***NFL In-Game Thread***

We should have a poll on what Hackett’s worst decision is. I vote for having his return man run the ball out of his end zone at the end of the first half. Only 12 seconds left, only bad things can happen, and Hackett just watching passively from the sideline, like, “who called that?”
We should have a poll on what Hackett’s worst decision is. I vote for having his return man run the ball out of his end zone at the end of the first half. Only 12 seconds left, only bad things can happen, and Hackett just watching passively from the sideline, like, “who called that?”
And the whole time you could feel the fumble coming.
Denver refuses to run the ball.

What has Russ done tonight, or this season, to warrant all 3 plays as passed?

They should be a run-first team. That's how they're built. It would also help free up space for Wilson. But they have the worst coach in the league. And last week they lost Williams at RB for the year so now it's tough to even respect the run that much. This team is fuuuuuuucked.
They should be a run-first team. That's how they're built. It would also help free up space for Wilson. But they have the worst coach in the league. And last week they lost Williams at RB for the year so now it's tough to even respect the run that much. This team is fuuuuuuucked.
True on Javonte..
But they already refused to use him properly as well...
There was a drive in the first half where they got down to the Colts 35 or so, and then Wilson inexplicably threw twice out of bounds on the left side. I assume some of it is the play calling and some of it is Wilson, but all of it is hot garbage.
Incredible that their best play of the night was a pass where two players were trying to make the same catch....
Russ in 2 losses this year: 68% completions, 577 yards, 3 TDs, 0 INT
Russ in 2 wins this year: 53% completions, 403 yards, 1 TD, 1 INT

Today: 48% completions, 184 yards, 0 TD 1 INT

The Donkeys are clearly going to win this bizzarro game.