NBA Finals Discussion thread

Cavs role players will play so much better at home. Lebron needs help and it'll come at home. The 2 days off helps the Cavs
I thought LBJ taking an outside shot for the last possession in reg. was a horrible decision. You drive, and give yourself a chance at being fouled if you don't make the shot. GS had a horseshoe up their ass for the rebound shot not going in.
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Nice call by ESPN to have Stephen A Smith and Wilbon breakdown the game. 2 guys that don't have a fucking clue.
Huge win. If they go down 0-1 the mood is fucked, lose home court, and they play nervous next game. Now they can play loose but still need to win to keep home court advantage.
Huge win. If they go down 0-1 the mood is fucked, lose home court, and they play nervous next game. Now they can play loose but still need to win to keep home court advantage.

Massive. Grats Cog. Dubs with one hand on the trophy.
Dellevadova and Jones didn't belong out there tonight, that left the Cavs with a 1 man bench of JR Smith who didn't have his best night.

Cavs didn't convert many of those offensive rebounds into points did they ? haven't seen any stat on 2nd chance points but didn't seem like the Cavs scored on the extra possessions much.

WTF was Blatt doing playing Irving 40+ minutes in the first place ?
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Mozgov over 9 points seems kind of easy, no? I see 9, 9, 10, 23, 10 and 14 the past two seasons against the Warriors.

Hope you played it, I thought it was a coin flip and Bogut could handle him but Mozzy was a monster.

Bogut didn't even play in the OT, Ezeli started the OT and then was replaced by Barnes.
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line at BOL was just at 6.5 and has now moved to 7. without Kyrie it probably moves to 8.

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[TD="class: bdt, colspan: 27, align: center"]Sunday, Jun 07, 2015 - NBA Basketball Game[/TD]
</tbody><tbody class="event" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 11.039999961853px; vertical-align: baseline; background: transparent;">[TR="class: h2hSeq firstline"]
[TD="class: col_time bdevtt, align: center"]08:00 PM[/TD]
[TD="class: col_rotno bdevtt, align: center"]703[/TD]
[TD="class: col_teamname bdevtt"]Cleveland Cavaliers[/TD]
[TD="class: info bdevtt"]
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[TD="class: info bdevtt"]o[/TD]
[TD="class: checkboxes bdevtt2"]<input type="checkbox" class="oddsselection" cfg="{'type':'h2h','selId':'G|Basketball|NBA|0|POSTUP|.|296930095|M|MLHW|Cleveland Cavaliers','selObj':{'gt':'G','str':'POSTUP','prf':'.','mkt':'M','selTyp':'MLHW','tmId':'Cleveland Cavaliers'},'a':250,'d':3.5,'h':0,'dh':'','aorg':250,'dorg':3.5,'horg':0,'dhorg':'','av':0,'dv':0,'rno':703}" value="G|Basketball|NBA|0|POSTUP|.|296930095|M|MLHW|Cleveland Cavaliers" style="margin: 0px;">[/TD]
[TD="class: odds bdevtt moneylineodds displayOdds, align: center"]+250[/TD]
[TD="class: info bdevtt"]o[/TD]
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[TD="class: mktdesc bdevtt"]Ov[/TD]
[TD="class: hdcp bdevtt, align: center"]201½[/TD]
[TD="class: odds bdevtt displayOdds, align: center"]-110[/TD]
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[TR="class: otherline"]
[TD="class: col_rotno bdevtt, align: center"]704[/TD]
[TD="class: col_teamname bdevtt"]Golden State Warriors[/TD]
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[TD="class: hdcp bdevtt, align: center"]-7[/TD]
[TD="class: odds bdevtt displayOdds, align: center"]-110[/TD]
[TD="class: info bdevtt"]o[/TD]
[TD="class: checkboxes bdevtt2"]<input type="checkbox" class="oddsselection" cfg="{'type':'h2h','selId':'G|Basketball|NBA|0|POSTUP|.|296930095|M|MLAW|Golden State Warriors','selObj':{'gt':'G','str':'POSTUP','prf':'.','mkt':'M','selTyp':'MLAW','tmId':'Golden State Warriors'},'a':-300,'d':1.333,'h':0,'dh':'','aorg':-300,'dorg':1.333,'horg':0,'dhorg':'','av':0,'dv':0,'rno':704}" value="G|Basketball|NBA|0|POSTUP|.|296930095|M|MLAW|Golden State Warriors" style="margin: 0px;">[/TD]
[TD="class: odds bdevtt moneylineodds displayOdds, align: center"]-300[/TD]
[TD="class: info bdevtt"]o[/TD]
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[TD="class: mktdesc bdevtt"]Un[/TD]
[TD="class: hdcp bdevtt, align: center"]201½[/TD]
[TD="class: odds bdevtt displayOdds, align: center"]-110[/TD]
[TD="class: info bdevtt"]o[/TD]
[TD="class: checkboxes bdevtt2"][/TD]

rest til sunday aint fixing that...
I'm not buying that tendinitis was the issue, something was structurally wrong with his knee and he was hoping to gut out the Finals I'm guessing.
Kyrie needs to stay in a suit the rest of this series...dude doesn't need to risk furthering the damage to his body. Anyone remember RG3 playing till his knee couldn't even hold him up for the Redskins? That was a sad day in sports.

Cavs are going to need to score the ball efficiently and take really good shots that does not help GS get out in transition. The depth of the Warriors is going to play a huge role in their home games, but on the road in Cleveland is where the Cavaliers can gain some momentum.

Game 1 means jack shit in a series, sure its a huge win for GSW but if they drop Game 2 everything shifts in Cleveland's favour.

If the Cavaliers win this series Lebron moves one tiny step closer to 'greatness'. He does look like a man amongst boys out there, dude just needs to hit a few jumpers and get some rhythm in his game.

Lebron has got to realize that if he wants to win a ring it is not going to happen with Mozgov shooting runners and hook shots.

Looking forward to Game 2 and seeing how the Cavs make adjustments.
series is over,

Worst NBA playoffs in recent history.

Warriors didn't have to play a single good team until the finals and they're getting the Cavs down Love and w/ Irving hurt.

This could've been an epic NBA finals too, if Bron's game winner went in. Kyrie wouldn't have re-aggravated (possibly could've made it through the series w/o falling funny)...ugh...would've been nice...

Warriors give you one shot at them early in a series, Cavs needed to capitalize. Game 2 blowout. GSW wins 1/2 in Cleveland and closes out in 5.

Well there's always next year.
Concur except they faced the team that presented them the best challenge in the 2nd round and the coach made some of the most ridiculous adjustments and made it seem like a fork in the road
series is over,

Worst NBA playoffs in recent history.

Warriors didn't have to play a single good team until the finals and they're getting the Cavs down Love and w/ Irving hurt.

Disagree, Memphis and Houston were both top 10 teams and better than #1 seed Atlanta in the East.

Warriors did have the good fortune to not face the Clippers and Spurs, the 2 other teams besides Memphis that could hurt them in the paint.

Warriors with their best player being a PG had the amazing run of luck to face 4 straight playoff teams missing their starting PG, Pelicans w/ Jrue Holiday, Memphis w/ Conley, Houston w/ Beverly, and now Cleveland w/ Irving.

I'm sure your thinking the same thing I am, what if the Spurs had just grabbed the #2 seed, faced Dallas, then Houston, I'd say it would've been 50/50 vs the Warriors...could have possibly won back 2 back.
Game 1 notes

Cleveland only scored 6 points on their 13 offensive boards.
shot taken in the last 4 seconds of the shot clock....Golden State 1-3....Cleveland 3-13.
Before last night, home teams in 7 game series down 10+ points after the 1st Quarter had a record of 13-27.
LeBron postseason series record after winning game 1 is a game 1 loss 7-5.
Teams that win game 1 in the Finals win the series 48-20.....home teams that win game 1 are 40-11.
Only 3 players scored for Cleveland in the 2nd half and OT...LeBron, Kyrie, and Mozgov.
Last 2 minutes of regulation plus OT Cleveland shot 1-13 from the field.
series is over,

Worst NBA playoffs in recent history.

Warriors didn't have to play a single good team until the finals and they're getting the Cavs down Love and w/ Irving hurt.

This could've been an epic NBA finals too, if Bron's game winner went in. Kyrie wouldn't have re-aggravated (possibly could've made it through the series w/o falling funny)...ugh...would've been nice...

Warriors give you one shot at them early in a series, Cavs needed to capitalize. Game 2 blowout. GSW wins 1/2 in Cleveland and closes out in 5.

Well there's always next year.
First of all, series is far from over. A bounce here, a bounce there and Cleveland could have won that game last night. And if they take game 2, they steal home court. Not to mention they have the best player on the court. With Kyrie out they're either 2-0 or 3-0 so they're not too bad. Is it going to be harder? Of course but to say the series is over is premature.

Secondly what do you mean they didn't play a single good team. They play in the west. The east is where you don't play anybody. And you play who's in front of you. They dominated the regular season with the best record and have gone 47-3 at home including the playoffs so who's to say they would've lost had they played "better teams"? Are you mad they didn't play the spurs? Then win and face them. You guys didn't take care of business. I mentioned it before that the Warriors were +10 differential in points scored and points allowed. That's championship stuff. I think someone had a stat where it pretty much always wins a championship with those numbers.

And lastly with the "if bron's game winner went in".... shoulda, woulda, coulda. He should have drove the ball. Instead you can credit Iggy with forcing him to take a long low % shot or you can criticize Lebron for settling for that shot.
Lebron took 38 shots.

Cleveland aint winning if the best coach in the NBA keeps drawing up ISOs. There was very little ball movement and the cavs players played like they didn't belong in the finals for most of the game.

Ivy is just salty like I am a bit because he knows the Spurs would have had a great chance to repeat if they didn't let it slip away vs Lac. But.....

Game 1 was fantastic from a fan perspective. The Cavs are decimated with injuries. It's part of the game. It's part luck. It's part game planning. It's part location of the franchises. It's part team building. The way their team is built they're more susceptible to injuries than the Warriors because they aren't as deep. This wears a team over the course of the season. And the cavs had the much easier road to the finals luckboxing each round while their opponents had multiple injuries.... The Warriors did as well but not as bad
First of all, series is far from over. A bounce here, a bounce there and Cleveland could have won that game last night. And if they take game 2, they steal home court. Not to mention they have the best player on the court. With Kyrie out they're either 2-0 or 3-0 so they're not too bad. Is it going to be harder? Of course but to say the series is over is premature.

If Kyrie is done it's O-V-E-R

Time to implement the kidnap Riley Curry plan
I disagree about it being a shitty playoff...

Clips/Spurs was awesome......and what HOU did to the Clips was fucking awesome.

You can thank the Pels for fucking up yall's Spurs shit
This series was over before the first tip off. GSW winning Game 1 and Kyrie getting hurt, just msde it official.
As for Blatt, I liked what I saw from Kerr much more than I liked what I seen from Blatt.
On the other hand, it was the worst game by Cavs benchin the playoffs and it kind of forced Blatt to play yhe way he did, given the fact that they had a hufe shot at winning the game.
Blatt called a great play on last possession. Clear out for LeBron. Not many coaches could think of that.
Yeah, you wouldnt have the brains to do even that.
In fact, I'm shocked that you know how to read and write.
I'm shocked at how poorly Deli played on defense. He was late on everything possible.
Smith was poor, shooting 3 from 13.
Deli and Jones... I think I'm annoyed much more by the fact that they shot only one shot combined, more than the fact that they went scoreless and played terrible defense.
Blatt was simply forced to play Kyrie and Bron big minutes, since they played great and Cleveland had a chance to win the game and the bench was a no show.

I wrote both things during ingame - Kerr was right to leave Curry on the bench for long minutes in the first half. It helped him a lot to ease in to game. Cleveland was simply too tired in the final 9 minutes of the game. The late rotations, the fail to grab the rebound, the fact that Bron settled for long jumpers and couldn't get to the rim - they were just too tired. Obviously you expect from Blatt to try things and maybe throw in Miller, Perk, even Harris, I don't know... but all of them are bad fit for this series and it's very hard to try new things, when you're on a verge of winning on the road, in Game 1 of the NBA Finals.
I would imagine what people would have wrote, had he played Deli for more minutes or played Perk or something like that and Cleveland would have still lost...
"Why is he playing Deli and Jones, if they can't do anything on both ends of the floor" and "Why did he bring that bum, Perk" and so on...

I think that Blatt kind of froze and tried to stick with his best players, hoping that somehow, the time win run out, before his players will and he was really close.
I don't like that type of coaching, but I can understand it and I really think that bench play in Game 1, forced his hand.
I also liked both the fact that he tried to stay with his big line up, when GSW went small and I like the fact that he went small, when he saw that it just doesn't work. Mozgov failed to capitalize few good chances to score and on the other end of the floor, Cleveland really struggled.
If Mozgov would have made the shots, that were easy shots to make, everything would have been different, since Kerr would have had to react and 99% that Cleveland would have won the game. Little things obviously decided a game that went to OT and one - two shots going the other way, would have decided the game one way or the other.

I liked Kyrie's defense. I think he was amazing overall, given the fact that his injury clearly still bothered him. LeBron was amazing on offense, but he cut himself slack on defense and really many times didn't react quick enough. I guess he is human after all.

Without Kyrie, I really don't know what Cleveland game plan would be. They can't increase Bron's usage rate any higher than they had used him in Game 1.
I would try to go with your veterans and just see what they can give you. Cleveland are playing with house money right now, because they can't win and no one will blame them if they lose, playing without Kyrie and Love, against historically good team. They can try to do desperate things and hope it will work.

I agree with those that claim that GSW had a lot of luck in their way to the Finals. I believe they would have won all three series in the West regardless, but the fact that Beverly was out and Jrue and Conley played injured, against league's MVP, sure help a lot to them. Who knows what would have happened, had they played 3 - 4 games on their way to the Finals, scenario that easily could have happened if the rosters were healthy. Any good team is one injury away from losing their shot at the title.

Btw, Cleveland lost the game, in which Green was in foul trouble - that is what really makes it officialy over, even if Kyrie manages to play somehow.
That's one of the dumbest mistakes by Kerr btw and no one talked about it. He had a chance to sub players, he gave order to make a foul in the end of the second quarter, when GSW had a foul to give. It was clear that LeBron will have the ball and yet he placed Green on him and Green commited the foul they had to give. It was dumb on so many levels and if Cleveland had won Game 1, I guess many would have mentioned that point in the game.
Curry is already getting annoying. Yes enjoy the moment, but stop starring into space after you make a shot or after you jump into someone and get the foul.
Great shooter, no doubt, but guy needs to stop acting like he's the greatest ever, which hes not.

And can you guys give a rest on the whole Blatt thing, getting old now. Thanks
@SportsInsights: #NBA #Cavs - Kyrie Irving, Knee - is downgraded to doubtful Sunday (6/7) at Golden State
Curry is already getting annoying. Yes enjoy the moment, but stop starring into space after you make a shot or after you jump into someone and get the foul.
Great shooter, no doubt, but guy needs to stop acting like he's the greatest ever, which hes not.

And can you guys give a rest on the whole Blatt thing, getting old now. Thanks

The entire team is basically like that though. The Warriors are cocky. And in a way it's annoying but in another way it's refreshing that they aren't being pussies like the rest of the world has become it seems like. The Warriors do not play smart basketball but it works for them. Curry would rather take a 3 because he's a machine and to him and the team the value is there. Lebron wishes he could shoot like curry for just one game.

no matter what happens... Lebron isn't getting any heat for it.
Just heard Kyrie fractured his kneecap and is out 4 to 6 months.

Sad. Think the front office is to blame, Irving during the Atlanta series didn't go see Dr. Andrews because of tendinitis.

Just took the under 201 in game 2.
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Was at the bar watching the game (didnt have the sound on). I am still pissed the refs called a travel on mozgov.
Trying to figure out who the 2nd option is going to be on offense now, but based on the two games Irving missed during the ATL series, looks like Lebron probably just appoints himself 1a and 1b (took 22 of 76 shots in GM 2, and 37/97 in GM 3).