Monday Fade The Giants MLB Discussion

I understand canceling Run Lines and if the total is not Over already but when the Total has already gone Over, it shouldn't be canceled.
Happened to me before

It is the biggest kick in the balls in betting as far as rules go

And of course I have never had it bail me out the other way LOL
Totally agree. I don't see why this is controversial at all. I feel the same thing applies to NBA totals, If the score is under before overtime then an under bet should be declared a winner.
Meh, I'm not sure about that one. I've had my fair share of football bets win thanks to OT, especially in college.
Totally agree. I don't see why this is controversial at all. I feel the same thing applies to NBA totals, If the score is under before overtime then an under bet should be declared a winner.
Nah bro, that is a stretch....not like hockey and soccer where there is that option
Nah bro, that is a stretch....not like hockey and soccer where there is that option

Betting on a total has nothing to do with who wins or loses though which is why there are overtimes because neither side has scored one more than the other. They're not going to overtime because of the total. You are simply betting on points scored within what's expected to be a standard regulation game. Any additional scoring in overtime shouldn't impact total bets.
Betting on a total has nothing to do with who wins or loses though which is why there are overtimes because neither side has scored one more than the other. They're not going to overtime because of the total. You are simply betting on points scored within what's expected to be a standard regulation game. Any additional scoring in overtime shouldn't impact total bets.
yea but that is the rules

same with football

is reg even offered anywhere on baskets and foots?
What do you guys think the total for LA / COL is going to be tomorrow night? Think I'm going to go big against Oswalt on the TT provided they don't hang a 5...

EDIT: Nevermind, it's 9...
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Looks like they're bringing in the bats from the rack. I'm guessing we will have an announcement soon.
— Andrew Baggarly (@CSNBaggs) July 2, 2013
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Mutts just got screwed...1 out double clearly hit off the fence behind the wall, reviewed and still say double. Clearly HR.
Scores anyway... RBI single

3-3 now

That makes 23 straight starts now without a W for AZ starters (since June 5th).
Wow...idiot John Buck. Wild pitch, runners moving up,Buck gets thrown out at 2nd with the winning run at 3rd.