October In Game ©™

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Fantastic goal by Del Piero to open the A-League's new season. Worked through 3 defenders near the byline inside the box, shot curved round the goalie inside the far post.
Super pissed I missed out on some A-League extravaganza last night. Won't happen tonight. Thought about playing Mexico 1st half but going to pass.

Super pissed I missed out on some A-League extravaganza last night. Won't happen tonight. Thought about playing Mexico 1st half but going to pass.

I'm ashamed to admit I was spying WSW later on tonight...

Over it is in Mexico game??
Well, Mexico's offense has been kind of pathetic to this point, but with Peralta, Hernandez and Dos Santos up front (or Dos Santos right behind in a support role), I think they should stand a better chance of netting a few goals. Then again, they might just disappoint again... Everything kind of depends on the timing of the first goal (if Panama manges to get up early, it really will be game on).
Ive got my eye on the Melbourne derby(mainly Mel. Victory). Did notice that CCM/WSW is on tv so if I'm up I'll probably check it out.
I think A-League might be the one league other than Saudi Arabia I've yet to play on FIFA 14...

I see a bore 0-0 or 1-1 draw....gl Hugh, hope ya nail the bitch....\m/
Well, that's always possible, especially if Panama decides to set up shop. I just think/hope with their backs up against the wall, El Tri might show us something tonight (or at least try to).

I think I piss off the kids online when I use teams like Sturm Graz and Servette... and win. *LOL*
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/LPh2nPfUZXc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
:goal: [TABLE="class: lay1"]
<tbody>[TR="class: match status_2 livegame clock_active result_active LId_30674 KId_49"]
[TD="class: home"]Sandefjord
Townsend playing great again, wish he could do this for Spurs, he might not even make the WC squad though once Lamela gets acclimated and Lennon comes back
Townsend playing great again, wish he could do this for Spurs, he might not even make the WC squad though once Lamela gets acclimated and Lennon comes back

I can't see Lennon winning his place back, you think? Townsend has to be in the lineup in most matches. So dangerous.
no it will be Lamela unless AVB wants to play Lamela on the left but I think he likes inverted wingers with how attacking Walker/Rose are at FB
oh they will rotate definitely

I think the 7 behind the striker (Eriksen, Lamela, Holtby, Siggy, Chadli, Townsend, Lennon) are all going to get time, I just don't think that when AVB gets everyone set in the system and knows his ideal team that Townsend is in the first 11, might be the first off the bench but I think 3 or 4 are ahead
Lamela has talent, but I think he needs to show more if he is first choice.

Ideally right now, I see:


With Lamela more of an impact sub at times. and Siggy-----Holtby-----Lennon/Lamela for cup games.