NBA Sunday


Paster of Muppets
It's safe to say my NBA capping needs to be looked at. After 3 consecutive seasons with 111% ROI or more, I am now facing a losing season. I've been sitting out the action for a week, tried, wanted to pick my spots, ended up on two rather dumb bets in the end (HOU -11, ORL -11,5), both ended up winning by 9 but in all reality those two favs never should have covered. So I am doing it in NHL, but can't find consistency as far as hoops are concerned. Just wanted to stress that out in case someone wants to tail, even though I don't see why, lol.

Too many public plays? Maybe. Too many favs? Maybe right as well. Not sure what I do differently compared to previous seasons, I've always been a situational capper, not a system capper, so I tend to adapt, it just seems this season I'm doing wrong things. Still hoping to get this baby to green, but I won't force anything, as far as stakes or the number of plays are concerned.

Ok the Rockets are laying 3.5 here, the Lakers are deep, talented, well coached, but I still like Houston a lot. The Lakers will have to rely on their outside shooting more than ever as Gasol is out, Bynum still can't play. Turiaf can't substitute Gasol, Odom isn't that kind of player. The Rockets already got used to playing without Yao, while the Lakers without Gasol (or Bynum) have played a limited number of games, so it remains to be seen how they respond. There are no doubts Phil knows his job, he is a proven winner and fading him on the long run with a talented team will lead you to the poor house. However, they're on a road trip, they have been regressing a bit as it is, now lost Gasol, situationally this adds up in favor of the Rockets.

Also, they're still riding a streak, isn't there a rule not to fade a team on such a huge streak? (ok I broke that rule in NHL today so it could backfire one way or another tonight, but I still like this play). I also think defensively, the Lakers will be challenged without Pau, not solely production wise. I won't overthink this one, I capped it in and out and I like it.

Rockets -3,5 (1.97 @ Pinnacle) 6 units

Cavs/Cats UNDER 194 (1.94 @ Pinnacle) 5 units

see BC's thread, like his reasoning on that one.

Best of luck. :cheers:
hey buddy, i've been reading you since BA era, so i think you dont really have to explain nothing, cause i guess everybody here knows what you can do.

i know you're not angry, you're not chasing anything and you dont let your disappointment affect your capping, which i think it's just great ;)

you'll bounce back

anyway, how can't you love that under after reading BC thread? :cheers:

gl Satyr :tiphat:
thanks for the kind words Ed, appreciate it buddy. :cheers:

Best of luck tonight. :shake:
BOL Satyr

don't trip or even start to overthink them "public plays". fuck that. believing that stuff is for people that cannot cap the game themselves and need to rely on %s that can be true/not. Don't overthink it, and do not chase and you should be back to normal and better, as cold streaks teach you a lot. either way, BOL Satyr

Really like Houston as well. I'm hoping if I wait, I can catch a 3, but 3.5 should do the job
I with Lakers ML tonight, so can't wish you luck. Hope they won't lose by 3 points and f**k us both. :)
For what it's worth buddy, a lot of situational cappers I respect have not been doin well this season for some reason. I'm a situational capper myself and am having my worst season in 7 years.

This year has been a total grind, and I think a lot has to do with all the trades balancing teams out, and also the number of injuries that have taken place this year, which has made it a lot harder to find some sort of consistency. Hopefully the rest of the season plays out better.

I'm leaning with the Lakers, but good luck tonight.
yep. :D

I really don't see a blowout here. Could win both bets here easily.

2nd H

Lakers -3 (2.00)

5 units
a little bit offtopic but nevertheless...I don't think I've seen a heartless performance such as this one by an NHL team this season. Ottawa are playing so shitty it's unreal.
hah, now the Lakers won't cover 2nd half...funny game. Great stuff from Houston for the 22nd win...insane run.
Good shit. I should've middled with you, then I wouldn't have to sweat out that damn game. unfortunate you missed it, but hey. winning one, push another, still good