NFL preseason week 3

Fuck don't know what your watching Schrute, but I am a bit concerned. Well I mean if Zona scores quickly I'm in there. There we go PI that helps.
Yeah zona kid, looking ok now. Fuck they were making me sweat for sure here in Lincoln, oh man, I was sweating bullets.
I need one of my epic runs now, just reel off like a 30-5 run on sports. I do get hot like that sometimes, I need it now baby, it is crunch time. Need to just focus on betting those smart teams ha, Sherman you dope, there are way more stupid people in the NFL than there are smart people. Fuck I would be one of the smartest guys in that league ha, and that isn't saying much.
Fucking damn it, Cincy is driving. Better call Kevin tomorrow at the shirt place, maybe he will bring my ass back there.
Fuck I may just go there tomorrow with a cab ride, and talk to Kevin, see if he will hire me back. We did have a quality relationship ha, as far as I mean he liked me quite a bit there, I would think if they have an opening I could work there. Guess it isn't a huge company though, so he may not need anybody, or probably not.
Lucky there was not a flag there, whoa, they throw a damn flag on everything now. My boy Toby Wright former Husker and Ram in the NFL, he would not be able to play now. Shit he would get a flag every play he was involved in.
Yeah schrute my liver may be going bad, I don't know on that, but I am not in great shape at the moment I don't think. I keep sweating a bunch, I'm not sure if that means anything I guess, maybe that is just cuz I'm a fat ass.
Ha Kj, yeah I think I may have a bad part now. I can't go to the doctor though and have em look at it really. Well I don't have insurance or any money to pay for that, not at all there. Fuck if anything needed to be done it would cost way more than what I have, but I guess my dad would cover that for me, since he has millions. Won't share damn it, ha, oh well, can't say I would share with my kids either.
Yeah ha this is a loser, unless something crazy happens. I was hoping with Carson and Stanton I would have the lead at this point. I'm fucked now.
If Bruce Arians can make Logan Thomas serviceable he may become may favorite head coach ever
Yeah that would be something kj. I guess Stanton was pretty good tonight just didn't do quite enough for me. Well Palmer sucked which was the big problem.

There we go illegal use of hands to the face. I'm done.
Shit I knew when I saw that line go down from -2.5 down to -1.5. I figured there was trouble here. Really didn't see it, but somebody did, they were right it appears unless I get really lucky. Shit now the Bengals would have to turn it over, or miss a FG.
A long field goal now, so hope they miss it. Seems like nobody ever misses a kick inside of 50 yards, think this will be or 51 or so, regardless they never do unless it is 55+ yards.
Fuck here we go, Los Alamitos is going right now. Race 6 next, well race 5 is about to go off. Gonna try races 6 through 9, ha, this is not gonna probably work out. It is tough for me though when I lose to just call it a night and give up, I always wanna try and fight back. These won't be big bets, but if I can salvage anything that would be great, not that I'm planning on that happening however ha. Shit looks like all quarter horse races, those always go well for me at Turf Paradise haha, no they don't ever.
Big crackhead Tuck, yep, I am addicted to anything I do. Can't just ever call it a night on anything. Good thing I at least quit doing all those drugs I used to do, especially the coke, I know that is really bad for you.
Shit I should be at the state fair now, ha, I saw that cuz the local news followed the football game, and I didn't change the channel. I wouldn't trust those fucking carneys shit, who the hell knows if any of those rides are safe. Better look at the next race, will put up my bad bet here in a minute lol.
Fuck I remember when I was a little kid my dad took me to the State Fair, and my brother we weren't very old like maybe 10 and 7 or so. And a fight broke out right by us, and my dad scooped up both of us, took us out of it. Some guy knocked the pick out of this black guys hair, you know how they have those picks in there sometimes, guess don't see that much anymore. That was funny, well they were arguing a bit, then the white guy knocked the pick out of his hair, and the black dude just flattened him ha, my dad was like uh oh, scooped me and my bro up, cuz we were right by em.
Can't beat the State Fair ha, there were always a bunch of idiots at that, fights and who the hell knows what would happen. Guess that is why we never went, except like twice.
Got the longest shot on the board. Well saw the 3 stumbled and veered in 1st race, his only race, so who knows he could do better today maybe. Has a pretty good trainer at least.
Damn it, barely lost there. Shit that woulda paid ok, cuz the 3 was 9/2, the favorite won the 4 at 3/5 odds. Fuck the 3 was looking good and then something went wrong late, not sure what happened, but 3 started running all fucked, and not running straight, damn.
Fucking damn it, that trifecta woulda paid like 100 bucks or so for a 2 buck ticket. Thought I had it, the 3 just started running all fucked up, don't know what the deal was, shit it looked like 3 had it until late.
Oh here we go, Aurora football preview, ha, these fucking bitches. Class B Nebraska football, have that on the news here. Man I could have played there, well maybe, not sure I guess, I wasn't very good.
4 did pretty well in his opener, his time wasn't great, but he lugged in looks like at some point. So maybe he can run faster if he straightens up this time. Doubt I can get that to happen ha, he will probably run all Yag again, fuck straightening up.
Fucking shit, the 4 horse ran terrible. Well he had a bad break, and then he was swerving all over the track. Still 2 races left though, time to get paid, ha, yeah right sure I will just lose more. Horses aren't ever a good thing usually for me.
Damn there was kind of a hot Mexican chick in the winners circle that shook the jockey's hand. I could use that, shit I would be better off just buying a bitch with my money instead of losing it gambling. At least I would get something for my money then.
Shit there is Australian racing after this, I'm gonna be up all night losing money ha. I don't really know if I can get a program for that though, they don't have that on DRF, the Australian PP's, I don't think anyway.
Los Alamitos race 8

$2 tri key 3/4,5,6

I'm not giving up yet ha, probably should take my drunk ass to bed before it gets worse.
I was looking at the 3 and thinking she did run pretty well a while back, last year and shit. So maybe if she gets it together here could upset em. Who knows, maybe not, or probably not I guess, my bet can crush a horse's hopes ha.
3 was awful, got 5th I think. There's one more race suppose I will bet that. Better not try the Australian racing later, I looked for a program for it, and I can't find one except this dumb shit that doesn't tell you anything. They call em speed maps or something ha, I have no idea how you bet with those, they don't tell you a damn thing about the horses. Speed maps, if that is how they bet horses in Australia then they are retarded, cuz I have no idea how you would know anything with those things.
Shit this horse at Los Alamitos has won 9 out of his last 11 races ha, that is crazy 1/2 odds, well guess I will try and beat him, good luck on that Tuck, anybody can go ahead and wish me luck here, I am gonna need it fo sho.
Just gonna keep digging a hole here. 4 looks pretty good though, I mean if she has a good trip she could win I think. Fuck the 10 horse has won 9 out of her last 11, oh my, I have no chance ha. I was thinking there could be some upside on the 4 horse, not sure if she has anything, guess we'll see.
Fucking damn it, that guy in Minnesota needs to pay his bets. Fuck if he even posts here anymore I am gonna come after his ass on here, younggun. Everybody needs to shun that guy ha, well it is really bad when you talk to somebody for a long time make an agreement and then don't pay. The worst part is I paid him when we won, right away, what a d bag, it really pisses me off thinking about it when I'm losing.
Whoa there is no excuse for that bad bet there. Not good, I mean 4 did have a bad start, but she wasn't winning anything anyway here. Oh the fuck well, guess will regroup and I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow. Unless I wanna bet horses there is nothing else, except baseball, that hasn't gone well for a while so that isn't an option I don't think.
Ha doubt younggun will post here again, that big bitch. If he does I will be watching, and will post in that thread for sure.