NFL preseason week 3

Must just be old guys watching college chicks in tight shorts I guess, maybe that is the appeal I don't know. Guess some of those volleyball chicks are kind of hot, bigger chicks though, fuck they tower over me. I used to deliver t shirts to them at my old t shirt screen printing job. Some big bitches ha, fuck those volleyball chicks could smash my ass probably.
Man, I have never had a chick that is you know 6 foot 5 or so like some of those volleyball bitches, that would be something ha. I mean I have had a chick taller than me, but not by much. Well being 5 foot 9 there are a lot of chicks taller than me, I guess not a lot, but some.

What the hell am I posting about anyway, ha, this is pretty stupid. Will go back to looking at the games. Doesn't matter what I post anyway would doubt anybody reads this crap, fuck I wouldn't read it.
That was kind of nice though delivering the t shirts to the Husker volleyball team, those big bitches would get all fired up when I came in with their t shirts. I mean some of em were pretty fucking hot, big bitches, with those long legs shit, damn legs for days ha.
I keep posting, this is dumb. We did the football, basketball, and volleyball t shirts for the Huskers, like things that addidas didn't do. U know like the blackshirts for the football team we did those, that was kind of cool, cuz I would know ahead of anybody who was getting a blackshirt on the football team. Then would get to talk to some of the guys when I delivered em, yeah I kind of liked that job, maybe I should see if they would re hire me.
Yeah I met Kirk Herbstreit too at that old job, ha, he was down there waiting to talk to Solich, he was the coach then, and I just started shooting the shit with him Herbstreit, he was a pretty cool mothafucka. Well we were both waiting, I was trying to get somebody to sign off on the t shirts I had for the team, and he was waiting to interview Solich, it was August I think.
Ha I'm talking about my old job delivering shirts to the Huskers, and Kirk Herbstreit haha. Well if anybody on here says they wouldn't trade positions with Herbstreit they are lying, yep, fo sho. Fuck I would give my left nut to be on ESPN making fucking millions, interviewing coaches and breaking down games, half assed I may add, he isn't the greatest at that. Well none of those ESPN guys are all that good at picking games or anything.
Shit I would love that job, ha, that would be the shit. Just travelling around interviewing coaches, and breaking down games for fucking who knows how much they make there at ESPN. Has to be a helluva lot, damn that would be great.
Well I don't know, those big guys at ESPN, they may only make around a million or a little less, like the top dogs. Guess who knows, sure like a Herbstreit makes a million a year or close to it, guess maybe not, I don't know ha. Who the fuck cares anyway, I'm not getting it, nobody gives a fuck on here either ha.
Damn I am really getting sidetracked in my betting with this stupid shit I keep thinking about ha. Yeah someday Tuck is gonna be on college gameday lol, it is gonna happen. Gonna take over for Kirk Herbstreit. Well no for Lee Corso, that guy is fucked at this point, he had a stroke, and has no idea what he's talking about, I mean I feel bad for him, but they have to get rid of him. He doesn't have a clue anymore, and then stutters and mumbles shit.
Guess I don't usually watch that crap college gameday no, but they need to hire me, ha. I am reaching for a job now, anybody wanna hire my dumb ass?
Just saw an AA commercial on tv. Yeah those bitches, fuck that, if I wanna quit, I will on my own. No stupid ass bitches talking to me and putting me in a program is gonna work ha. Shit if I quit, I quit, would be up to me.
Just made a fucking wager, yeah, it is on, fuck when I've had over half a bottle of vodka, a 1.75, I make my best decisions haha.

Cincy at Arizona -2.5, -112, risking 280 to win 250, 5 dimes reduced juice there

I don't like Dalton no, not at all, that guy blows. Palmer is decent for Zona, and they have a good defense. Think Zona is gonna kick their ass, we'll see I guess, but to me Zona is a much better team and they are at home. Guess Dalton rolled last game ha, like it matters, how many horrible performances has that dipshit had, a bunch, fuck Dalton sucks balls if you ask me.
Really I guess the Bengals could be pretty good if they had a qb worth a damn. Fucking Dalton is awful, whoa, he blows, sucks huge dongs.
I just post to myself it is great ha. Well at least I think I'm talking to somebody you know, but I'm not in reality. I surely can't shut up, no, so this gives me something to do you know.
I have been looking at that Chargers at Niners game, and I don't know for sure what to make of it. It is a real ball scratcher. You know the 49ers though are gonna bring something cuz of those debacles they had, hmmmm, I don't know.
I am still thinking about 6 foot 5 volleyball chicks now ha. That was crazy when I delivered their t shirts to em, all those big bitches would be all fired up. I mean they were pretty fucking hot though, a few of em, I was like damn I wanna wrap those long legs around my head and get it ha. Really that was the big thing was the real long legs, that is pretty hot I guess, hahaha, what the hell am I posting about. Better check out the Nebraska website on volleyball and stroke it, lol. They were a few of em pretty hot, as I remember, they didn't want anything to do with me though the t shirt delivery guy.
That stupid local news story got me thinking about it ha. 6100 fans at the volleyball scrimmage for the Huskers the red white scrimmage. So in other words 6100 old crusty fucking horny guys, that wanted to see young college chicks in tight shorts ha, that has to be it.
Yeah you know, Tuck money baby, it is on now. Shit I shouldn't have bet horses, but it was that or baseball, which wasn't going well at the time. Problem is I agreed to a betting deal with a bitch, fucking younggun, I mean anybody wants to, they can tell him, he needs to pay Tuck, but guess I'm sure nobody cares. I'm just pissed cuz I paid him when we won splitting horse tickets, paid him 1200, then we lost, and fucking nothing. Man I would punt that fucker right in his vag ha. Well he is probably bigger than me, but my bro would take care of his ass, not a whole lot of motherfuckers that can step there. I remember my brother coming home from football practice like fucking damn, there is this Chris Cooper guy that is just kicking my ass. Well a future Oakland Raider, yeah that is gonna happen haha. It was funny cuz all the D 1 colleges were coming after Kyle Kollmorgen who was on his team, my brothers team, may have misspelled that name, but my bro was like Chris Cooper is way better, and he was. Shit Kollmorgen went to Nebraska and did nothing. Chris Cooper ended up going to a FCS school or something, guess don't know back then how it worked, that was a while ago, but he just starred and got drafted and played 6 years or so in the NFL with the Raiders. I remember talking to my bro, and he was saying well all these guys are going crazy over Kollmorgen and he blows, while Chris Cooper is the real player, no doubt he was right.
I have been looking at that Chargers at Niners game, and I don't know for sure what to make of it. It is a real ball scratcher. You know the 49ers though are gonna bring something cuz of those debacles they had, hmmmm, I don't know.

They play each other in the regular season, don't expect much from either
Well at least somebody replied to my dumb ass posts. Kj does anyway, he is a good friend, unlike fucking younggun that fuck isn't paying his damn bets. Yeah you are probably right there kj, I don't think I should bet on that game, I mean I could take the Chargers + the points I suppose, but that is not safe either if the niners decide to bring it.
I do get so damn pissed about that younggun splitting horse bets thing ha, well I thought I knew him, and it would be ok you know. But hell no, it just fucking eats at me, and I get pissed every time I think about it. Shit if anybody wants to take up the fight for me, go ahead, doubt anybody will, but he is a member here. The thing is he talked about taking it to the cops cuz I threatened him last night ha, what a bitch, who the fuck wouldn't threaten him. I mean we entered into a deal, up over 500 or down over 500, you pay a money gram. I can't believe I'm still talking about this ha, oh well you know he can be a big bitch and not pay his bets I guess. Too bad he isn't here in Lincoln or he would pay, fucking for sure he would, or we would beat it out of him ha.
It is just stupid I mean it's 636 bucks, it isn't a big deal really, but I am pissed anyway. It is just sort of the principle of the whole thing, I don't know. Yeah oh well no need talking about that crap, I'm not getting the money, so that is that, man that bitch. He is lucky he doesn't live here ha, we would roll his ass, maybe not me, I'm sort of a puss, but I have others that will.
Yeah ha I talk big, then get my brother or his friends to back me up haha. I am a big puss, but damn it I have big fucking bad asses backing me ha.
Well anybody that battles a future Oakland Raider in practice everyday, like my bro did, that is serious fo sho, shit I would quit the team ha, no fucking way I would keep cracking heads with that guy.
It was funny cuz I remember my bro taking a bunch of pain pills in high school to deal with the headaches from battling that Chris Cooper, ha, he was a beast, pretty crazy no D 1 teams went after him. Then he played in the NFL for 6 years or 5 not sure.
Saying Chris Cooper did, not my bro, ha, no he quit football after high school, he could have played D 2 if he wanted to, but he was like fucking why? I agree, no reason to.
Shit I was wasted last night, yeah drinking over half a 1.75 of vodka will do that to ya. At least nobody probably reads all this crap, so no harm done, better off posting here to myself than going out in public that drunk ha. Good thing I wasn't around any college volleyball players last night, ha, would have sleezed on one of those big bitches. I don't totally remember all of this post, started talking about my old job and Husker volleyball. Those volleyball chicks were pretty hot though that I delivered shirts to. Just the really long legs on those bitches, I liked that a bit. I should probably go out to that old job and see if they would rehire me, they payed decent. Have nothing to do now until the Zona game, fuck that isn't until 7, may have to do a pick 4 on horses I guess. Will put that up in here when I decide what I'm gonna bet.
Saratoga has a late pick 4 that starts at 3:52 my time, central time. Suppose I will take a look at that, and put in a ticket. Saw the Chargers got bet a little down to +5, can't say I disagree there. I am not betting that game however.
Everyday I wake up and think about that 636 bucks that dude owes me. Then he says don't threaten me on the phone, I'm telling the cops, lol. You wanna see a fucking threat come to Lincoln you big bitch ha. I will show you a damn threat then, more like a boot in your ass, and a beating. What a pussy, what the hell does the guy expect? Of course I'm fucking pissed ha, you didn't pay your bets, what am I supposed to do just sit here and say nothing.
I am the internet gangsta ha. Shit I wouldn't do anything, get somebody else to though yeah. My enforcers lol.
I'm such a fat drunk, and so out of shape. I'm not putting a beating on anybody ha. One of those volleyball chicks I was talking about would kick my ass I'm sure.
Yeah if I got in a tussle with anybody, I would be out of breath in 2 seconds. Throw 2 punches, then need you know 2 minutes to recover and catch my breath ha.
Shit I haven't even got in a fight in forever. Last time I did was outside a bar, well, I almost did. This guy took his shirt off, and was barking at me, then my bro stepped in and just leveled his ass ha, the guy just dropped like a sack of potatoes it was funny. We fucking ran then, lucky the cops didn't get to us. I was just like yeah bitch, and kicked him when he was knocked out on the street.
Oh ok Dudley, I never really check those much, barely ever.

Suppose I shouldn't have posted that, but it was a long time ago like 8 years ago, nothing would happen now about that. Plus he asked for it anyway ha.
No I don't do fantasy ever gorgolon. I thought about it before, but haven't. All of my friends do, and my brother, but I always just say I don't wanna, I'm betting the games that's enough for me.
Every year my bro says you need to join our league, and I say no. Well they don't play for big bucks anyway, so I'm not interested. Maybe a bigger money league I would consider it, cuz you know I'm a big balla shot calla ha.
Ha I don't even remember what that was about with that guy that took his shirt off, and was barking at me outside that bar. Oh yeah I hit on his girl, lol, and he was upset to say the least.
You don't fuck with the crew baby, ha, if we want your girl too bad. Yeah right, she wasn't happy either with my drunk sleezing on her. The whole thing though I barely remember cuz I was hammered.
Damn it, I'm gonna have to walk to the store here in a bit. I'm almost out of vodka. Can't drive anymore, cuz of that DWI ha. At least the store is only a couple blocks away.

Oh ok Dudley.
I remember the dude you were betting pick 5s and 6s with,up in Nebraska or something...anyway not to get confused with our young one,who has now changed his name cause,well,he aint young anymore...wonder why that guy stiffed you ? seemed a reasonable lad,but then again all stiffs and con artists rely on being persuasive.anyway fuck

Talk to me about the 9ers game ?
Fuck,? cmon dude

This 5 or 6 depending where youre at for San Diego would look big if you knew how much time Kaepernick was going to play,if he plays only the 1st half,it looks money,cause Gabbert is a car crash,it could be gold anyway.
Yeah younggun fucked me manchester, it is funny cuz I talked to him forever about splitting horse tickets, cuz u know those pick 5's are tough to hit and it helps to have another dude looking at em and splitting em with you. He seemed like a good kid, well call him kid since he is 26. But you know I paid him when we won big, sent him 1200 bucks right away when we hit. Then we lose and are down 636 each, and fucking nothing, damn. I can't afford to be giving away 636 bucks at this point.

That niners game manchester I am not sure of bro. I mean Harbaugh has been great in the preseason until this year, for the niners. San Diego took some money I know, cuz it was -6 last night now it's -5 last I checked. I can see the move with how the niners have played so far. Fuck I have no interest in backing them at -5 or -6. Just wonder if the niners may come to play week 3, I don't know man. Seems like a tough game to bet. I almost dabbled on the Chargers +6 last night and decided not to.
I may go Diego there manchester, I wanna bet it for sure. Fuck I need the action, better not bet a horse pick 4 it will lose most likely.
Harbaugh doesnt usually leave the starters in after HT in GM3 but theyve looked that bad he may do,I think the points with SD is the way to go here...were pretty much guessing really,but the more Blaine Gabbert we see the better.... lets pretend the halfs were the other way round and Gabbert played 1st half and CK the second,you still think this would be 6 ? I dont.

What to look for in today’s 49ers-Chargers game:
-Coach Jim Harbaugh doesn’t always adhere to playing his starters into the second half in the third preseason game. However with the starting units scuffling, Harbaugh might break his own convention and play his starters longer. Given that, what we always look for is quarterback Colin Kaepernick staying in the pocket and running through his progression. He did that well twice last week, but he needs to continue to progress. Consistent accuracy is another issue that bedeviled Kaepernick last week. For Kaepernick the task is to harness his strong arm. At times he has to throw off his back foot or just flick the ball with his arm in order to take enough steam off the throw to be catchable.
-Where’s the third receiver? No one has distinguished themselves between Stevie Johnson, Quinton Patton, and Brandon Lloyd. All three of these players could be playing for their jobs, particularly if the 49ers sign Michael Crabtree to an extension. If that happens, the most expensive player of the three is most vulnerable and that would be Johnson by far.
-One reason the receivers haven’t had a chance to separate themselves is because the backup quarterbacks have been horrible. The 49ers would love to have Blaine Gabbert justify his $2 million guaranteed contract. He has only two games left to do it.
-Rookie free agent safeties James McCray and D.J. Campbell could find themselves with a roster spot after final cuts. Neither one has stood out, however, because veterans C.J. Spillman and Craig Dahl make so much money, one or both of them could get released. Consequently, pay special attention to how McCray and Campbell play on special teams and how they perform from scrimmage late in the game.
-Ian Williams makes his debut after 11 months and four surgeries on his left leg. Admittedly, the greatest challenge for Williams will be mental. He might be tentative while he seeks to protect his legs from falling bodies.
-Look for the defensive line to play better, particularly defensive end Tank Carradine, who is still learning the line’s unique techniques. Watch to see how well Carradine, Quinton Dial, Tony Jarod-Eddie and Mike Purcell use their hands, and watch to see if they get consistently knocked off the ball.
Yeah just added Diego, gotta do it. I'm not sitting here all day without a damn bet ha, this is a bet I'm worried about, but oh well.

San Diego +5.5 -107 at 5 dimes at San Fran, risking 214 to win 200

Manchester is right Gabbert is terrible, and Kapernick who knows how much he will play. Harbaugh won't say on that, but he has been cautious and careful with him so far, so maybe that continues. Really Clemens the backup for Diego has played decent at least, way better than Gabbert's bitch ass ha. Gabbert I remember Suh kicking his ass all over the place when the Huskers played Mizzou, that was nice, a bit off the topic of this game however. Anyway seems like a lot of points considering what has been going on.
I find people cap these games without looking whats going to happen into the 3rd and 4th quarters,switch the roles,youd think different