***Pre NYD Bowl All Football In-Game***

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The jawboners around here are convinced Cutler is going to be here next year.

Well, obviously we get first choice, so we trade for Stafford, Cutler, or maybe settle for Locker, and you guys get Hoyer.
That's correct.

Quiz over. You scored 137 out of 141.
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Fucking Malta
in buffalo??


I'm a Pats fan anyway Cash....I swore off the Bills about a decade ago until Wilson sold the team or died...so I'm back into the Bills now that Pegula is in charge, but just love me some Brady. And now Gronk, who's a local product...loved Randy Moss, and Hoodie, of course.
On the subject of sports radio callers with ridiculous trade ideas ...

Well, obviously we get first choice, so we trade for Stafford, Cutler, or maybe settle for Locker, and you guys get Hoyer.

I'd be fine with Hoyer to be honest. The offense here is such an upgrade over there, he'd do just fine. He's better than Kyle fucking Orton, and he went 7-5.

I'm a Pats fan anyway Cash....I swore off the Bills about a decade ago until Wilson sold the team or died...so I'm back into the Bills now that Pegula is in charge, but just love me some Brady. And now Gronk, who's a local product...loved Randy Moss, and Hoodie, of course.

Great time to love them,, was plenty of time not to love them... and that really sucked looking back at it.... basically Tip's world right now

That's correct.

Quiz over. You scored 93 out of 96.
Your score is 96%.

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Fucking Turkmenistan
Great time to love them,, was plenty of time not to love them... and that really sucked looking back at it.... basically Tip's world right now

The ownership here just basically ruined the franchise in a few short years, and that misery has now extended for 15 years really.
What the fuck Alex. Most people can't even score that high on just a US geography quiz.

I'm a Pats fan anyway Cash....I swore off the Bills about a decade ago until Wilson sold the team or died...so I'm back into the Bills now that Pegula is in charge, but just love me some Brady. And now Gronk, who's a local product...loved Randy Moss, and Hoodie, of course.

Woodland Hills tho for final year
Woodland Hills tho for final year

Yes, of course...but he lived in Amherst, and his brothers were pretty good too, so he's just considered a local guy now. We don't have much to hang our hats on Alex, let us have Gronk.
when i left you all were trying to see who the wealthiest ctg member was... who did everyone guess?
if you know Africa, you pretty much know geography , so many small countries most people never even heard of
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