Manti Te'o's Dead Girlfriend was a hoax?!?!?!?!

Lance Armstrong is probably the happiest guy in the world today. His story will get buried.
I don't think there are many things that a man would be ripped apart for by his team mates more than creating a fake girlfriend. Just think about the locker room situation for his upcoming NFL team.

Time heals all wounds though. Will people eventually forget about this? I don't know.
Nothing could be worse then the MLB player (forget his name) who got caught for previously doing porn... Yag porn by the way.
honestly if i were a Yag athlete, id be out of the closet in a heart beat. especially if i werent a star. imagine all the $ there is to be made as a speaker, and as a spokesperson for Yag groups.

fuck what some asshole says in the locker room. whats a guy gonna do call him a f****t? lol hed be like yeah, i am whats ur point?
colin coward joins the espn team in saying i really dont want to be matlock, just want to talk games. yea colin, cuz ur network is in cahoots with this teo story.
Lol that's prob pretty accurate

So what does everybody think his play should be going forward? It's obvious this isn't going away on its on so making a couple statements or a press conference with no questions allowed is not going to suffice
He says hes Yag...and was terrified of the perception of that at Notre Dame on the football he made up the girlfriend with his Yag lover....Yag lover got carried away and concocted this story about her dying to get more publicity....te'o didnt feel comfortable with taking it that far...Yag lover says do it or Ill out you....

Only way Te'o comes off "good" out of this
That's what I'm thinking but is a known Yag liar gonna be any better than just liar in the eyes of NFL GM's? I can't imagine a lot of teams lining up for that circus as opposed to just a dumbass liar. The league is full of those kinda guys
That's what I'm thinking but is a known Yag liar gonna be any better than just liar in the eyes of NFL GM's? I can't imagine a lot of teams lining up for that circus as opposed to just a dumbass liar. The league is full of those kinda guys

I dunno...but I agree with Dwoww - theres a huge opportunity out there for a Yag athlete
I dunno...but I agree with Dwoww - theres a huge opportunity out there for a Yag athlete

lets say ur a Yag guy who happens to be a guy like Maalik Wayns or Jon know the last guy off the bench on a mediocre team who's career has been just a string of 10 day contracts.

you come out of the closet and become teh first Yag active athlete and bam; you're getting thousands to speak all over the country, im sure you get a book deal, youll be the spokesperson for GLAAD, etc.

You can do that for yrs after your career too.

Hell, it probably would be smart for someone like that just to say their Yag even if they werent.
BTW I think you guys are wrong. Coming out as Yag would be no better than being branded a liar or an idiot to his draft status. You really think a NFL team wants the kind of distraction that would undoubtedly come along with that? The press would go buck wild with that story. There would be anonymous teammates making comments in the press, there would be distractions galore....the exact thing that teams do not want. Unfortunately it would create a fractured locker room. The NFL is simply not ready for an openly Yag player IMO.
honestly if i were a Yag athlete, id be out of the closet in a heart beat. especially if i werent a star. imagine all the $ there is to be made as a speaker, and as a spokesperson for Yag groups.

fuck what some asshole says in the locker room. whats a guy gonna do call him a f****t? lol hed be like yeah, i am whats ur point?

money to be made as a speaker but i doubt you have a roster spot for long
1/17/2013 8:13 AM PST BY TMZ STAFF

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The Manti Te'o not-really-dead-girlfriend hoax was perpetuated by a man namedRonaiah Tuiasosopo -- who served as a representative for the family of the fake "Lennay Kekua" ... and TMZ has the photo proof.

Here's what we know ...

While Manti was "dating" Lennay ... a Notre Dame die-hard fan who we'll call "Jan" (to protect her identity) reached out to Lennay on Twitter and began an online friendship.

After Lennay's supposed death, Jan became involved with a group called "Wear a Lei 4 Manti" -- in which fans wore Hawaiian leis to ND football games to show their support for the football star.

When the "Wear a Lei 4 Manti" movement began to receive media attention, Jan says she noticed she gained a Twitter follower named U'ilani Rae Kekua.

Jan tells TMZ ... she reached out to U'ilani and asked if she was related to Lennay -- to which U'ilani replied, "Yes, that's my baby sister." The two became friends.

In fact, Jan says they both mentioned how they were going to attend the Notre Dame vs. USC game in L.A. on November 24, 2012 ... so Jan sent U'ilani her cell phone number in case she wanted to meet up.

Here's where the story takes a turn ... Jan tells TMZ she got a phone call from U'ilani on the day of the game directing her to the famous Tommy Trojan statue in front of the stadium, so they could meet up.

But when Jan arrived to the statue, U'ilani was NOT there ... but guess who was --Ronaiah Tuiasosopo. Jan and Ronaiah even took a photo together (see above).

According to the Deadspin article, Ronaiah was the person who obtained the photo of the woman everyone believed to be Lennay ... and is suspected of having a major role in the hoax.

Jan tells us Ronaiah was with a little girl during the USC meeting who they called Pookah-- and together, they explained how Lennay's sister couldn't come down to visit, so U'ilani sent them instead. Jan says Ronaiah "made it seem as if he was a member of Lennay's family."

After Jan and Ronaiah took the picture together -- Jan says Ronaiah began to act paranoid ... and told her, "Make sure you don't post this photo online."

Soon after the game, Jan says she was contacted by U'ilani ... who also urged her NOT to post the picture of Ronaiah. She didn't explain why.

U'ilani later sent a photo to Jan showing a woman at a cemetery -- and told her, "This is me and my family at Lennay's gravesite. We're spending the day here."


Clearly, the woman in the photo is not U'ilani ('cause she doesn't really exist) ... and some digging suggests the woman in the photo is actually a woman named Donna Tei, who doesn't seem to have a relationship with anyone involved in the hoax.

There's more ... Jan tells TMZ Lennay's "sister" continued to reach out to her after the USC game ... and delivered some more bad news -- that little Pookah had been diagnosed with lupus and was dying in a children's hospital in Orange County, CA.

Jan said she wanted to send flowers -- so Lennay's "sister" gave her an address. TMZ has learned the address belongs to a member of the Tuiasosopo family.

Jan also gave us the phone number Lennay's sister would use to contact her -- and we found out the number is registered to a man named Titus Tuiasosopo -- Ronaiah's father.

We tried to reach out to Ronaiah -- but we couldn't get a hold of him. So far, he has yet to comment to the media about the story.

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colin coward joins the espn team in saying i really dont want to be matlock, just want to talk games. yea colin, cuz ur network is in cahoots with this teo story.

And of all people, Cowherd is taking this stance? Obviously the decision to back Te'o goes a lot higher than radio show hosts/producers. This is normally a story that Colin would be ALL OVER, it's right up his alley. Now he has nothing to say and wants to talk games? lolol
And of all people, Cowherd is taking this stance? Obviously the decision to back Te'o goes a lot higher than radio show hosts/producers. This is normally a story that Colin would be ALL OVER, it's right up his alley. Now he has nothing to say and wants to talk games? lolol

Seems like almost everyone on ESPN is defending Te'o and calmly calling him a victim. Its making me lose a lot of respect for the network.
Seems like almost everyone on ESPN is defending Te'o and calmly calling him a victim. Its making me lose a lot of respect for the network.

I lost respect a LONG time ago, when they became TMZ for sports. You'll find you don't miss ESPN at all. Still watch games when they're on (and 30 for 30), but haven't watched ESPN programming in at least 5 years.
1/17/2013 8:13 AM PST BY TMZ STAFF

All SCAMS Lead to


The Manti Te'o not-really-dead-girlfriend hoax was perpetuated by a man namedRonaiah Tuiasosopo -- who served as a representative for the family of the fake "Lennay Kekua" ... and TMZ has the photo proof.

Here's what we know ...

While Manti was "dating" Lennay ... a Notre Dame die-hard fan who we'll call "Jan" (to protect her identity) reached out to Lennay on Twitter and began an online friendship.

After Lennay's supposed death, Jan became involved with a group called "Wear a Lei 4 Manti" -- in which fans wore Hawaiian leis to ND football games to show their support for the football star.

When the "Wear a Lei 4 Manti" movement began to receive media attention, Jan says she noticed she gained a Twitter follower named U'ilani Rae Kekua.

Jan tells TMZ ... she reached out to U'ilani and asked if she was related to Lennay -- to which U'ilani replied, "Yes, that's my baby sister." The two became friends.

In fact, Jan says they both mentioned how they were going to attend the Notre Dame vs. USC game in L.A. on November 24, 2012 ... so Jan sent U'ilani her cell phone number in case she wanted to meet up.

Here's where the story takes a turn ... Jan tells TMZ she got a phone call from U'ilani on the day of the game directing her to the famous Tommy Trojan statue in front of the stadium, so they could meet up.

But when Jan arrived to the statue, U'ilani was NOT there ... but guess who was --Ronaiah Tuiasosopo. Jan and Ronaiah even took a photo together (see above).

According to the Deadspin article, Ronaiah was the person who obtained the photo of the woman everyone believed to be Lennay ... and is suspected of having a major role in the hoax.

Jan tells us Ronaiah was with a little girl during the USC meeting who they called Pookah-- and together, they explained how Lennay's sister couldn't come down to visit, so U'ilani sent them instead. Jan says Ronaiah "made it seem as if he was a member of Lennay's family."

After Jan and Ronaiah took the picture together -- Jan says Ronaiah began to act paranoid ... and told her, "Make sure you don't post this photo online."

Soon after the game, Jan says she was contacted by U'ilani ... who also urged her NOT to post the picture of Ronaiah. She didn't explain why.

U'ilani later sent a photo to Jan showing a woman at a cemetery -- and told her, "This is me and my family at Lennay's gravesite. We're spending the day here."


Clearly, the woman in the photo is not U'ilani ('cause she doesn't really exist) ... and some digging suggests the woman in the photo is actually a woman named Donna Tei, who doesn't seem to have a relationship with anyone involved in the hoax.

There's more ... Jan tells TMZ Lennay's "sister" continued to reach out to her after the USC game ... and delivered some more bad news -- that little Pookah had been diagnosed with lupus and was dying in a children's hospital in Orange County, CA.

Jan said she wanted to send flowers -- so Lennay's "sister" gave her an address. TMZ has learned the address belongs to a member of the Tuiasosopo family.

Jan also gave us the phone number Lennay's sister would use to contact her -- and we found out the number is registered to a man named Titus Tuiasosopo -- Ronaiah's father.

We tried to reach out to Ronaiah -- but we couldn't get a hold of him. So far, he has yet to comment to the media about the story.

Read more:

A friend of mine is Facebook friends with Titus Tuiassasopo. Today or yesterday Titus posted something to Facebook about rushing to judgement on his family and that the only perfect person walked on water or something to that effect. Seriously this story just gets wilder and wilder. This Ronaiah guy has some SERIOUS fucking issues.
I lost respect a LONG time ago, when they became TMZ for sports. You'll find you don't miss ESPN at all. Still watch games when they're on (and 30 for 30), but haven't watched ESPN programming in at least 5 years.

I fell asleep last night watching aussie open. I woke up having to hear shitbag 1 and shitbag 2 talking about this. It was an adventure finding remote to change channel.
I fell asleep last night watching aussie open. I woke up having to hear shitbag 1 and shitbag 2 talking about this. It was an adventure finding remote to change channel.

lol. Seriously though, are there that many people that still watch ESPN?

Went to the casino to play some poker a couple of months ago with a couple of buddies. ESPN was on the TVs they have in the room, and what was on explained perfectly for me why I don't watch ESPN anymore. I look over and T.I. (yeah the fucking rapper) was dressed in a 3 piece suit, talking sports with whomever the hell is on in the am. Pretty sure Skip Bayless was on the "panel." (Skip Bayless should be the #1 reason that people shouldn't watch the station).

Why in the hell did ESPN have a rapper (and a convicted felon, no less) on their set discussing sports? Who in the fuck cares what T.I. thinks about what's going on in the sports world? How is T.I. somehow an authority on anything sports related? Seriously, do they also just get random dudes from random cities to come on and talk sports as well?

I couldn't do anything but laugh, and tell my one buddy "that's one of the reasons I haven't watched ESPN in years," as I pointed to the screen. He asked "who is that?" I said....exactly.
lol. Seriously though, are there that many people that still watch ESPN?

Went to the casino to play some poker a couple of months ago with a couple of buddies. ESPN was on the TVs they have in the room, and what was on explained perfectly for me why I don't watch ESPN anymore. I look over and T.I. (yeah the fucking rapper) was dressed in a 3 piece suit, talking sports with whomever the hell is on in the am. Pretty sure Skip Bayless was on the "panel." (Skip Bayless should be the #1 reason that people shouldn't watch the station).

Why in the hell did ESPN have a rapper (and a convicted felon, no less) on their set discussing sports? Who in the fuck cares what T.I. thinks about what's going on in the sports world? How is T.I. somehow an authority on anything sports related? Seriously, do they also just get random dudes from random cities to come on and talk sports as well?

I couldn't do anything but laugh, and tell my one buddy "that's one of the reasons I haven't watched ESPN in years," as I pointed to the screen. He asked "who is that?" I said....exactly.
