NHL Playoffs IN GAME

Not to be a debbie downer here @Teapot9 , Lou hasn't done great with his last team and current team contract wise. Go look at their cap situation and how they are paying their players, just gross mismanagement IMO. Trotz is definitely a winner and love hearing the Perth shout out haha. Your dad is very knowledgeable
That pageau deal.... yikes

The marleau one too, cost em a 1st
matt martin is locked up to 23/24 @ 1.5 million
uncle leo @ 3
he's lucky barzal took a bridge deal
ladd on taxi squad

if not for lee @ 7 million and boychuck @ 4 million being on LTIR good god their team would be a mess
2-1 is a helluva start. Need what the Isles did to the B's and get a huge lead and then open netter
Ya hoping vegas gets next one, at 2-2 maybe it tightens up a bit, 3-1 and avs need to open up and hope vegas can pot a few more too
What a fucking insane question by dater
did you read the replies? Dater is probably one most passive aggressive guys... he's also the same guy who accused the blues players of not having the vaccine when they did.

Dude is a douche, couldn't have happened to a better guy tbh.
it just keeps getting worse for Adrian Dater and now his old stuff is coming up. Like him calling Braydon McNabb a pussy and him being fired from Denver Post.

he said no one got the context of his question....i don't think Mac did either..
Flower was really good

Vegas took over from about the 30-50 min mark minus the habs power play

Dono what montreal can do or change

Talent gap is large
Been eyeing this. I didn't watch any of this & haven't been following either team super closely but any reason to think MTL pulls more than one game out of their asses?
