Nadal +120


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He avenges the Aussie final losses to Joker tonight. Best I've seen Rafa on the hardcourts in a loooong time. He's healthy, serving well and should be full of energy after a pretty easy ride to the finals.

Joker my favorite player of all time, but tonight goes to the Spaniard.
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Posted Giorgi last week...had no clue Pliskova would try so damn hard for once in her life....unreal the transformation that bitch went in like 30 days because of coaching. Absolutely stunned she came back to beat Serena...ankle or not..

Pliskova might be rolling into the US open if she plays like this on the hards all season.
It's Nadal's time. It would seem so messed up if he falls short in Oz again. He's played so damn good.

gl hunt

Thanks bro...I agree...It's tonight or never for Rafa in Australia. He is playing out of his mind, he deserves it.

Tip hat off to Joker if he wins..but I know you tennis guys have watched these guys for two weeks and Rafa has been head and shoulders better than Nole in OZ this a mile. All it takes is one match though.

Expecting the late money to pour in on Rafa...was really glad Joker smashed a tired Pouille or Rafa would have been favored imo.
Posted Giorgi last week...had no clue Pliskova would try so damn hard for once in her life....unreal the transformation that bitch went in like 30 days because of coaching. Absolutely stunned she came back to beat Serena...ankle or not..

Pliskova might be rolling into the US open if she plays like this on the hards all season.

Well there's a fuck ton of season between now and then, those bitches are so inconsistent I wouldn't trust em as far as I could throw BAR. One thing I will trust...It's Naomi's world for as long as she wants it to be and the rest are along for the ride. An even-tempered Serena is scary, and if she loses it will be her that beats her
Well there's a fuck ton of season between now and then, those bitches are so inconsistent I wouldn't trust em as far as I could throw BAR. One thing I will trust...It's Naomi's world for as long as she wants it to be and the rest are along for the ride. An even-tempered Serena is scary, and if she loses it will be her that beats her

No doubt bro. I just meant on the hard courts specifically for Plissy. Don't really trust her game anywhere else.

Serena might win one more slam...maybe...having a baby just changed her big time...she can't control them nerves at 2015 that Serena could have half her body frozen and still win that set.

Osaka is scary. Girl is like a little yoda on the court. Will always be in it with her serve and mental toughness. ANy other bitch would have folded in that 3rd set...including Serena.
A 20 year old top of the line Nadal wouldn’t have a chance against Joker tonight.

We are watching the GOAT. Top 3 athlete of all time. Jordan, Brady, Joker.