NBA Wednesday


Paster of Muppets
Before we start, merry Christmas everyone. Hope you had a good time, spent it with your families in a cozy environment, eating cakes and singing carols. :smiley_acbe:

Small rant first. This has been a horrid season for me. I've not yet updated the record (will need at least half an hour or more to do it and I'm lazy these days :D) but buyer beware. I am down around 60 units if my calculations are right at this point. I'll win it back, it's a long season, but if your average play is 6 or 7, being down 60 is a big number right here.

It's safe to say so far it has been a season of horror for me. After 4 great seasons before that with basically no bumps on the road, accumulating more than 450 units of profit on the NBA alone, this is kinda worrying.

If I made anyone's fade list until now, it's ok really, feel free to fade away. Just make sure you hop off the fade bandwagon once things start turning.

Until then, fire away brothers. :shake: :D

Hoping to turn this around, but will take one step at a time, no forcing, doubling up or God forbid, going all in.


Plays coming up shortly.
It seems a lot of plays I like these days, and I mean really like, just turn go wrong. It can mean two things. I've had extreme bad luck, or I have approached those games wrongly. Since I don't believe in luck, it has to be the latter.

I've looked into my capping and what I've been doing lately, in order to improve it in the upcoming period.

No severe tactic change or anything, just a small tweak.

Sixers (-3) (2.00 @ Pinnacle) 8 units

Yeah it's a big play and I said I won't go big right? I'm not forcing it, this would be an 8 unit play even if this has been a great season up until now.

I may be wrong as I have been plenty this year, but Miami is going nowhere but down. They're already in a huge hole and they're not even looking like a mediocre team right now, let alone a playoff team. Up until recently I thought ok, they can turn it around, it's still early, but having watched some of their games recently, I can't shake off the feeling their approach is lackluster. Shaq is slower than ever, he has officially lost the explosiveness he had, he's just heavy now, but that's pretty much all. Sitting down low and using some old tricks to muscle out the opponents but as far as his presence goes, he has none at the moment. They do not play for him, nor does he inspire the team any more. It's safe to say he will have his hands full with Dalembert. Miami's rotation being quite short, it all comes down to Wade as far as scoring goes, Haslem in the inside and Ricky Davis to nail down some shots. But what used to be a team in which players like Kapono or Posey contribute, is now a very slow team with no real edges over any team in the league.

The Sixers are far from being world beaters and I have to say I expected this line at 4.5. 5 wouldn't surprise me either. But 3? Ok enough with the trap talk, let's focus on facts. The Sixers are 2-3 following a 4 game winning streak. They beat Cleveland and Memphis, lost to the Lakers, Kings and Pacers. They got to spend Christmas at home, now playing at home, to a team on a back to back, who is disgruntled as it is. Now you tell me who steps up here.

adding more soon.
Hawks -2,5 (1.91) 7 units
O200 (1.89) 3 units

Backing a home team that has stepped up despite the injuries, again laying a short number, the Pacers are a hit or miss team, I may as well try it since the number is small and I am more keen betting on the home team during holidays. The Hawks are winners of 4 straight and 7 out of last 9. Good enough for me, against a strange team like the Pacers. Also taking the over in this one, the number is too low I think.

Hornets (-2,5) (1.95) 6 units

The Hornets could have done some partying themselves as many road teams will these days, but the fact remains, they're twice as good as these Grizzlies are. Memphis are amidst a horrid stretch, losing 9 out of last 11. They have to turn it around somewhere, but they haven't managed to beat the Hornets so far despite shooting lights out in both games. Whereas there will be a lot of Memphis backers thinking they finally step up after two narrow losses, I think Hornets win by double digits.

Good luck everyone. :shake:
My advice to all the lurkers: Start tailing this dude now. Proven winner that is going to balance it out on the positive real soon.

Nice start to the Sixers game for you bro!
Nice call Tee*Dub and one that i completely agree with aswell...

I think were through our rough patch now onto the good...

Lets sweep tonight !! :cheers:
My advice to all the lurkers: Start tailing this dude now. Proven winner that is going to balance it out on the positive real soon.


Tailing my tail is the place to be:smiley_acbe:.. Nice work Satyr.. Stay in the zone bro
well that's the least I could do after sucking for so long :D.

The season is turning:cheers: