NFL preseason week 3

Fucking he hit a 20 k pick 5, and he still won't pay me, what the fucking hell? That makes no sense, guess you know he will get what he deserves I hope, he deserves to be shot in the head, ha, that may be a bit extreme, but at least deserves a big ass kicking. Ha I am so pissed about 636 bucks, but I mean that is quite a bit of money, that isn't just something you forget about, not 50 bucks or something.
I better get over it, obviously I am not getting that money, and now I lost a bunch today. Fuck I better get my shit together now. You guys may want to see if I bet baseball tomorrow and fade my bets, it has been a bad run there on bases, I mean I haven't bet em in a while really, except a couple times, but I have lost I don't know how many in a row, not good.
It is kind of funny I'm all upset about 636 bucks, that really isn't anything to be that upset about I guess. Well fuck yeah it is, man that bitch, damn it. That would be great if the threat thing comes through haha, he said he was telling the cops on me for threatening him over the phone ha. I can't imagine anything will come of that, fuck I hope not, I don't need anything else retarded fucking up my life, it already is not good, my life I mean. Well if they do anything I'm bringing him down to, cuz gambling across state lines is illegal, unless it is with a licensed company, so fuck I will just bring extra charges on myself to get him in trouble lol.
Shit I don't know the whole thing is stupid, he should just pay me the 636 bucks. Oh well not gonna get that money, and shouldn't post anything about it. That gambling thing isn't probably right either, across state lines ha, I would try and get him in trouble though if the cops came after me. There is no way, a threat on the phone, how can that happen. Well I will just tell em the guy owes me 636 bucks, that's why I threatened him, ha. That should be in the bill of rights or something, somebody owes you 636 bucks you have the right to threaten him, I don't think that is unreasonable at all. Right to bear arms, and the right to threaten somebody if they owe you 636 bucks ha, yep, those are rights damn it.
What a big bitch anyway. Who the fuck says I'm telling the cops on you, cuz your threatening me on the phone ha, kids these days, all guys under 30 have a damn vag. I wanna punt younggun in his vag, that big bitch.
Well except gorgolon he is cool, he is under 30 I think. Most guys now are just big vaginas, fucking welch on their bets, and then call the cops on you. I'm telling ha.

Yeah kj, I don't know why I keep posting about this it is retarded. I can't even afford a ho, well I could but then my money would decline again, I don't have a bunch now. Still have 2500 or so, but that can be gone in a hurry, and shit, if I don't win it will be gone quickly. I need to line up a job I think tomorrow.
I guess in total I have closer to 4000 bucks, cuz that insurance company still hasn't given me my check for my totaled Explorer. They are really taking their time there, man, I don't know what happened. Well first they said they were giving me 1000, then they changed it to 1500. The DWI wreck ha, I paid my damn lawyer 1000 bucks, he says he may be able to get me off the charge. Cuz the guy in his police report said he didn't give me any field sobriety tests, and he didn't no, then he just gave me the breathalizer probably didn't spell that right. My lawyer is one of the best so maybe I will get off that. He says what the cop did was unconstitutional, cuz he didn't have the right to test me with no field sobriety tests. It makes sense, cuz there is a thing that says cops can test anybody in a wreck, but if you aren't doing anything wrong that shouldn't be the case, and I wasn't, that kid hit me, he ran a red light and hit me, I was just driving, and there was a witness behind me that said the same thing.
Yeah I better go to bed before I say anything else retarded on here ha. Guess there was nothing I said there that was wrong, or that I need to take back, all just things I'm going through ha.
I just talk on here about everything going on which isn't probably a good thing, but nothing I said here is wrong or could get me in trouble. Just the facts, and shit that is pissing me off.
My Explorer that was a piece of shit ha, a 97, it ran pretty decent though. I thought I was gonna get closer to 2 k for it, but no, they fucked me, like everybody does ha. I really do need to get a ho, like kj was saying, I am losing my mind, but can't afford it. Well a cheap ho, that is at shoemakers truck stop I could pay for that, otherwise no.
Shit I'm sure anybody reading these posts can tell I'm not okay, ha, well everything is just caving in on me now, and I don't know what to do. I applied for a few jobs, and got denied there. Suppose I will call Kevin tomorrow maybe he can help a ***** out.
Shit it is all my own damn fault though. Hope my old job there at Art FX hires me, Kevin is the manager there. Fuck it is hot though in the shop making t shirts, I don't know how I would handle it now.
Baseball tomorrow or I could do horses. I would have to go to the track if I wanted to bet the Delaware pick 5. I may do that, Delaware has been my only bright spot with horses. Shit those have been going well, but I don't know it isn't like I win all the time there. Have hit quite a few pick 5's at Delaware though.
I mean I wouldn't be fucking getting all pissed about 636 bucks if I had you know 15 k or something, but I don't, so I am mad about it. Younggun you need to pay your bets, hope maybe he realizes he is wrong and pays ha. Well the only reason I'm freaking out about it is cuz I don't have much now, and it would help a lot, if I got that money.
Guess I better just hope the cops don't come here about that threat thing he was talking about lol. Shit with my luck that will happen, ha, I mean I don't see how I am wrong there, but who knows everything is ass backwards these days, with fucking everything. You can be totally in the right, and get in trouble anyway. Man if anything that guy deserves to pay me 1500 now ha, I mean I just stew about it all the time. I don't know it is probably not a big deal, but 636 bucks I could use that, guess I may lose it the way I'm going lately.
Yep got bases tomorrow, uh oh there, that may not go well. I could try the Delaware like I was talking about earlier, but I better not, fucking horses have depleted my bank account big time. Oh well, guess will see what I like tomorrow on the bases, which is a tough call on any of em for sure. I would really like to kick younggun in the balls ha, it is not going away, I am so mad about it, ha, well you would be to, if somebody owed you 636 bucks, and you had no job, so no money coming in, unless you win. I would think people would understand why I'm talking about it so much, and so pissed. It is understandable.
Well and the fucking guy hit for 20 k on a pick 5, fuck he sent me his ticket right as they were leaving the gate. So what the fuck? Man that is really pissing me off ha, I keep talking about this. I mean you win big and are up a bunch, I paid you 1200 bucks when we won, and you just fuck me, don't pay the 636 we were down. Ok fuck you, that is a bitch move big time. Man younggun has lost his CTG posting rights for sure. If he even comes on here I am gonna be all over that shit. Hope everybody would give him shit, ha, doubt anybody cares about Tuck's plight though ha.
Has anybody ever seen so much crying about 636 bucks ha. Well bottom line that motherfucker owes me 636 bucks, and I need it ha. Fuck I wish he lived here, then I could get it, cuz I have people to do that for me, oh fo sho there, fuck he would be begging to not get a beat down ha.
Shit my bro, would destroy his ass younggun, ha. I was talking to him yesterday about it, how the guy owes me 636 bucks, and he was like to bad he isn't here, cuz I would kick his ass if you just threw me 100 bucks ha.
Well he was saying if he made him pay me, which he would ha. Shit he would pay then, that bitch. I keep talking about this, and I'm not getting the money no, so don't know why I keep talking about it.
Shit younggun you bitch, damn it. Ha I would like to get his stupid ass down here in Lincoln, of course I would do nothing, well I am not a total puss, but am not a beast. Would have to just allow my bro to destroy his ass, ha, I really am so pissed right now I would love to see it ha. Fuck there would be nothing better than younggun getting his ass destroyed by my bro, lol, hope that happens ha, know it won't.
I wonder if my nephew is gonna be a kick ass playa, maybe not. I mean my bro is a big dude and was a great o lineman, high school anyway, and then his wife she is half black, and her dad was a Husker DT. I don't know though I look at my nephew and he is just a skinny kid, maybe he will get bigger when he gets older I don't know. Fuck I love him, but I don't think he is gonna play college football, unless he gets a lot bigger. Carter he is my dog though, fuck I love that little guy, ha don't know why I'm posting this.
Ha I am hoping for NFL, that isn't gonna happen. Well he doesn't really eat enough or is getting big enough that I think he could do it. Carter, no, probably not there, well shit I will be dead anyway by that time. He would hook me up with some cash though if he made it, cuz he loves me, my buddy Carter, shit he would give me some cash for sure, that is my dog.
I just keep posting nonsense ha. Well the whole nephew making the NFL, that isn't gonna happen. I do think about it since my brother's wife her dad played DT for Nebraska, and has multiple guys that made the NFL, in her family. Then my bro was no slouch was a good O lineman in high school. But I don't know Carter just looks like a skinny kid that isn't gonna do it, ha, he is a cute little kid, but doubt he will make it big as far as NFL or college big time.
Ha just posting about my hopes and dreams. Shit there is no way Carter is going NFL, I thought you know it could happen cuz of my brothers wife how she had so many college players, and a good NFL player in her family, black bitch ha, you know how that goes, athletic talent there. But I don't think so Carter is just kind of a shy timid kid. He is a cute kid, he may kill it with the ladies at least, pretty sure on that ha. hope he does ha. As far as NFL probably not.
Yeah no NFL lottery coming my way. Fuck it is crazy how many college and NFL players my brothers wife has in her family. But my bro fucked her, and spit out a dud, ha, I do like him though, but he isn't going NFL, no way, shit Carter gets regulated on by my niece Annie. Shit she fucking rules shit when they are together, that is my sisters kid, Annie.
Well would be nice if younggun would pay me, but probably not there. My nephew Carter is gonna be a big playa, starting for the Huskers ha, yeah right. Well I wonder since my brothers wife had so many players in her family. Guess maybe not, for my nephew. Well my family didn't add anything there, well my bro was good, but we don't have any history of anything for sure.
Shit I better go to bed, talking about my nephew on here lol at that, like that is gonna happen. Fuck I wish, that would be great if he made the NFL, really he could if he was bigger and looking like a player. No, Carter is a skinny little kid with no chance of making the NFL.
Yeah ha, I need to go to bed. It is funny, like I think about my nephew making the NFL, it ain't gonna happen. He is not the type I don't think, he is a cute kid, but he is not a NFL player, no. Ha I am making decisions about my nephew already, well I had high hopes considering my brothers wife her big NFL and college player background. He just is not a NFL type I don't think my nephew, well he lets my sisters kid push him around Annie ha, that isn't a good sign, and then he doesn't eat enough either.
seek medical attention asap-

i repeat seek fucking medical attention asap--