NCAAF In-Game Thread

Freeze and sub deserve that. This lousy mfer has refused to throw a pass in a positive game script situation it only in obviiue pass down and every time cal here a rusher coming free, you run for 7 on 1st down maybe then throw a fucking pas. Anytime I bet a prop w this prick he goes full tetard, I been dying for cal to get up 2 scores and see if he throws? Prob will take Thorne out and some other prick get 100 I need. I just don’t understand this mfer play calling
Done this song and dance much too often

Stay inside and watch the Clones lose on idiocy to Iowa and whole day ruined

Let's not do that today
Charlotte goes for it 4th and 1 from own 34 and call a play action fail as the QB threw it to absolutely no one
Random thought Just reminded me of a crazy fourth down call Osborne made in the 1983 national championship game. It was 4th and 8 on Miami's 24 yard line with less then a min to go in the game. Nebraska down 7. He called a triple option with Turner gill at QB. it went for a TD but the missed the 2 point conversion and lost the title. I thought it was a crazy call on 4th and 8. I remember that but can't remember my wife's birthday
I was surprised her level dropped so much in the second and third set vs Pegula especially after that first set.
Think she was stomach sick on Wednesday, had to go to the shitter to puke a couple times

We all know that takes a ton of liquid out of the system, she faded late for sure
Let’s run the whole lock out for them then try and throw a pick. Shit aub gonna kill whole clock trying to get in! Lol
Do I hope NIU win? Hell yeah

Does it make a difference at the end of the season? Nope
if I could get ball back and that clown doesn’t waste 30 yards with his graceful running I could somehow pull out this 207. My day is way nicer if this mfer hits his number, if Freeze wasn’t such a putz wouldn’t even be in this spot but is what it it, just gotta hope he gets ball and drives field not throw a awful pick while he getting drilled!. Get it back fast cal pass rush gotta be tired
Never woulda guessed he have this same stupid game plan! I didn’t see 1st half but Thorne had 113 and a td so it couldn’t have been all bad? The playing calling in 2nd gave him no chance. Not sure why I ever liked freeze at this point?!!?