Manti Te'o's Dead Girlfriend was a hoax?!?!?!?!

Good liars look you right in the eye

Which is exactly what Manti did during that interview after the MSU game. He turned his head a few times (to look at the interviewer), but his eyes were pretty much glued to the interviewer. Good point.

VC - visually constructed
AC - auditory constructed
F - feeling/kinesthetic

VR - visually remembered
AC - auditory remembered
Ai - internal dialogue

"Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming" by Richard Bandler and John Grinder for a more thorough explanation if the subject interests you.

This is correct for a Right Handed person... opposite for a Left Handed person....
Hasn't a pro player already come out? I swear I thought I heard about this already

I think you're talking about John Amaechi, formerly of the Orlando Magic. He wasn't in the NFL, and he came out after he was done playing in the NBA. To my knowledge, there hasn't been one athlete in any of the 4 major sports to be openly Yag.
I'll say this, the more time that goes by without Te'o getting in front of a mic and answering all the questions the worse it looks for him and like he is having to come up with a story with the help of his agent and pr people. If you or I's name was being dragged through the mud as a liar and a perp of this hoaz nationally all day today, we would be screaming from the rooftops to answer all questions and set the record straight
I'll say this, the more time that goes by without Te'o getting in front of a mic and answering all the questions the worse it looks for him and like he is having to come up with a story with the help of his agent and pr people. If you or I's name was being dragged through the mud as a liar and a perp of this hoaz nationally all day today, we would be screaming from the rooftops to answer all questions and set the record straight

Good point, good post.

Especially since he was supposed to be interviewed by Jeremy Schapp today, and then the interview was cancelled.
Great thread n all but I am more interested to the poster who says MJ's boy Charles Oakley is Yag haha

What's the Oakley scoop
But the FBI disagrees with you 100%. When someone looks to their left, they are accessing their memories and are NOT lying. It's not just the FBI either, you can read any book you'd like about eyes and lying. I'm sorry, you're just wrong here. When someone is looking to the right, they are most likely lying.

You also don't have to "google your tips" either, I'm not even sure what that means. The information is out there, and accessing it through google is one way to find it. I'm not sure if you're saying that you feel more credible because you don't use google for the information? In 2013 that's a pretty ludicrous statement.

i am wrong you are right, i have been teaching people the wrong methods for 9 years now and i have been taught the wrong stuff. i must bring this to our divisions attention and all policies must change. thanks lareux!
Manti Te’o’s Teammates Had Their Doubts About Lennay Kekua

Barry Petchesky

The big question is: What did he know and when did he know it? We may never get a straight answer from Te'o. Nor from his family, who have thrown hissy-fits anytime the media doesn't work as Manti's PR agency. But what about those who spent the most time with Te'o over the last few years. According to reports, Teo's teammates had suspicions about Lennay Kekau going back to the beginning of this season.
Sports reporter Jackie Pepper spoke to a member of the Notre Dame football team who declined to be named. That player said Te'o's story didn't add up, but they never confronted him about it.
The Notre Dame football player, who asked for anonymity, told Pepper On Sports, "No we all knew he had only seen her once. But when the media was saying how he went through both deaths we knew," said the source, referring to the back-to-back deaths of Te'o's grandmother and girlfriend Lennay Kekua, who allegedly died of Leukemia.
In response to my follow-up question asking if the source thought that Te'o kept the story going because of the media attention, the player replied, "Yeah. Right after the Michigan [State] game. He should have never brought her in the media. His grandma passing was enough."
Notre Dame's victory over Michigan State and subsequent media explosion appears to have been the turning point for the source and many of his teammates.
The source said while the players discussed their suspicions amongst themselves, they never confronted Te'o.
"We would never bring it up. But we would look at him when he would get all emotional during media about his girl," the player said.
When asked if he thought Te'o was a good actor, the player replied, "Very good."
That player believes Te'o initially fell for a hoax, but carried on with it for the publicity even after he discovered the truth. That fits with what Tyler Moorehead, the Notre Dame rep for college sports network College Spun, recounts from the on-campus gossip:
The debate among teammates wasn't whether or not Manti actually knew this girl - it was clear that they had been in contact; no, players just didn't think that it was fair to call Lennay Kekua Manti's girlfriend, period (it is well-known on campus that he has had relations with other girls during his time at Notre Dame). They recognized what was going on for what it was - a terrible publicity stunt used to fuel Manti Te'o's Heisman campaign. In fact, many of the players privately commented that they didn't want the students to wear leis in support of Manti and wouldn't participate themselves - they cited that the team never responded so publicly to tragic events for other players. But there was also the feeling that Manti didn't deserve to benefit from publicity from the death of somebody he barely knew.
Last night, AD Jack Swarbrick hitched his and the university's wagon to Te'o's flawed version of events. The crux was that Te'o only learned he had been hoaxed on Dec. 6, and the university didn't find out until Dec. 26. But if Te'o's teammates knew something was up going back to September, and he continued to repeat the lie to reporters throughout the season, then something doesn't add up with his story. And remember, it's Notre Dame's official story now, too.

This may be the most damning of all. At the very least it sounds like Manti may have been hoaxed....but kept up with the charade after finding out he had been hoaxed.
And then there was the tinge of homophobia and intolerance that probably assures that The Chuck and Oak Show will never exist.
There was much more, including a vaguely homophobic remark about Isiah Thomas, the former Knicks’ president, who now coaches at Florida International University. When Rosenberg mentioned that he had become friends with Thomas, Oakley remarked, “You ain’t Yag, are you?’’ Oakley’s intended meaning was not clear. He added later, “If you see a man kiss me, I better be in my casket.”

Oakley quote a couple years ago
i am wrong you are right, i have been teaching people the wrong methods for 9 years now and i have been taught the wrong stuff. i must bring this to our divisions attention and all policies must change. thanks lareux!

I'm not certain whether or not you're being serious or facetious. If you're being serious, that's going to be an awkward couple of conversations you need to have. Good luck. I hope it all works out....if not, I am available for employment and would love to come on
lareux no worries i will try to post our manual for you if i am allowed to (dont want to lose my job over it) on here by downloading it to my comp once i get back to work next week. i can promise you, it says will look to left. i am 100percent sure it says left and we have role played it 10,000 times from vegas to vancouver to detroit to cleveland to dubai. suspect will look to left, dances in my head...damnit i wish i had it on me right now.

if you ever need a job in that industry i will see what i can do, my advice would be to get started in some smaller casinos around niagara first. degree isnt necessary unless you want to one day be head hauncho. not saying you are wrong, just saying what our company practices are.

Deadspin’s editor-in-chief explains editing, reporting behind Manti Te’o story

by Mallary Jean Tenore
Published Jan. 17, 2013 10:22 amUpdated Jan. 17, 2013 3:22 pm

Deadspin Editor-in-Chief Tommy Craggs says Timothy Burke and Jack Dickey were faced with a tough question when reporting their now famous Manti Te’o story: “What lengths do we go to to try and prove a negative?”

When asked about his reaction to The Boston Globe calling Deadspin “a website that has broken some high-profile stories but not an outlet regarded for journalistic standards,” Craggs says: “Whatever. Why should I care what a craven, slipshod outfit like the Boston Globe thinks of my ‘journalistic standards’?”. In an email Q&A, Craggs elaborates on Burke’s explanation of how Deadspin got the story that all other journalists missed.

Mallary Tenore: Who edited the story?

Tommy Craggs:
Tom Scocca and I edited. We have a sort of wrestling-tag-team method of editing these longer features: We’ll put the story in a Google Doc and I’ll suplex a couple paragraphs and then Scocca will leap off the turnbuckle and piledrive a section or two, and so on.

What sort of editing went into the piece?

From the start, Tim Burke and Jack Dickey kept a running notes file in Google Docs that acted as a skeleton for both their reporting and for the story itself. They asked themselves the obvious questions, Socratically: Who is the person in the photos? Where was Lennay Kekua born? When was Lennay Kekua born? Where did Lennay Kekua live? Did Lennay Kekua attend Stanford? When was Lennay Kekua’s car accident? When did Lennay Kekua die? [Then they] set about answering them, through public records and media reports.
There was a fat pile of the latter, contradictions and all, and absolutely nothing of the former. From there, the story wrote itself. That’s all pretty obvious, and anyone who reports a story goes through at least a mental catechism like this. But putting it all on the page made the holes in the Lennay story plain to see.

How long did the reporting and editing process take?

The editing was easy — just a matter of making sure we’d asked ourselves the right questions and kicked over the right stones, and then making sure the story wouldn’t lose readers as it descended into the rabbit hole.

What sorts of questions did the editor ask to make sure that this was a thoroughly reported story?

We began reporting on Friday. By Monday, Burke had found and contacted the woman in the Lennay photos. Once we had her on the record, we knew we had enough for a story. By Tuesday, we had a draft.
The only question, really: What lengths do we go to to try and prove a negative? Do we call funeral homes in Carson (we did)? Do we call funeral homes *near* Carson (we didn’t)? Once we got an answer from Stanford on the question of Lennay’s enrollment, I was satisfied.

What’s your reaction to the reality that no other journalists thought to look into this story?

Well, I understand how this slipped through the cracks initially. If I’m a beat guy and I have 500 words to file after practice come hell or high water and the best player on the team has just told me a story about his dear, departed girlfriend, I’m not going to go spelunking through SSA death records to make sure he’s not full of shit. They won’t say that out loud in journalism classes or anything, but that’s just the nature of covering sports on a hard deadline.

I have less sympathy for the folks who crafted those painstaking “Love Story”-in-cleats feature stories about Manti and his dead girlfriend. Those were dumb, infantilizing stories to begin with, and they were executed poorly and sloppily, and if there’s any lesson to be drawn from this, it’s that this kind of simpering crap should be eliminated from the sports pages entirely.
TE'O: On April 28 [my girlfriend] got in a bad accident and was hit by a drunk driver. Ever since April 28 she's been in the hospital. She recovered from the accident but we were always wondering why some days she would be doing well and the next day she would be down in the dumps and complaining about pain in her back. It was then that we found out she had leukemia.
SI: Sorry to cut you off, just trying to get the timetable right.
TE'O: It was the beginning of July. She and I, man, we had this relationship where it was just amazing. With all that time on her hands in the hospital, she was never thinking about herself and what was hurting here. She was always thinking about others. She went on and wrote a letter to me before every game. Things that she would want me to know. So yeah.
SI: Did she send them to you?
TE'O: She had them all on her iPad and her family found [them]. Her family, what they would do is they would read it to me. And then they'll send it to me in a picture.
SI: You called them one day leading into each game?
TE'O: Yeah, I'll call and check up on them and see how they're doing, see how things are going. Just like I check in on my family at home.
SI: What day this week did they read you the letter?
TE'O: Friday. I checked in on Friday.
SI: How did you meet her?
TE'O: We met just, ummmm, just she knew my cousin. And kind of saw me there so. Just kind of regular.
SI: How long were you dating? I know that can be a complicated question.
TE'O:Oct. 15 was the official date. Of last year. I've known her for four years. So we've been friends.
SI: So you dated for about a year.
SI: Just want to make sure I have her name right.
TE'O: Lennay Kekua.
SI: How do you want her to be remembered?
TE'O: Lennay was so special. Her relationship with the heavenly father was so strong. She's so humble, hard working. And her main thing was her family. Her family was everything to her. As long as she took care of her family. And as long as she knew that her relationship with our heavenly father was strong, she had faith that everyone would work out. With her it was just always loving God and her family. I was just blessed to be part of that.
SI: How old was she when she passed?
TE'O: She was 22.
SI: She has a Hawaiian sounding name. Is she from there?
TE'O:Her real name is actually Melelengei, but her friends couldn't say that so they just called her Lennay.
SI: What did she do?
TE'O: She actually just graduated from Stanford. She worked at Clark's Construction Company, I think. She replaced her dad after her dad passed.
SI: When did her dad pass?
TE'O:In October. She took that mantle for him.
SI: Does the family own a construction business?
TE'O: No. But they're part of the whole administration, the higher-ups. Their family worked really hard and worked their way up. She's very smart, very smart and very intellectual. She worked there but her main dream was to work with kids. She traveled all around. She taught at elementary schools. She flew to New Zealand to just work with kids. That's what she loved to do, work with children.
SI: What did she study?
TE'O: She graduated in 2011 or 2010. 2011.
SI: What was her major?
TE'O: Her major was in English and something. I'll double check.
SI: I can call Stanford and check. They have to have some record or note that she passed.
SI: So long distance relationship?
TE'O: She was supposed to come [to visit me at Notre Dame]. She was just cleared to come to the Wake Forest game, my senior game. It was mainly just on the phone, every day.
SI: Your dad told me that he called you at 7 a.m. on the day she died. He said when he woke up he had texts from Lennay. I'm confused. Walk me through that day.
TE'O:She was actually getting better to the point where she was cleared to fly and was sent home. She was doing better. So I woke up in the morning and my parents woke me up and they told me about my grandma. And my girlfriend was just someone who was so loving and caring and cares for others. She really loves my parents and my parents love her. She called and she offered her condolences on behalf of her and her family and she was telling them that she loves him and how they're thinking and praying for us.
And then I remember I went to class and went to workouts and after workouts, right before I was about to come into meetings, I got a text message from her phone but it was her brother. Every time her brother texts me he just says, "Bro." I was like, "Why is her brother texting me?" Then I get a phone call from her older brother's phone. He's just crying. And immediately I felt like, "Oh my Gosh, what just happened." And then he told me, "She's gone bro."
SI: How did it happen?
TE'O:It was just so sudden. I don't know the details of it. It was just a surprise.
SI: What was her older brother's name?
SI: What did he have to tell you?
TE'O: I kind of felt it. He was just crying and crying and crying. I just had to calm him down. I was like, "You have to speak clearly, I need to know what's going on." That's when he told me, Lala is gone. That's what they call her. They call her Lala.
SI: How did you feel in the locker room when you got the news?
TE'O: I just felt that it just turned black. Things got dark. I have never felt that way before. And I don't know. I couldn't control anything. I was just, pure, just I don't even know the feeling. I can't even describe it. I just broke down.
SI: Why did you go to practice after you found out the news?
TE'O: I knew for me that my girlfriend and my family would want me to be out there. They wouldn't want me to be sulking over things. I knew for me, the best way to show they that I loved them was to play the best game of my life on Saturday. In order to do that, I needed to be out there practicing no matter what I was going through. I needed to just suck it up and get out there and get my work done and be ready to represent them the best way I know how on Saturday. When I got out there, it was hard. But I just brought my team up. Coach brought my team up. He had them come out and explain to them what happened. I told them I love each and every one of you. I lost my grandmother the night before and found out this morning that I just lost my girlfriend six hours later. Never in my life has family been pushed to the forefront. My goal is now, and has been, but there's more to it now. Just to make sure I see my family and loved ones again. I told them, this is my family. You guys are my family. I love each and every one of you. Stick together. And I told them, my girlfriend always told me, "Send roses while they still can smell them, tell them they love you while they still can hear it." I told them to make sure you tell your family members you love them every single day.
SI: You have a wedding ring on?
TE'O:It's my church ring. I wear it to remember her. To remember my girlfriend.
SI: Did she give it to you?
TE'O:It's a CTR ring. It stands for choose the right. I always wore it. I had to switch it from my right to my left.
SI: What is it made of?
TE'O:Steel. Some sort of steel.
SI: Coach Kelly said he was more worried about you this week than last week?
TE'O: It was harder than it was the previous week. I was rolling. The feeling of it settling in that, she's not physically here no more. You just can't call her. I talked to my girlfriend every single day. I slept on the phone with her every single day. When she was going though chemo, she would have all these pains and the doctors were saying they were trying to give her medicine to make her sleep. She still couldn't sleep. She would say, "Just call my boyfriend and have him on the phone with me, and I can sleep." I slept on the phone with her every single night.
SI: You would literally sleep with your phone on with her on it?
TE'O:With her on it.
SI: When you woke up?
TE'O:She's be on it.
SI: What would the phone say?
TE'O: Like eight hours. Lucky she had AT&T so it was all free or my family would kill me.
SI: When did you start talking to her all night?
TE'O:When she got in her accident?
SI: So starting in April?
TE'O: Yeah and you know, she was in a coma. I would try, and you know.
SI: Hit by a drunk driver. What were her injuries?
TE'O:I don't know. She had a lot of different injuries.
SI: How long was she hospitalized?
TE'O:She was in that hospital for about two months.
SI: Wow, did she get out?
TE'O: She didn't get out. She went from there. Remember she got in the accident and she was in a coma. We lost her, actually, twice. She flatlined twice. They revived her twice. It was just a trippy situation. It was a day I was flying home from South Bend to go home for summer break. It was May. Mid-May. That was the day where they said, "Bro, we're going to pull it. We're going to pull the plug." I remember having this feeling like everything is going to be OK. They were telling me, "Say your goodbyes." From April 28 to around mid-May, I was always talking to my girlfriend who was on a machine.
SI: She couldn't communicate?
TE'O:No. She could only breathe. One of the miraculous things was when I talked to her and she would hear my voice her breathing would pick up. Like quickly, and then she would start crying. But her breathing would quicken, and she would start crying. So her brother was in the room with the nurse. They were monitoring her. She said, "Who is she on the phone with?" Her boyfriend. She was like, "That's amazing. She doesn't do that with anybody else." So that happened. And then she flatlined and we were losing her.
The day I went home, that was the day they were going to pull it. They were saying their goodbyes and all that. I said, "Babe, I'm never going to say goodbye to you. If you really want to go, she really missed her dad, so I said, "If you want to go, be with dad, go. Just know that I love you very, very much." I had this very positive feeling that everything was going to be OK. I landed in Hawaii. By the time I said my goodbyes. Not my goodbyes, my I love you, I'll see you later, that kind of thing, I jumped on the airplane to go to Hawaii. They were scheduled to pull the plug while I was in the air.
So right when I landed, I was expecting to get a voicemail saying she's gone. So I landed and I had a voicemail from her brother saying, "Brother, call me back right now." So you can imagine what's going through my head. I was like, "What am I going to do? How am I going to take this?'"And so I called him back, the doctor came in and he saw something and he wants to try some treatment on her to see if it works. From there she slowly started to get better. Slowly. Eventually she came out of her coma and she started having memory problems and she couldn't remember because of the accident. That's how much damage she had to her frontal lobe. She had memory problems. I was actually the first person that she talked to. She was breathing, breathing. When I talked to her, I would say, "Babe, do you know who this is?" I knew she knew who it was because her breathing would pick up. I was like, "Relax, chill. Breathe slowly. Breathe slowly." And then, that was when she first started to speak was that conversation. I was like, "Babe, I love you. I love you." Very slightly she said, "I love you."
SI: Was that right when you got back?
TE'O:Then she started to make progress.
SI: This is unbelievable.
TE'O: As she started to make progress. She had her good days. And then the next day she'd say, "Babe my back is sore. I can't feel it. Something is wrong. I don't know what's wrong. My chest is burning." And stuff like that. They said that they took her in and ran some blood tests and that's when they found leukemia. From that hospital she was treated for cancer and then she went to St. Jude's. She was in St. Jude's and then she went to another hospital.

Read More:
SI: What did she study?
TE'O: She graduated in 2011 or 2010. 2011.
SI: What was her major?
TE'O: Her major was in English and something. I'll double check.
SI: I can call Stanford and check. They have to have some record or note that she passed.
SI: So long distance relationship?

Read More:

So, why didn't the guy doing the interview do what he said he was going to do? Call Stanford and check.
That's Thameltoe for ya.

Yet somehow he has a job with SI, who is supposed to be one of the "credible" and "major" sources for sports news. Had he just done what he said he would, this mess could have been exposed a long time ago.
For me the greatest thing is reading the fucking morons posting over at Irish Envy and how they want to believe Teo is a wholesome, virtuous young man that was the victim of an elaborate hoax. There is even one post on there, post #1432; that said he proposed to his current wife without ever meeting her as they had an online relationship.
I dont see how the league can dictate which league has teh first openly Yag player. Its whatever league has the individual who has the balls to come out and say it. If Aaron Rodgers is Yag and he comes out tomorrow, then the NFL will be the first.
actually my best friend asked if I heard rumors that he was and he's gonna come out after he retires. I told him sounds like you heard that from a bears fan
It is going to happen one of these days. But again (for like the 22nd time), when it does happen, it's not going to happen in the NFL first. The NFL will be the last league that has an openly Yag player.
no way. Hockeys way more "macho" and old school. Wait are they still considered a major sport?
so i guess teo is in hiding now, nothing out of him. notre dame basically did what they had to do now that he is no longer on campus. its in teo's agents hands now, tom condon i believe. good lord
Courtesy of Tom Leykis. This one goes out to Lanaii
For me the greatest thing is reading the fucking morons posting over at Irish Envy and how they want to believe Teo is a wholesome, virtuous young man that was the victim of an elaborate hoax. There is even one post on there, post #1432; that said he proposed to his current wife without ever meeting her as they had an online relationship.

I really want to feel sorry for Irish fans, because they are the true victims here, but they make it very difficult to sympathize with them because of their holier than thou attitudes.
I really want to feel sorry for Irish fans, because they are the true victims here, but they make it very difficult to sympathize with them because of their holier than thou attitudes.
Do not. It is a conspiracy like the SEC West/East scheduling
Plot thickens? USC WR Robert Woods tweeting to Roniah Tuiasosopo (@iWorship) in June, near the time of the fake car accident of Manti's fake girlfriend. Nothing would surprise me at this point in time, but USC player knowledge or involvement would certainly make this even more interesting
Rick Reilly is a joke....12:33AM Central

anyone seein SC

this guy is worse than Lance and Te'o in one

WTF....bump the Rick sux thread


anyone else hear this?