***NFL Week Four/NCAAF Week Five In-Game***

Only P can probably understand this...

We had a 5th wheel and stayed in K-Mart parking lot. woke up Monday and drank all day...got to the lot and was buzzed, but also forgot Wisconsin doesn't have 3.2 beer. Probably had 6-8 beers but at least a 5th of Vodka in me. Got the big 32 oz at the game and counted 16 of them in front of me. Fucked up is beyond description...woke up going down the road in the 5th wheel. Buddies couldn't wake me up. We stop at Wendy's, ate, get back on the road and my buddy has a beer fart. Made me puke. We pull over on the side of the road and I puked blood for the 1st and last time in my life. For the next 3 hours had to pull over about every 15 minutes so I could puke.
Only P can probably understand this...

We had a 5th wheel and stayed in K-Mart parking lot. woke up Monday and drank all day...got to the lot and was buzzed, but also forgot Wisconsin doesn't have 3.2 beer. Probably had 6-8 beers but at least a 5th of Vodka in me. Got the big 32 oz at the game and counted 16 of them in front of me. Fucked up is beyond description...woke up going down the road in the 5th wheel. Buddies couldn't wake me up. We stop at Wendy's, ate, get back on the road and my buddy has a beer fart. Made me puke. We pull over on the side of the road and I puked blood for the 1st and last time in my life. For the next 3 hours had to pull over about every 15 minutes so I could puke.
Hard to believe at one point in my life I could drink a case of beer over the course of a day and function somewhat. Never drank that much beer ever again in my life
hey manuk...does rose stenson at -1/2 -109 mean that it can't go to the 18th hole in order to cash?
I'd take a 20-20 game in Tempe. ASU completely outplayed UCLA and it may be tied.

ASU to the 15 with 34 seconds
Thats the same price as the match odds without the draw priced up,so its just for them to win the match up

oh , I see but that just mean for 18 holes then, if it goes past 18 you lose?

b/c I see Rose/Stenson -150 so that must include if it goes past 18 I assume?
Who knows...UCLA gets the ball to start...nobody can stop anyone at this point. This is classic ASU ala Dirk Koetter and Dennis Erickson. Out play teams, be overly amped up, and shit the bed at inopportune times.
[TABLE="class: lines"]
<tbody>[TR="class: linesRow"]
[TD]Fri 9/26[/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
[TD]111 B.Watson / W.Simpson[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="S1_34" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> <select id="altS1_34" name="altS1_34" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"><option value="0" selected="">+½ -111</option><option value="1">-½ +168</option></select>[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="M1_34" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> +130 [/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
[TR="class: linesRowBot"]
[TD] [/TD]
[TD]112 J.Rose / H.Stenson[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="S2_34" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> <select id="altS2_34" name="altS2_34" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"><option value="0" selected="">-½ -109</option><option value="1">+½ -195</option></select> [/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="M2_34" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> -150[/TD]
Poor game management overall by Graham...Joel Klatt is right...terrible use of TO's by ASU
Why did Brando leave cbs? Gotta think Verne is done very soon. Fox pay better or just wanted to move west? He's went to lsu or some Louisiana school.
OK gents, this game is over...i'm off to smoke a bowl or 3 and pass out into Bolivia...BOL on your plays this weekend