Manti Te'o's Dead Girlfriend was a hoax?!?!?!?!

What evidence? An excel spreadsheet? I can send you one in 5 minutes detailing how it was actually me that spoke to her 600 times. Even if he releases the actual records I won't believe him. This story smells. Even if he's not Yag. The story he's peddling is bullshit
Please start questioning the dad about all those trips she made to Hawaii to visit and also those phone calls...
Wait, are there voice recordings of Tuiasosopo impersonating a girl? Those should be high comedy. Whenever I've heard a dude trying to sound like a woman, I've jumped right from suspicion directly to uncontrolled laughter.
how would teo be able to make a spreadsheet of hundreds of hours of phone calls without the actual phone records?

if he had the actual records, why not release them?

if he was talking to this internet "girlfriend" who actually was an internet "boyfriend" for hundreds of hours, how is that not further proof that teo was maintaining a charade to avoid being outed as Yag because he was scared after his parents and whoever else beat a bible against his head for his entire upbringing and infused him with the idea that being Yag is a sin or whatever they teach?
I'll ask you as well, please explain what you believe happened.

how would teo be able to make a spreadsheet of hundreds of hours of phone calls without the actual phone records?

if he had the actual records, why not release them?

if he was talking to this internet "girlfriend" who actually was an internet "boyfriend" for hundreds of hours, how is that not further proof that teo was maintaining a charade to avoid being outed as Yag because he was scared after his parents and whoever else beat a bible against his head for his entire upbringing and infused him with the idea that being Yag is a sin or whatever they teach?
AU, I don't think anyone has to offer up an alternate explanation to suspect Teo's story, and his delivery of it, plows through the boundaries of common sense. I have no idea what's going on, but his story's ridiculous.
I'm shocked that people actually believe this nonsense. His story has contradicted itself so many times I can't even count. His one chance at some sort of redemption is the phone records and instead of releasing those he comes forward with a spreadsheet of phone calls?
I don't even know how to turn my actual phone records into a spread sheet.
So it's impossible to believe that someone was duped by another person in an online relationship? A phenomenon which is so common nowadays that they have both a documentary and a TV show which specifically cover this topic? And many of these stories commonly involve the fake person dying of a tragic death or having some other tragic event, exactly like the Te'o story. This is your contention?

AU, I don't think anyone has to offer up an alternate explanation to suspect Teo's story, and his delivery of it, plows through the boundaries of common sense. I have no idea what's going on, but his story's ridiculous.
there's a lot more skepticism than sarcasm up there but here's what i think. now, i do have an open mind and am willing to be persuaded otherwise by a different explanation that makes sense. i'm not expecting much sense, but just something that approaches the realm of normal behavior. plus, i haven't read much about it so my understandiing of the facts may be limited. that being said, here's what i think.

first, having gone to college and knowing the mindset of a heterosexual person in his early twenties and so on, teo's story is the dumbest story i've ever heard, bar none. noah's arc makes more sense.

also, knowing how religion can fuck people's brains up when it represses their natural instincts, i think that teo is a homosexual. unfortunately for him, he was brought up mormon and then went to a catholic university where he is taught from his earliest formative years that being Yag is a sin. as with people like larry craig (see post 749) and rick santorum and other religious closeted homosexuals, this creates a tremendous cognitive dissonance situation. the fact that he is a star football player only exacerbated the problem. in order to deal with it, teo had to pretend to be straight. so, he made up this girlfriend. and the rest is history.
So, you think the talked to a person who he thought was a WOMAN on the phone for hundreds of hours because he was Yag...because I'm not sure how that makes sense. Or do you think that he didn't actually talk to someone on the phone and he completely made it up?

there's a lot more skepticism than sarcasm up there but here's what i think. now, i do have an open mind and am willing to be persuaded otherwise by a different explanation that makes sense. i'm not expecting much sense, but just something that approaches the realm of normal behavior. plus, i haven't read much about it so my understandiing of the facts may be limited. that being said, here's what i think.

first, having gone to college and knowing the mindset of a heterosexual person in his early twenties and so on, teo's story is the dumbest story i've ever heard, bar none. noah's arc makes more sense.

also, knowing how religion can fuck people's brains up when it represses their natural instincts, i think that teo is a homosexual. unfortunately for him, he was brought up mormon and then went to a catholic university where he is taught from his earliest formative years that being Yag is a sin. as with people like larry craig (see post 749) and rick santorum and other religious closeted homosexuals, this creates a tremendous cognitive dissonance situation. the fact that he is a star football player only exacerbated the problem. in order to deal with it, teo had to pretend to be straight. so, he made up this girlfriend. and the rest is history.
So, you think the talked to a person who he thought was a WOMAN on the phone for hundreds of hours because he was Yag...because I'm not sure how that makes sense. Or do you think that he didn't actually talk to someone on the phone and he completely made it up?

Quite obvious that he knew it wasn't a woman IMO.
It was all so believable to begin with, I see no reason not to roll with the story now that it also involves female voice impersonation.
So, you think the talked to a person who he thought was a WOMAN on the phone for hundreds of hours because he was Yag...because I'm not sure how that makes sense. Or do you think that he didn't actually talk to someone on the phone and he completely made it up?

no he was talking to his boyfriend and at no point thought he was a woman.
So it's impossible to believe that someone was duped by another person in an online relationship? A phenomenon which is so common nowadays that they have both a documentary and a TV show which specifically cover this topic? And many of these stories commonly involve the fake person dying of a tragic death or having some other tragic event, exactly like the Te'o story. This is your contention?

not impossible but in this circumstance, pretty close to it. it's not like he's some coputer nerd who inetnet dated for a few weeks.

1. he's a star football player on national tv every week. he goes to college. there are many, many hot chicks in college plus he has the ability to get them off campus too. there's no need for the intent girlfriend.
2. this didn't last a couple of weeks, it lasted years
3. the girl was a dude, and he talked to her for hundreds of hours (no phone records though) and never figured it out.
4. after years, he never decided to visit her or have her visit him (i doubt as a college football player he's averse to plane travel)
5. read #3 again.
6. he never skyped or video chatted with her to see what she looked like. my 6 year old does this routinely with her grandparents. if a 6 year old can do it, why wouldn't a college student?
7. he lied routinely, and waited to tell this ridiculous story after meeting with family, advisers, etc.
8. read #3 again.

so, it's not just a guy who was duped over the internet. there's a lot more to it.
Domer for the sake of argument lets just pretend that he was in fact duped by a guy to think he is dating a women. The fact that he didn't see any reason to try to visit her or go to a funeral pretty much puts the kaboosh on things that make sense. Doesn't add up. Either way you spin it, the kid is a liar. His dad said he's just a kid, but at 21 you know right from wrong at this age!
So, you think the talked to a person who he thought was a WOMAN on the phone for hundreds of hours because he was Yag...because I'm not sure how that makes sense. Or do you think that he didn't actually talk to someone on the phone and he completely made it up?

i find it hard to believe that someone can talk to another guy in a presumed boyfriend/girlfriend relationship for hundreds of hours without knowing the girl was a guy.

additionally, i can't believe i just had to type that sentence.

i think D is right, it was part of the charade to stay in the closet.
They just released voice mails of the guy talking on the phone and impersonating a woman's voice...that doesn't jive with your theory.

like ND hasn't had a week to make fake phone records, voicemails, etc?? i wont believe another thing that comes out in terms of evidence
like ND hasn't had a week to make fake phone records, voicemails, etc?? i wont believe another thing that comes out in terms of evidence

exactly. If you believe those are real voicemails I've got a bridge to sell you my friend.
i'd need to hear more than one released voice mail to believe he was fooled for hundreds of hours. how does- talking to a dude thinking it's a girl, and you're girlfriend, you've never seen or tried to see before- make any sense under any circumstances other than doing your best to stay in the closet? i don't think one voicemail released now cures that irregularity.
Ahh, it's a conspiracy. I got it. And all the people who corroborate his story who are not related to ND or Te'o in any way are also getting paid off, right? I got it.

like ND hasn't had a week to make fake phone records, voicemails, etc?? i wont believe another thing that comes out in terms of evidence
It was multiple voice mails

i'd need to hear more than one released voice mail to believe he was fooled for hundreds of hours. how does- talking to a dude thinking it's a girl, and you're girlfriend, you've never seen or tried to see before- make any sense under any circumstances other than doing your best to stay in the closet? i don't think one voicemail released now cures that irregularity.
Domer I'm curious what would it take for you to change your position. There is nothing in this that can compel me to take your side
Ahh, it's a conspiracy. I got it. And all the people who corroborate his story who are not related to ND or Te'o in any way are also getting paid off, right? I got it.

Welcome to the site Mr Swarbrick. Some good info here.

It was multiple voice mails

that's fine, but it really isn't inconsistent with my opinion, which is it's a charade. i think to these repressed religious homosexuals, the worst thing they think can happen is to come out of the closet. so they'll go to great lengths to prevent that. it's not like there's no precedent for this. there are several examples of hardcore conservative politicians voting against every pro-Yag law that comes across their desk and then pulling rhe famous larry craig and then just regular people you don't hear about. take a look at my post #771. which part of that makes any sense?
Domer, so your take on this is exactly what Teo says it was? He was 100% the victim and was duped and was cool with having a girlfriend who he never saw in person or over skype for 3 yrs and never noticed that the voice on the other end was a dude?

thats what you believe?
Ahh, it's a conspiracy. I got it. And all the people who corroborate his story who are not related to ND or Te'o in any way are also getting paid off, right? I got it.

Well at this point we know that Notre Dame hastily called a press conference and pretended that they had done a conclusive investigation into the matter when in fact they did no such thing.

And I couldn't disagree more about a heterosexual college age male capable of having any women he wants but not doing so has to be Yag....that is simply a fucking stupid statement. Believe it or not some people actually have faith and live by their principles.
And I couldn't disagree more about a heterosexual college age male capable of having any women he wants but not doing so has to be Yag....that is simply a fucking stupid statement.

i assume this is not directed at one of my posts but if it is, i agree with this statement.
No Dirt, just in general the number of people speculating that he has to be Yag.

Maybe he is, but if he needed to hide this fact being who he is, it would have been much easier to have an actual female friend fill that role. It's been done for ages in Hollywood.

And don't give me some spreadsheet BS about the calls, it 's simple to obtain those records and have them posted for all to see. From the small clip of the interview I've heard it was obvious as daylight that he had been coached intensely on what to say.
AZ, i don't think abstaining when you are a college aged football playing male who can get any girl he wants means he has to be Yag. i think it means he might be Yag. but that's just one factor. when i couple that with all of the other craziness in this story and how teo has handled it, i think teo being Yag and afraid to come out of the closet makes the most sense. i'm not saying that explanation turns this into a normal story, but i think young kids faced with that kind of repression will do some crazy shit to avoid being outed. yes, it might have been easier to just have a female friend he called his girlfriend (of course, having her on campus exposes him to the risk of her outing him on campus if things didn't go well). but again, i think people in this situation can't think and plan clearly. look how larry craig fucked up his situation. michelle bachmann's flamingly Yag husband runs a pray the Yag away clinic. you ever seen that dude. richard simmons would be embarrassed by him. there's really no quality blueprint for how to handle these repressed closet homosexual situations.

teo should turn this into a money making opportunity by writing one of those "Staying in the Closet When You're a Repressed Homosexual for Dummies" book. chapter one could be entitled: What not to do, by Manti Teo
Is the award voting closed already because I think we have a up-in-comer to Homer of the Year in Au_Domer
Asking people to come up with a coherent story in light of the evidence is homerish.

You can't be serious. There are a couple handfuls of coherent stories that make sense. The story that they are choosing to pedal off as the truth is he least coherent one of all if you ask me. It's full of holes and unasked/unanswered questions. All of the following could make more sense than the story they are giving us.

he is Yag and this is all a furious effort to stop the truth from ememerging

He is devoutly religious and didn't want to go through the Tebow I'm a virgin treatment so this was all concocted.

This was entirely made up to gain media attention for a heisman campaign and it spiraled way out of cocontrol

Any of the above are much easier to believe than the story he is officially giving IMO. Obviously the story he is sticking to is the one that his panel of professional PR team thought would LEAST hurt his chance at making NFL millions.
What is the hole in the story that Te'o was catfished? What damning piece of evidence exists?

You can't be serious. There are a couple handfuls of coherent stories that make sense. The story that they are choosing to pedal off as the truth is he least coherent one of all if you ask me. It's full of holes and unasked/unanswered questions. All of the following could make more sense than the story they are giving us.

he is Yag and this is all a furious effort to stop the truth from ememerging

He is devoutly religious and didn't want to go through the Tebow I'm a virgin treatment so this was all concocted.

This was entirely made up to gain media attention for a heisman campaign and it spiraled way out of cocontrol

Any of the above are much easier to believe than the story he is officially giving IMO. Obviously the story he is sticking to is the one that his panel of professional PR team thought would LEAST hurt his chance at making NFL millions.
This was entirely made up to gain media attention for a heisman campaign and it spiraled way out of cocontrol

this is the only one that i gave a second thought. however, one of the problems i see with this is, if i understand this right, this fake relationship has been going on for 3 years. three years ago, would an unknown sophomore linebacker really think he has a shot at the heisman to the extent that he would make up this story and cultivate it until he's a senior in three years?
What is the hole in the story that Te'o was catfished? What damning piece of evidence exists?

i would refer you back to post #771. all, or at least some, of that would need to make sense, among other things, to believe teo was duped. there are no holes in his story so much as it's just one big black hole with nothing that makes any sense.
None of that is evidence. That's just your conjecture of disbelief that a guy with access to a lot of pussy wouldn't take advantage of it because that's what you would do.

Also, have you listened to the voice mails? Do you think they sounded like a woman?

i would refer you back to post #771. all, or at least some, of that would need to make sense, among other things, to believe teo was duped. there are no holes in his story so much as it's just one big black hole with nothing that makes any sense.
The love of your life is in the hospital dying of cancer and you don't even entertain the idea once to go visit her? Instead you send roses and that should be enough.