OK Lets hear it.. Does ND deserve another BCS bid..

  • Thread starter Thread starter abcs
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damn irish! i hate this friggin team. i'm catholic, and dare i say i am ashamed to be associated with this pathetic team. nd is an overrated, pompous, and hot-winded team that does not deserve a bcs bid. :hairout:
I vote "No". They've played two legit teams, and got plastered by both (Michigan & USC). No team who gets humiliated like that twice in one season should ever play in a BCS bowl. It's one thing to lose a few close games...but ND's two losses were blowouts.
Imo - no one adjusts defensively better than Carroll and USC at halftime. The way they shut down a high powered Cal offense in the second half was really impressive. They are very deserving of playing in the Nat. Champ game and no discredit to Michigan but it will be nice to see somone else get a shot at OSU.
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Since Tressel has been Ohio St... the michigan game hasnt been much of a rivalry. Kind of like the Duke / UNC game until Williams got there.
I still think ND isnt that overrated this year, they just arent top 5..
Hey Tim we might be seeing you guys in the peach bowl :)..
I don't think MD will be going to the Peach. From what I understand, the Peach has their choice of who they want from the ACC that are non-BCS and because VT and Clemson are more desirable from a traveling stand-point the word I've heard is they want VT. So, if GT beats Wake in ACC Championship I think it pans out like this....

Orange - GT/Louisville
Peach (Chick Fil A) - VT/Georgia
Gator - Clemson/WVa.
Champs - Purdue/WF
Music City - BC/Alabama
Meineke - MD/Navy

This would really suck for MD as playing Navy offers kind of a no win proposition in my mind. I don't want to have to face that option offense and I think MD will be expected to win that game and quite frankly I'm not sure if they can. It's not a good matchup for them on the field to face that option and I would much rather go to Nashville and play Alabama but I don't think it's going to pan out that way. The organizers of the Meineke are really trying to promote the Navy/MD matchup as a regional interest kind of thing and I'm afraid we are going to get stuck there. If Wake wins ACC champ though it could change the entire scenario with GT then going to the Gator to avoid a re-match with GA. In that case, which would be the best for us I think Clemson might end up going to the Meineke and MD going to Music City. So, I'm pulling for Wake this weekend.

I wouldn't mind going to Atlanta though either, as that city has been a good luck charm for MD in the past with the National Championship in hoops and Peach Bowl win vs. Tennessee. Buckhead has some good spots to go out as long as you don't run into Ray Lewis and his crew.
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You forgot to mention tha u playin in either san fran .. seattle or boise lmao
Yeah, I didn't delve into 7 and 8 spots. See CFN has the U projected to go to Boise now but Northern Illinois penciled in ahead of FSU in the Emerald Bowl. My opinion there is that if ACC only gets 7, FSU should go instead of the U as they beat them head to head. Not sure why FSU isn't projected to go to the Emerald? Certainly better alternative than the MAC teams.
Well I'm going to return to the title ao abc's thread.
Notre Dame will go to the Rose Bowl and play Michigan.
Do they deserve it?
Absolutely NOT.
Furthermore, Michigan already beat them decisively. And I hate rematches, which is one of the reasons I don't like 12 team conferences and their money making playoff game which can only hurt them in trying to qualify for the NC.
Let Notre Dame go south for a warm weather game against Auburn or Texas.