May 15 NBA (I still believe)


Blame it on the boogie
+232.3029 units

GSW to win all- .1 unit to win 10
Clev to win all- .5 unit to win 10
Detroit to win East- .5556 units to win 1
Detroit to win all- 1 unit to win 5
Cleveland to win East +370- 3 units to win 11.1
Spurs in 6 +650- 3 units to win 19.5
Spurs series +135- 20 units to win 27
GSW to win series +175- 15 units to win 26.25
GSW to win series +280 - 40 units to win 112
Suns series +185- 15 units to win 27.75

someone asked yesterday about my unit system. Yea, originally starting the playoffs I was going 3-5 units per game, then as my bankroll went up, so did my bet sizes to the point where it is now. it is 100 per "unit", and I do not feel there is anything wrong with upping your bet size as your bankroll grows, whats wrong is upping it when you're cold- that spells disaster. well overall, if I hit 1000 "units" or $100,000 for the playoffs, I'll probably quit.

I still believe, and I just realzied I'm becoming like that guy on covers- I've bet on GS on their past like 7 games. Oh well, I really like them tonight. I believe they become frantic tonight knowing their entire season s gone with a loss. The emotional panic mode will set in as they take games 5-6. game 7 is iffy. :(

helluva day yesterday with both dogs winning straight up.. so if people are counting dogs are now 4-0 SU in the past 2 days.. i think

Loving this teaser:
Detroit -2, GS +10 (-120)- 48 units to win 40
Deroit -2, Clev pk (-120)- 48 units to win 40
Detroit Pistons -7 (-120) Chicago- 36 units to ewin 30
---Pistons -7.5 (-110) Chicago- 33 units to win 30

Thinkin Detroit takes this one by DD, but really dislike public big faves, gonna play GS on the spread and ML, but gonna wait
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Gl with the Pistons man. I'll even root for your Warriors to lose by 9. :)

Hell of a postseason you're having. I think that as well as setting a mark to quit on the over you should think about setting a mark that you'd get out if things go sour at all. Again congrats on the great run you're having.
yea, I did. If I drop to 370 for the playoffs, I think Imma quit. Cuz that'll make my playoffs + regular season (about 130) I'll be up 50,000 for the 06-07 NBA, and I'll be happy with that.
roll with it:
Detroit -7 (-120) Chicago- 36 units to win 30

-with the cleveland win yesterday, detroit wants to be the mroe rested team in case clev wins 2m

-detroit off a big loss
-chicago used up any emotion they might have had
-I think detroit has covered this number at home all thru the playoffs
yea, I did. If I drop to 370 for the playoffs, I think Imma quit. Cuz that'll make my playoffs + regular season (about 130) I'll be up 50,000 for the 06-07 NBA, and I'll be happy with that.

Good stuff. That's good money for sitting around watching dudes shoot a leather basketball. :shake:

I wanted your thoughts on tomorrow's game between CLEV and NJ if I may.
The reason that I am asking is that Pinny has an $1109.32 limit on teasers. I was thinking about playing the 5 1/2 point teaser for $1100 and the 5 pt teaser for $1100...........and then thought about a 5.5 point teaser on det-2, gs +10 and ????????

I have my thoughts on that game and would love to see if they match yours!!!!!!!

Thanks man
heh, just played it, I use

Detroit -2/ Clev pk (2 team 5.5 pt teaser) (-120)- 48 units to win 40
adding some thru local to get cash.. WOW, I have hellaa money on this Detroit game... uh oh

Detroit -7.5 (-110) Choicago- 33 units to win 30

gonna update all my plays on top
Might not be able to post later, but as the late game approaches, Imma take them either thru Bookmaker numebr or local for around 80 units
ADD 70 units on det 2H -9 (120)
chase, if it loses, I'm out. fuck, bad money management

GSW +5 (-120) Utah- 120 units to win 100
--GSW +4.5 (-110) Utah- 22 units to win 20
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Definately been a great year for me, as well. My most profitable year in NBA betting. This has been a great forum for NBA betting! I'm going to take it easy now until football season. I don't like the way these playoffs are playing out.
Great Year, next year will be even better as you grow as a responsible bettor. Remember Money Mangement is key you could've finnished with over 60,000 dollars, even with 23,000 thats great....