MLB Regular Season In-Game Thread 2018

I’ll be damned, we won another series!!

Pitching been great. Shame most nights our offense is carp hitting solo shots. He would be mvp if he could do this in the 3 hole!!
Postseason needs to start in August, I'm worn out with this sport

Never woulda guessed a decade ago I couldn't wait for this weekend....for futbol
Shit weaver scratched for Ross. Dunno how I feel bout that? We still have the young studs ready to back him up if he doesn’t pitch well and the offense gonna give him support! Go cards, I want the sweep! I said we would go 4-2 minimum in the mia and kc series but also said we really should go 5-1!
Shit weaver scratched for Ross. Dunno how I feel bout that? We still have the young studs ready to back him up if he doesn’t pitch well and the offense gonna give him support! Go cards, I want the sweep! I said we would go 4-2 minimum in the mia and kc series but also said we really should go 5-1!

Has any pitcher not had a good first start with his team besides Arrieta? Lol been quite the mlb trend!
I am a way bigger Brewers fan than any other team. The year after year late season collapses bother me way too much. You are lucky that you have seen your baseball team win multiple titles and all I ask for is one.

Tbh my first year of being a fan was year Cubs won it all cause i made a friend from st louis at college lol. So i guess i feel ya in that regard. Been Jags fan all my life (so not long lol) tho
We get Chicago and St Louis this week so it could be lights out if this week goes bad.

Bad time to be catching cards!! Think that a series where the starting pitching weakness vs cards excellent starters will really show. Especially now that our pen can now hold its own with anyone! So nice that all the young kids up now that we have a manager willing to trust them!! Don’t want this to come off as homerish but if the offense performs anywhere near this level cards can beat anyone with all the young stud arms we can throw at a team.. I think cards pitching evens out fact brewers lineup so much better.
Hopefully Nats are deflated! Could be good angle!

Deflated, Won’t be In bed till 3-4 am, but most importantly it Milone who a bum facing a cards lineup who hitting a good stride and who finally starting to have success vs lhp which this lineup absolutely should, price feels a good 20-30 cents light imo, or im really drinking the kool-aid!! Lol
Deflated, Won’t be In bed till 3-4 am, but most importantly it Milone who a bum facing a cards lineup who hitting a good stride and who finally starting to have success vs lhp which this lineup absolutely should, price feels a good 20-30 cents light imo, or im really drinking the kool-aid!! Lol

Yum i love me some kool-aid tho! Just always hated the red flavor for some reason same with gatorade lol
Always hated bud Norris. Hated him when he always whipped us as stro. Hate him as our closer. Hicks should be our closer, or Hudson. We won’t make it with bud who only closes games he faces 6-7-8 hitters!!
Hudson a stud!! Norris blew my run line. Let’s hopefully cash the big ml play tho!

Forgot to mention bud also a snitch. I hate snitches more than shitty closers!
VC I got banned from that trash place you write articles for. All I’ve contributed there, all the ppl I’ve brought there, pay my dues. And just cause some miserable bitch disrespects me and I tell him what I would do to him face to face and instead of getting a infraction/warning (for which I havnt got any in years, they ban me for 3 days because the pussy mod apparently is having affair with this pos poster!! Fukk that place!))

Dejung baby?!

So pissed Norris blew my run line!
Lmao poor Gnats. Another ninth inning homer lmao! Not as dramatic as Scrubs but i'll take it! Good we got a hit off that piece of shit Greg Holland. Somehow I had blackout restriction maybe cause where i'm at for college? But I hope he got booed
1st win we got for that 14 mil we gave holland all year!!!! Lol. Didn’t know nats grabbed him. Big mistake!! Lol