NBA Finals In-Game Thread

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I've read that Wiggins' D is nothing special. I confess I've probably watched about 15 minutes of his NBA career. Cavs weren't going to defend their way to the title anyway. Let's see how the next couple games go. This is an offensively efficient team that can run and shoot threes. A mini Golden State with a 280-pound point guard.

ive ridden the wiggins train as a bad move but I think hes just such a better fit, not that Love is a bad player

but Wiggins wouldnt need touches, he's obviously not LeBron on D but hes above average, and could let LeBron rest in quarters 1-3 for a few minutes each and not guard a ball handler or scorer

then the $$$$$ they could have spent on someone like Aldridge or even FA to be Kevin Love

it was a win in 2014/15 trade, no forward thinking
Actually I haven't watched him other than vs the Spurs and wasn't overly impressed. With Irving and Love out there what they really need is a big man to defend the rim to cover up mistakes.

I just don't see where the Cavs go when Kerr has a full bench as his disposal. LeBron w/ the Cavs down 3 sat the last 30 seconds of 3rd Q and first 2:30 of the 4th and the Warriors extend the lead to 14. Game over right there.

Bron shouldn't rest in the second halves of these finals games unless he begs out, it shouldn't be by design. The whole damn season, and the playoffs as they played out, have been pointed to this. He's never been this rested for a finals, and the finals has never had so much built-in rest between games. It's too dangerous to take him out of the game for 3 minutes of a close game nearing or in the 4th quarter. Everything works off him, team's a house of cards.

Probably too much to ask, but that's what I'm asking in close games.
Man I hate Tony Brothers in general.

Scotty has his moments but Brothers is grimiest Christian ever.
Jefferson playing well.

Warriors got Ezeli w/ the draft pick the Spurs gave GS to take Jefferson's lousy contract off their hands
How long til the give Curry his 4th foul in the 2nd half ?

Probably the first time I've seen Scurry in foul trouble ever.
I'll use halftime as my platform for this. Even when foul trouble exists, college ball, coaches lose more games worrying about it than they do winning games by managing it. Your player fouling out is tomorrow guy's problem, let's deal with the game in front of our face.
In Game 2 last season the Cavs were up 2 at the half.

Every predictive formula in the Dubs' favor right now.

But the league is what it is.

We will see Danny Crawford in Game 3 either way.