Manti Te'o's Dead Girlfriend was a hoax?!?!?!?!

If Im Notre Dame, Im hoping he ends the charade and comes out of the closet

Otherwise hes the stupidest motherfucker on the campus and was obviously having grades given to him which Im pretty sure would be an NCAA violation
None of that is evidence. That's just your conjecture of disbelief that a guy with access to a lot of pussy wouldn't take advantage of it because that's what you would do.

Also, have you listened to the voice mails? Do you think they sounded like a woman?

some of it is evidence. circumstantial evidence. here's the part that is evidence, i.e. facts

1. teo is a young, extremely popular player athlete at a major coed university
2. teo had an internet relationship for 3 years
3. teo never visited the girl although he travels frequently. i think he actually had a game in her hometown (LA)
4. teo spoke to the girl for hundreds of hours over the phone (but hasn't produced phone records)
5. teo never saw the girl during these hundreds of hours.
6. technology exists today that easily allows someone to see the person he is talking to.
7. teo claimed to be distrught by her death but didn't go to her funeral or visit her grave
8. teo gave interviews mentioning the girl even after he knew she had died.
9. the girl is a guy

all that, in our american system of law, is evidence. now, how one chooses to interpret that evidence is up to the individual. my interpretation of this evidence as it relates to teo's story can be summed up in two words- fucking bullshit.
I'm not inclined to read 20 pages so lets name a specific one.

That he met her, that she went to Stanford. Pretty obvious from the SI interview transcript he is not telling the truth.

Love of my life....yet I've never met her even though I believed she was in a coma and then diagnosed with cancer...get real.
wait, the story that a nationally famous start athlete at a big university who can get any real life chick he wants had a multi-year year internet and phone relationship with a girl he never visited, even when he was in her town, and whose grave he never visited after she died of cancer that may have been caused by a car accident and he was allegedly all broken up about it, and he never skyped or video chatted with her out of curiosity as to what she looked like, oh yeah and it turned out to be a guy but he never realized this while he was talking to this guy for those hundreds of hours over the phone, and again he was talking to someone on the phone for hundreds of hours when he had top quality chicks at his disposal right there at ND is plausible but the fact that he is a repressed raging, catholic mormon homosexual who's brain has been warped by repression and staying in the closet so he has to make up some rediculous story to throw people off his homosexual track is implausible. do i have that right?

None of that is evidence. That's just your conjecture of disbelief that a guy with access to a lot of pussy wouldn't take advantage of it because that's what you would do.

Also, have you listened to the voice mails? Do you think they sounded like a woman?

AU, you keep asking people why they don't believe specific aspects of his tale. I think a guy can get duped on the internet. I think some nitwits might even "fall in love" on line. I think it's possible some idiots can carry on romantic relationships with people they've never met. Nor seen. I can believe that a certain percentage of people don't get suspicious about the identity of a voice on the phone that never wants to meet or appear on a live camera. I think it's plausible for a football player to never visit the terminally ill love of his life in the hospital, even though that would make him one callous son of a bitch. And sometimes football games get in the way of funerals. And flowers. And receipts. Some dads might stretch the truth reminiscing about Hawaiian getaways with their sons and imaginary girlfriends. I can understand some Notre Dame football players aren't necessarily headed to the NASA research department after graduation. I can understand that a naive and shy person of faith might prefer imaginary girls to real live co-eds. I can buy that a guy might never detect that the goofy, high-pitched, Mrs. Doubtfiresque voice on the other end of the phone is actually a man. Even after hundreds of hours on the phone. I can see public embarrassment about being duped keeping a person bunkered down for days while the rest of the world can only speculate he's trying to get his story straight.

However ... I cannot buy all of that put together.
You do know that she wasn't "dying in the hospital", right. The story was that she was receiving chemo and doing better every day. The day she "died" was out of the blue.

My dad had chemo for colon cancer while I was in college. Lasted 3 months after his recovery from surgery. He was doing well, the doctors felt confident in his prognosis and felt they had it managed. I spoke to him on the phone once or twice a week. I never once went home to visit him in those 3 months and I lived less than 2 hours away.

The love of your life is in the hospital dying of cancer and you don't even entertain the idea once to go visit her? Instead you send roses and that should be enough.
AU, you keep asking people why they don't believe specific aspects of his tale. I think a guy can get duped on the internet. I think some nitwits might even "fall in love" on line. I think it's possible some idiots can carry on romantic relationships with people they've never met. Nor seen. I can believe that a certain percentage of people don't get suspicious about the identity of a voice on the phone that never wants to meet or appear on a live camera. I think it's plausible for a football player to never visit the terminally ill love of his life in the hospital, even though that would make him one callous son of a bitch. And sometimes football games get in the way of funerals. And flowers. And receipts. Some dads might stretch the truth reminiscing about Hawaiian getaways with their sons and imaginary girlfriends. I can understand some Notre Dame football players aren't necessarily headed to the NASA research department after graduation. I can understand that a naive and shy person of faith might prefer imaginary girls to real live co-eds. I can buy that a guy might never detect that the goofy, high-pitched, Mrs. Doubtfiresque voice on the other end of the phone is actually a man. Even after hundreds of hours on the phone. I can see public embarrassment about being duped keeping a person bunkered down for days while the rest of the world can only speculate he's trying to get his story straight.

However ... I cannot buy all of that put together.

end of thread.
You do know that she wasn't "dying in the hospital", right. The story was that she was receiving chemo and doing better every day. The day she "died" was out of the blue.

My dad had chemo for colon cancer while I was in college. Lasted 3 months after his recovery from surgery. He was doing well, the doctors felt confident in his prognosis and felt they had it managed. I spoke to him on the phone once or twice a week. I never once went home to visit him in those 3 months and I lived less than 2 hours away.

he spoke of nights where she was so weak that she couldn't speak and at the only thing that would help her sleep was having him on the other end of the phone. No words just sleeping on the other end of the phone. This is not the story of her getting better, this is someone dying in the hospital.
TE'O:She was actually getting better to the point where she was cleared to fly and was sent home. She was doing better. So I woke up in the morning and my parents woke me up and they told me about my grandma. And my girlfriend was just someone who was so loving and caring and cares for others. She really loves my parents and my parents love her. She called and she offered her condolences on behalf of her and her family and she was telling them that she loves him and how they're thinking and praying for us.

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I understand that the story is interesting. It is both bizarre and still a bit of a mystery. I find some of the attitudes in here a little strange though.

Let's take the worst case scenario for Manti.

1. He is a repressed homosexual who carried on an online relationship with another man and after years of hiding their relationship by pretending it was a relationship with a Woman, the two then concoct(k? hehe ) a scheme to fake his/her death to garner sympathy ( because a dead grandma isn't enough ) in order to boost him in the Heisman race.

I have a few problems with this scenario and problems with reaction to it.

Let's start with the whole concept .... If your intent is to hide that you are a fudgepacker, it makes little sense to risk outing yourself by making up such a story that is likely to have ZERO impact on the Heisman race. I don't think a single voter thought about his dead grandma or dead girlfriend when casting a heisman ballot. I find it hard to believe many people would. I am not saying that it isn't possible that Manti could think it but it seems odd. In any event, it would seem to be a huge risk to take for two people who allegedly spent years hiding their homosexual relationship to take. It doesn't make sense. I would like to see the phone records from AFTER the point where he was told she died. Once they make the decision to run the hoax, don't they then have to cut off their daily phone conversations? Again seems doubtful if they are a Yag couple. Possible ( and could still talk on phone and have Manti say it is him talking to family of deceased GF ) but unlikely. And then he would have to agree to run the hoax when his grandma just died ?? The same day?? Again .. let's assume he is a Yag dude in the closet having a relationship with another dude .... do they really decide together as a couple to hatch their plan at that time? Wouldn't his Yag phone sex lover be more interested in comforting his boyfriend? I may not have the timeline right but it again doesn't make any sense ( unless both are sociopaths or he hated his grandma or was apathetic to her death ).

I guess that I can see Manti being either Yag or straight, and either in on it or not in on it .... but having a secret Yag relationship AND being in on it is what seems unlikely to me.

1. Yag and not in on it ....--- Perhaps he knew he was talking to a dude on the phone but was still being played by the person. This would account for why he didn't meet the person or visit in the hospital or go to the funeral etc etc because doing so would out himself when the Press followed. This would make it an easier decision to stay away as he protects his gayness secret. This makes more sense as far as the fake death goes as well .. again I find it hard to believe that after a several year relationship that they were actively risking outing Manti with this easily debunked GF death. It should have been discovered in a couple of days that this chick didn't die and even though it wasn't ... THE Yag COUPLE would SURELY THINK that it would.

2. Yag and in on it --- This only makes sense if Manti was fully ready to come out of the closet right before the Heisman Voting which is completely contradictory to the supposed motive for doing it. If it comes out he is Yag before the Heisman Vote he has to think he is going to be hurt by that in the voting. I don't know if that is true or not ( certainly more likely to get hurt by being a butt pirate in the voting than he would benefit from dead GF sympathy ) but for someone so scared of how people will accept him as being Yag, he would most definitely feel that is the case. This is also contradicted by his behavior since this all came out .... because if he is Yag, he is clearly NOT ready to come out of the closet. Again, the overwhelming, obvious assumption would have to be made that someone in the press would investigate her death, possibly interview her family etc etc .... faking the death is basically outing himself. The timing of it in conjunction with his grandma's death makes no sense at all if they were a Yag couple. This seems the most unlikely scenario to me of them all.

3. Straight and in on it -- This would mean spending several years on the phone with a dude and not figuring out it was a dude. I tend to think this is tough to believe but it does happen to people. I have sat at poker tables where the person across the table is right in front of me ... talking .. and I can see the person .. and I still don't know what the hell it is .. man or woman? That is seeing and hearing the person at the same time live as compared to a phone voice. Once he believes it is a female then he is more likely to believe the voice. My problem here is the discipline and duration of conversations that the scammer would have had to use the voice without falling back onto his own voice a few times. Unless his real voice sounds like a girl's. I think in this scenario he is also unlikely to be in on a fake death hoax. Think about it logically ... if this is a girl he is digging and spending hours on end talking to then presumably they are planning on seeing eachother at some point or at a minimum continuing their relationship. So it would be discovered eventually UNLESS they were breaking up. And if they were breaking up then it seems unlikely that they decide to run a hoax for Heisman sympathy. Again, it fails the laugh test.

4. Straight and not in on it -- This or #1 seem the most likely to me. He gets duped ... finds out about being duped ... and then lies like crazy to hide that it happened.

Now the reactions in this thread to the story also bother me ... accused rapists, robbers, druggies breaking the law, dui, woman beaters .... Sandusky ..... these are crimes and deserve to be covered. Comparing ESPN coverage of Sandusky with ESPN coverage of this Manti thing is like comparing the news coverage of a shoplifter at the local market with news coverage of the Sandy Hook School Shooting. One is a big deal and one isn't. I get that it is interesting .. hell, I read 20 pages of this thread already .... but it isn't really as big deal a deal as actual crime. I am not sure why there is so much vindictive towards someone just because they might be dumb, Yag, a bad liar or some combination of all three.
You do know that she wasn't "dying in the hospital", right. The story was that she was receiving chemo and doing better every day. The day she "died" was out of the blue.

My dad had chemo for colon cancer while I was in college. Lasted 3 months after his recovery from surgery. He was doing well, the doctors felt confident in his prognosis and felt they had it managed. I spoke to him on the phone once or twice a week. I never once went home to visit him in those 3 months and I lived less than 2 hours away.

i say receiving chemo for leukemia in the hospital is a good reason to take a visit to the love of your life, if even for the first time. and i've mentioned this before but didn't she live in LA where teo played a game or two (vs USC)?

not saying you should have seen your dad. big difference is that you've seen your dad a million times before that and i'm sure he was fine with a phone call while you were away at college. every chick i've ever known would go through the roof if she was in the hospital overnight for just about anything serious and i didn't do what i could to visit (although my wife will tell you that on the night she actually had our first child, she started having those labor pains or whatever and i told her to go upstairs and sleep it off because MNF was about to start. yes, it was the bengals but of course i had a pl;ay on the game. in my defense, we've all heard the story of the 9 months pregnant wife, or was it just a boy, who cried wolf.)
VK, you're right. Sort of a non-story in an earlier media age, certainly not a big one ... probably would never have even surfaced. Personally, I was drawn to it because I'm a Notre Dame fan, and a fan of humor. As Smoke said, it's the greatest scandal ever because there are no victims, just idiots. Really, it had run its course until the voice on the phone was a guy.

But you're right, who cares.
I call BS on the Heisman impact aspect VK, if the story wasn't Teo losing his grandma and his girlfriend he would have never finished 2nd in the Heisman.

As proof I lean back to the sentimental story SI did back in 1986 about a D 1-AA player that nobody knew existed named Gordie Lockbaum who played both ways (no bisexual pun intended). Out of nowhere this guy who nobody in America even knew existed ended up finishing in the top 5 in the Heisman voting....purely based off that affectionate SI story.
The dead grandma and dead GF story made Manti a regular news story rather than just a sports story.
SI story did speed things up for Te'o. There really wasn't any bullshit about Gordie's story though. Back then, SI was bigger than ESPN, so that put him on the Heisman map.

Also, Te'o's Heisman candidacy was kind of a late season phenomenon. He would have had to have fake planned the fake murder of the fake girlfriend.
<s>@</s>catrancher46514: Next up on "Katie" Eddie Lacy who will confirm that Manti has a vagina.

that's funny.

vk, i don't have any animosity for the guy. if he's Yag and afraid to come out, i feel bad for him. that's no way to live. if i'm wrong and he's just a monumental idiot, then i really don't have an opinion about him either way, just find it interesting.
i do care if he's Yag and in the closet though because i think it has to be a terrible existence and i blame the people who make him scared to come out.
I call BS on the Heisman impact aspect VK, if the story wasn't Teo losing his grandma and his girlfriend he would have never finished 2nd in the Heisman.

As proof I lean back to the sentimental story SI did back in 1986 about a D 1-AA player that nobody knew existed named Gordie Lockbaum who played both ways (no bisexual pun intended). Out of nowhere this guy who nobody in America even knew existed ended up finishing in the top 5 in the Heisman voting....purely based off that affectionate SI story.

Agree to disagree. Any voter who admits to sympathy playing a part in their vote should be stripped of their voting priveledge though.

I think the totality of media coverage is different now than in 1986. You can literally watch every ND game now on NBC. ESPN pushed Manti down our throats ( I can have unintended puns too, kid ) and that is influential .. hell it is how the backup RB at USC stole a Heisman... I just find it hard to believe that someone is voting for heisman based on someone losing a grandparent and GF in a short period of time. I certainly find it hard to believe more than one or two people would ( though stupid is the new fad in this country ). Ray Lewis and Kobe Bryant get MVP votes for Pete's Sake. needs to put VK's poll up.

A. Yag and not in on it
B. Yag and in on it
C. Straight and in on it
D. Straight and not in on it

The voting percentages by region would be hilarious.
If the sports award voters kept their emotions out of voting then Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens would have been unanimous first ballot HOF' we know that just isn't the case.
Another point ... if someone is voting based on off the field sympathies or dislikes .. Manti was already getting their vote as Johnny Football has very BAD off the field issues.... yet none of us are talking about the things he did ( and he won the damn thing ).
Another point ... if someone is voting based on off the field sympathies or dislikes .. Manti was already getting their vote as Johnny Football has very BAD off the field issues.... yet none of us are talking about the things he did ( and he won rhe damn thing ).

what did he do?
If the award voters kept their emotions out of voting then Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens would have been unanimous first ballot HOF' we know that just isn't the case.

Those aren't emotions. There are voters who consider those guys frauds after careful consideration.
On the argument that Clemens and Bonds were HOFers anyway, prior to the time that most reasonable people detect the dawn of their use of PEDs and the subsequent enhancement and advancement of their careers ... not so fast my friends. Both were on track. But neither one was on track for first ballot. Clemens closer than Bonds, in my opinion.
He had drug issues once I believe( By the look of him it would appear to be meth or coke ).
He was arrested after he got in a fight because he called a guy the N word. Had fake ID as well.
Another brush with the law that escapes me.
I agree this story is getting way too much coverage because of it's sensationalism, I mean the Libor scandal that broke last year dwarfed this story by magnitudes that I can't even comprehend yet that story barely got any attention even when you include the WSJ and financial TV such as Bloomberg and CNBC.

That was the scandal of all scandals, and even if you have no idea what happened it affected you.
Clemens is the greatest pitcher of the last 30 years if we are just talking on the field performance ( and off the field with Mind McCready, who is now under investigation in the apparent suicide death of her boyfriend. )
He had drug issues once I believe( By the look of him it would appear to be meth or coke ).
He was arrested after he got in a fight because he called a guy the N word. Had fake ID as well.
Another brush with the law that escapes me.

We can thin the herd in a lot of hall of fames for drug abuse. Hell, if we're going to count alcohol, we might as well start a new one for baseball. I think the voters are considering, or at least were making a token statement about the ones that help the ball over the fence and add a couple MPH to the inside fastball.
Greenies were widely used throughout the history of the game and despite the innocent name they were amphetamines and illegal.

Amphetamine pills? More harmless and less helpful than 5-Hour Energy. Gimme a break.
It would be awesome if Te'o came out. Seriously, is there any place on earth more homophobic than an NFL locker room? If only Mr. Davis were still alive...
I agree this story is getting way too much coverage because of it's sensationalism, I mean the Libor scandal that broke last year dwarfed this story by magnitudes that I can't even comprehend yet that story barely got any attention even when you include the WSJ and financial TV such as Bloomberg and CNBC.

Understating borrowing costs to the Bank's advantage for lending/borrowing just isn't as tantalizing as dead fake GF's. I love how people tried to sweep it under the rug as a Barclay/UK scandal while BofA and citibank silently whistled as they walked away.
Mully just reminded me this is the fake dead girlfriend thread, not the fake baseball stats thread.
It would be awesome if Te'o came out. Seriously, is there any place on earth more homophobic than an NFL locker room? If only Mr. Davis were still alive...

First Black Head Coach.
First Hispanic Coach ( two time super bowl winning coach no one ever talks about ).
First Black Executive.
First Hispanic executive.
First Female Executive.

What makes you think he would be inclusive enough to allow an openly Yag dude on his team?
How awesome would it be if Teo did come out and somehow ended up being teammates with Tebow next season.

ESPN would create a new network devoted to covering them 24-7 LOL
First Black Head Coach.
First Black Hispanic Coach ( two time super bowl winning coach no one ever talks about ).
First Black Executive.
First Hispanic executive.
First Female Executive.

What makes you think he would be inclusive enough to allow an openly Yag dude on his team?

Just Win, Baby :)
How awesome would it be if Teo did come out and somehow ended up being teammates with Tebow next season.

ESPN would create a new network devoted to covering them 24-7 LOL
Earlier this week, Katie Couric scored the first on-camera sit-down interview with Notre Dame's Manti Te'o. The interview will air on Thursday on Couric's syndicated "Katie" show on ABC. Check your local listings. We've already seen some segments, including the parts where Te'o tells Couric helied about his girlfriend-that-wasn't. Here, we'll provide instant analysis of the interview. You, of course, are free to join in with comments below.
• Off the bat, we know one of the most fascinating twists in the entire story won't make the interview: the revelation early Thursday that "Lennay Kekua" was actually the voice of Te'o's acquaintance Ronaiah Tuiasosopo posing as a woman. Would be interesting to see his reaction to that.
• Katie Couric's set is a lot more pleasant than the Austin hotel room where Oprah grilled Lance Armstrong. There are even flowers!
• We begin with a montage of Te'o's history, including a moment where he calls the fictitious Lennay Kekua "the love of my life." Questions upon questions.
• "What have the last few weeks been like for you?" Couric going with the easy backrub of a question to start. Another difference with Oprah, who went for the jugular from the start.
• Te'o emphatically denies that he was involved in the scam. But Couric lets the inconsistencies in his account pass.
[Related: Mastermind was also voice of Kekua]

• "Everything that I thought to be my reality was not my reality," says Te'o.

• Couric does note that Te'o had something to gain by keeping the story alive, but buries her hard question in a drift of cotton candy that allows Te'o to fall back on his own story.
• Te'o still talking as if Lennay was a real person. Make of that what you will.
• Couric asks Te'o if he's Yag. "No. Far from it. Faaaar from it." Laughs from the audience.
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• Even Scooby Doo and Shaggy scoff at Te'o's detective skills. Te'o's inability to suss out even the most basic details of this case is either astounding ... or unsurprising.
• The Twitter hashtag #farfromgay started to trend immediately. Keep an eye on that one.
• "Either you're the most naive person on the planet, or this is the saddest story ever written." Couric finally starts to get within an area code of the meat of this story.
• Te'o on the voices on the phone: "It didn't sound like a man ... if he somehow made that voice, that's an incredible talent."
• And now we get the bizarre story of Lennay Kekua awakening from the dead and getting chased by drug dealers and ... folks, we've got to be honest, this thing is more off the rails than a child's train.
• This kid was just completely overwhelmed. He got taken advantage of, he participated to some extent ... but he strikes me as just a pawn in all of this. He was used by everyone, from the hoaxer to Notre Dame to the media.
• Was he in on it? Almost certainly. But it's also possible that he deliberately overlooked the inconsistencies because he didn't want to know the truth. He wanted to maintain the illusion.