*** NFL Championship Week/All Sports In-Game ***

And by all accounts Russell Wilson is about to sign a new contract making him the highest paid QB in the NFL. Time to rethink that contract a bit?

and the Hawks are gonna release Marshawn....

Wilson without weapons.... Without the threat of the running game... without always being up 10+.....

What is Mannings win % as a bronco in the playoffs?

What was Tebow's?

What does this have to do with the fact I feel Cutler shouldn't be the highest paid QB in the league? I love Manning, but think it's time for him to retire. I never liked Tebow as our QB and wouldn't want him back.
More the Hags losing it than Green Bay winning it.

Loss is on the little white QB for Seattle. 8-22, 75 yards and 4 picks usually doesn't get you a win.
What does this have to do with the fact I feel Cutler shouldn't be the highest paid QB in the league? I love Manning, but think it's time for him to retire. I never liked Tebow as our QB and wouldn't want him back.

do you like Brock? or think they need to sign/draft someone
Tebow being out of the NFL is a clear conspiracy against white christian southern man

when is that group ever going to get a break in this country

Not worried about white christian southern males. I do think he was balcklisted for no reason. I think when a murderer like R Lewis goes all christian and prays and praises god every interview everyone is fine with it .. when tebow does it is forcing his religion. I think he got a bum deal and I think he is one of the best humans in sports the last quarter century so I don't like it .... and as a fan ... his run was so magical that it was the most exciting thing i had seen in the nfl in years and years and years.... so I selfishly wanted to see more of it.
I think we need someone new. Haven't seen Brock play too much but wasn't impressed with him when I did.

doesnt matter, the balance of power in the AFC west is about to shift out to the Bay Area for the next ten years anyway.