NHL 2nd Round - In-Games

Interesting that Boudreau said he's happy with Ovechkin's line matching up with Staal's. The Staal line does probably 80% of the cycling the Pens get credit for, and they generate a lot of penalties. If Ovechkin's line holds their own in puck possession it'll be a big help for the Caps in building a penalty edge, which is what they need to win this series.
Honestly, right now I think Boudreau is getting out-coached by Bylsma.

He can say he's happy with Ovi vs. the Staal line all he wants, but right now, 5-on-5 the Pens are running rings around Washington. First period, at home, you shouldn't be getting out-matched like that when you have the last change.

In a related story, Jordan Staal is perhaps the most underrated part of this team. Sure, he gets 'some' press, but he's dramatically over-shadowed by Geno and Sid, were he somewhere else he'd be talked about like his brother is. Thankfully he's not on another team.
Don Cherry loves Jordan Staal, especially his rookie year he wouldn't shut up about him.

Last year it died down because Staal had a semi-weak year but he gets a lot of press up in Canada
I think Boudreau had a good point in the Caps needing some time to adjust to the Pens speed after seven games of skating in the Rangers quagmire.

ps The Bruins are really, really good this year.
ps The Bruins are really, really good this year.

I know. Don't remind me.

And, for what it's worth, if the Pens 'don't' get through this round, I don't see the Caps winning more than one game vs. Boston.
There's Staal's line drawing a penalty off their cycling. Not against Ovechkin's line though.
Good side-to-side movement by Varlamov. Looks like his stick side is stronger than his glove.
Good side-to-side movement by Varlamov. Looks like his stick side is stronger than his glove.

I like this guy. I think he's beatable, but I thought they made the right choice last series.
that is the most amazing stick save EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nothing but a player prob in this game. but would love pitt to win this series. if boston gets by canes, easier matchup for boston is pitt. wash has given us trouble this year.
hahaha crosby's gotta effing bury that

Yeah, you need to get that off the ice for precisely that reason. Still, that was an absolutely amazing save.
Similar to the Fleury save on Carter. Had tons of goal to work with but put it up the middle within the goalies reach. Degree of difficulty was higher though.
<!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> nothing but a player prob in this game. but would love pitt to win this series. if boston gets by canes, easier matchup for boston is pitt. wash has given us trouble this year.

Funny, I think you guys kill the Caps. But I'm a Pens fan so there's that.
<!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> nothing but a player prob in this game. but would love pitt to win this series. if boston gets by canes, easier matchup for boston is pitt. wash has given us trouble this year.

Funny, I think you guys kill the Caps. But I'm a Pens fan so there's that.

its just that i like boston vs. pitt alot better 5 on 5 than i would against washington. both pp's are dangerous, but boston has been so disipline in staying out of the box, so far, that im not that concerned with the pp's. even though whenever boston plays in pitt, they give pitt like 10 pp's a game haha. chara could handle malkin one on one i think, if they just have him shadow him. like they have him doing with staal, who is now 0 points in 5 games vs. boston this year. dont think he'd be THAT effective on malkin, but close. ovechkin is just a different kind of player, he scares me.
Yeah, and right now the Pens' PP isn't scaring anybody.

Not to mention, as much as I love Geno, he will disappear for entire playoff games at times.

Like, uh, today (so far).