he they think that way

his job is to please them, not the public

I mean you can have better commissioner, Silver seems like he's gonna be good, but its like people forget their jobs

they work for the owners, not the sport or public interest
and he helps make the owners a shitload of money. he ain't going anywhere...
He's created a bad public image for the NFL. He is essentially the public face of the company. Anyone can do that job and make money for the owners. You fire him for making the NFL look bad.
If I became the commissioner of the nfl tomorrow , would NFL owners stop making money? The game has grown on it's own with or without him. In fact a lot of fans think he has ruined the game in a lot of ways. He hasn't done anything for them that another person couldn't do the same way.
Wouldn't it be easier to just get rid of the "good guys" and just change the NFL name to NCL (National Criminals League) ?
and he helps make the owners a shitload of money. he ain't going anywhere...

Not saying he isn't very good for the owners, but it's not like there arent other people who can do just as good if not a better job them him.
If I became the commissioner of the nfl tomorrow , would NFL owners stop making money? The game has grown on it's own with or without him. In fact a lot of fans think he has ruined the game in a lot of ways. He hasn't done anything for them that another person couldn't do the same way.
if that's what you think, then why have a commissioner in the first place? He adds value because he knows the league inside and out. It's not a job you can just hire anybody for.
He's created a bad public image for the NFL. He is essentially the public face of the company. Anyone can do that job and make money for the owners. You fire him for making the NFL look bad.
A year from now, no one will even think twice about this situation, just like no one thinks twice about Ray Lewis, Adam Jones, Michael Vick, etc...

You can't be firing a man because the general public are fickle and wishy washy...
holy shit

12 congressman wrote a letter to him worried about domestic violence

LAWMAKERS who have the shitty law in place, are telling a private company to do their own business

I hate defending Goodell but this is a joke
He's created a bad public image for the NFL. He is essentially the public face of the company. Anyone can do that job and make money for the owners. You fire him for making the NFL look bad.

people don't remember Ferguson and that happened 2 weeks ago

this story will blow over by next weekend
holy shit

12 congressman wrote a letter to him worried about domestic violence

LAWMAKERS who have the shitty law in place, are telling a private company to do their own business

I hate defending Goodell but this is a joke

that shouldn't be very surprising. It's an election year and those up for re-election need a soap box to stand on.
You can't be firing a man because the general public are fickle and wishy washy...

Public image is important though, and all the lying doesn't bode well for whatever it is he's trying to hide and protect. And fickle and wishy washy is a great way to describe the way they implement punishment in this league.