NBA Playoffs INGAME...

Fultz obv to Boston and Ball to idea what Philly will do

Suns org will screw up Jackson or Taytum
HAHA first time I've seen a sideline reporter leave Pops with his mouth hanging open like he usually does to them. LMAO
Shut-up Wilbon.

Like what ESPN is doing with Cappin' Jack, Kenyon and Co. I'm big on player-perspective.

What they're missing are legit degenerate gamblers to break it down how shit really is.

These well-paid analysts just spit the obvious and the mundane.
I like Pop but he's out of his mind on criticism of Pachulia. Lest he forget, Bruce Bowen did that shit regularly in the playoffs. Check out the first play on the video. Not the only time he's done that either.

Plenty of Bowen with a little cheap-shot Bob thrown in there, dirty motherfuckers. Cry me a river..
This gotta be what it feels like betting under in the all star game, nothing but 3s and dunks but this one has a ton of free throws too

Whatever happened to side out on a foul? Why even have a bonus when every foul results in FTs anymore
Where unwatchable happens

This is 20x worse than NCAA basketball, it's gawdawful and I'm critical as fuck against NCAA

This is 2 months of pure garbage
One Spurs/Grizz game, one Wiz/Celts game...even that Warriors comeback was a shitty game to watch
It's a shitty prelude to what should be a great Finals.

You have the 2 most dominant teams in the NBA colliding.

Just gotta grin and bear it and hopefully make some coin along the way...
Betting on drama whatsoever in the NBA is a losing proposition, should just square it up and be done with it. No substance behind the obvious
This is potentially the most boring game in the history of basketball ... and I am talking going back to the wicker basket days
This is potentially the most boring game in the history of basketball ... and I am talking going back to the wicker basket days

Disagree, the ball had to stay in the wicker basket so there was that element of surprise even after it went in the bucket