NBA Player evaulation Thread-

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
At this point in the season I think certain players are making a name for themselves and certain players are not.

Very Impressed with--

GONBOLI- he is flat out great, hits free throws and scores a lot--
who is better GONBOLI or DUKE from Germany?

John Rondo- He might be the best point guard, he is athletic, rebounds, quick, has good moves, he is really getting better in this league--

Christian PAUL- He is the MVP, his team is horrible without him, they just suck and are a lottery team with no PAUL-- They need a backup point guard, what happened to that kid Jerry PARGO?

Kalvin AZUBUKE- He is a future star, he is getting better-

AJ Jefferson- dominating inside player for sure-

Hal Thorton- Another athlete getting better every day-

Clarence maggette- Dude gets to the free throw line all day long

Pierce- I think he is better than KOBE and LEBRON, his game is just smoother and more consistent-

Robbie Westbrook- young kid, good legs, great athlete-

Erik GORDON- another young kid , great player

PORTLAND- Patrick ROY, and ALdrige , Outlaw and Baylor like them

YAO- dude can play and dominate if refs give him the calls


Crackhead barnes- not sure why he is in the NBA- he sucks IMO- bad shots and when he is the reason SUNS stink.

Jason Richardson- Think Suns lost that trade, Richardson is overrated-

Chris Soft BOSH- He is overrated, I hate when they talk about BOSH and great in the same sentence- In my eyes there are at least 10 guys in the league better than him easily at his position.

Quincy Carter- He is slowing down and shows no effort for Nets-

Raptors as a franchise overall, they are going nowhere-

Stodamire Shaq combo- not working at all, AMARe needs to be #1 option here-

Lamar Mcgrady- He is injured too much, he is almost 30 but playing like 38 years old-

Dwight howard- too uncoordinated and doesent show up vs good teams-

Golden state blowing 4th qtr leads left right and centre-

lakers losing at halftime at home so many games this year-

Cavs road play it stinks IMO

Pistons- that team is OLD they need to start over young, they are not winning anything with this cast of players-
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what's up buddy its been a while since we kissed, oops i meant chatted, remember the days of the dallas stars overtime games we used to watch all night long lol-

hope things are well with you--

that GONBOLI is quite a player
hey Sammy what's up bro.

kissed? :D:36_11_6::36_11_6:

Yeah Gonboli is great :smiley_acbe:
JR Smith shows time and time that he is the least clutch FT shooter in the league

at least 3X I've seen him, down 3 with the ball get hit on a 3 pter and miss one of the FTs to lose the game
With Porkor, Gonboli, and Doncon, the Spurs will be dangerous as fuck in the playoffs.
The Denver (Gangstas) are not a team to trust with money, they are not professionals, they are gangstas--

they almost always lose to a smarter team like the spurs who just outsmarts them-

Spurs are thin though, the RED ROCKET Bonner plays, FINLEY is 47 years old, they need another big man to help DUNKIN out.
Also not impressed with Raptors GM Bryan Canneloni or what ever his name is, I am usually great with names but cant remember his for some reason.
Jannero Pargo went to Europe when the Hornets wouldn't pay him $3M a year. Antonio Daniels showed he is a backup alright after last nights game vs Bulls
Pierce- I think he is better than KOBE and LEBRON, his game is just smoother and more consistent-

I have never realized how poorly Tony Parker shoots Free Throws, he gives smith a run for his money...
hey guys ... lets do some player evaluating and contribute to the thread premise rather than bash the author.

Turiaf -- Think this guy bascally represents the only defender on his team. A far more key component to that squad than he is given credit for. Also helps them with rebounding on what is a woeful , woeful , woeful rebounding club.
Sam Dalembert is hands down the stupidest motherfucker in the league

and by that I mean 'the guy is dumb as a rock'

and by that I mean 'my keyboard has a higher basketball IQ'
Sam Dalembert is hands down the stupidest motherfucker in the league

and by that I mean 'the guy is dumb as a rock'

and by that I mean 'my keyboard has a higher basketball IQ'

Dalembernie got kicked off the canadian national team, not sure why, but an argument with coach, he doesent look too bright but at least he played for us not like NASH:smiley_acbe:
LMAO Sammy:36_11_6:

To contribute to the thread:

-The Birdman is giving the Nuggets some very nice effort from the bench.
Love his energy when he comes in. I didnt expect him even to play garbage minutes but he is doing a great job there.

john rondo, crackhead barnes, and clarence maggette.

this thread is archive status.
hey guys ... lets do some player evaluating and contribute to the thread premise rather than bash the author.

Turiaf -- Think this guy bascally represents the only defender on his team. A far more key component to that squad than he is given credit for. Also helps them with rebounding on what is a woeful , woeful , woeful rebounding club.
