Manti Te'o's Dead Girlfriend was a hoax?!?!?!?!

Not sure why that video won't embed. That's the only link they had on the site.
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Notre Dame alum who launched fundraiser in memory of Te’o girlfriend ‘shell-shocked’ by hoax

By Associated Press, Published: January 17
<article> INDIANAPOLIS — A University of Notre Dame graduate who launched a campaign to raise money for a cancer research group in memory of linebacker Manti Te’o’s girlfriend says he is “shell-shocked” to learn the woman didn’t exist.
Dan Tudesco, a 2006 graduate who now works in public relations in New York, set up an online account at fundraising website on Jan. 9 to solicit $5,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc. The initial pitch said donations would go to the society in memory of Lennay Kekua, who reportedly died last fall, and in honor of Te’o, “two individuals who have been an inspiration to us through an iconic season.”
Tudesco said he and three friends got the fundraising idea after a seeing a video that went viral of Te’o holding his head in dismay during the Irish’s 42-14 loss to Alabama in the national championship game on Jan. 7.
<article> The goal was to turn the loss — and the player’s sudden popularity — into something positive.
“I think we were all kind of disappointed in the result of the game ... and the Manti story was very inspirational,” Tudesco told The Associated Press on Thursday.
Notre Dame took notice of Tudesco’s tweets about the fund drive and sent a university videographer to shoot an interview with him. The video was posted on the Notre Dame athletics YouTube channel Tuesday.
Tudesco said “everybody is kind of surprised and a little shell-shocked right now” after reported Wednesday that Kekua didn’t exist. But he said he didn’t believe Notre Dame was aware of the hoax when it promoted his fundraiser.
“It would surprise me that Notre Dame would want to promote this if they knew something like this was going on,” Tudesco said.

However, Notre Dame officials said Wednesday that they became aware of the hoax on Dec. 26, nearly two weeks before the championship game.
Notre Dame spokesman Dennis Brown said the Te’o family was getting ready to go public about the hoax and that the university deferred to their wishes.
“They’re the victims and it’s their story to tell,” he said.
Tudesco said he doesn’t know Te’o personally and had no contact with him or Notre Dame before setting up the fundraiser. He said money raised by his fundraiser will be held in reserve by indiegogo and released directly to the charity at the end of the campaign.
“We actually never directly receive or touch the money at any point,” he said.
Tudesco said the campaign hasn’t received any new donations since the news of the hoax broke late Wednesday, though he hopes people continue to donate to the fund drive.
Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

So they clearly knew about the hoax, by their own admission on Dec 26th, yet ran this story this Tuesday? Didn't they (ND) also try to claim that they and ESPN were going to come clean but Deadspin beat them to it? Riiiight.

And how about the guy who made the video saying he didn't think ND was aware of the hoax when they promoted his fundraiser? ND came out and told you when they knew. He does know that Dec 26th is in the past, and occurred before January 17th right? Those ND students are just so damn intelligent aren't they?
Thanks Lareux. Am I the only that thinks this story isn't getting the recognition it deserves and catches Notre Dame in it's own lie ?
Thanks Lareux. Am I the only that thinks this story isn't getting the recognition it deserves and catches Notre Dame in it's own lie ?

Not anymore you're

Let's tweet the story to some guys who've been following this and see if it catches. Not sure really why this wouldn't be getting a lot more air time.
Man, if yall want to get me started on espn and the media malpractice we have in this country....shit i will stop there.

rush limbaugh today echoed so many of your statements about the media, the many i have been saying on here for over 12 months.

espn, notre dame, and teo are all in cahoots on this in some way shape or form. someone made a great point about ND having 2 days to get their $$ right for hush hush. you are half right, problem is they have known about this since at least december. that asshole only came out with a statement from ND after they knew full well their bases were covered and multiple people paid off. now every tom dick and shelly on espn are either refusing to talk about it, defending teo, or saying they will wait for facts to come out and not make judgements yet.

imagine that, waiting for facts to come out and not make judgements??????:thumbsup2: why now all of a sudden.

the best thing that happened to espn, teo and ND was Lie Armstrong.
i am shocked that some people are now starting to not to let the media run you like a little bitch though. its about time.

do some research on your own, its not that hard
i find it laughable what espn is saying. its hypocritical and its a joke, a travesty. they are trying to fool the blind sheep who have no idea or clue but rely on them for all of their facts or info.

like i said, i am glad to see so many on here not buying their bullshit!
teo spoke to 3, THREE different people on phone acting as his girlfriend. one was a woman, 2 were MEN.

1. he's Yag, and now they are covering for his gayness
2. he was part of the catfish for attention

cant see it any other way, and now ND, ESPN, and Teo are paying off/covering up for either option.
Man, if yall want to get me started on espn and the media malpractice we have in this country....shit i will stop there.

rush limbaugh today echoed so many of your statements about the media, the many i have been saying on here for over 12 months.

espn, notre dame, and teo are all in cahoots on this in some way shape or form. someone made a great point about ND having 2 days to get their $$ right for hush hush. you are half right, problem is they have known about this since at least december. that asshole only came out with a statement from ND after they knew full well their bases were covered and multiple people paid off. now every tom dick and shelly on espn are either refusing to talk about it, defending teo, or saying they will wait for facts to come out and not make judgements yet.

imagine that, waiting for facts to come out and not make judgements??????:thumbsup2: why now all of a sudden.

the best thing that happened to espn, teo and ND was Lie Armstrong.

No, backwards, I think the best thing that has happened to Lance Armstrong was Te'o, the recency effect. Best thing that happened to ND is that their scandal is funny. No institutional cover-up of boy rape. What the fuck is your point?
what does "cover up" of boy rape have to do with teo and why the "whats your fucking point" to someone u dont know.

didnt your mom ever teach u manners boy?
espn, notre dame, and teo are all in cahoots on this in some way shape or form. someone made a great point about ND having 2 days to get their $$ right for hush hush. you are half right, problem is they have known about this since at least december. that asshole only came out with a statement from ND after they knew full well their bases were covered and multiple people paid off. now every tom dick and shelly on espn are either refusing to talk about it, defending teo, or saying they will wait for facts to come out and not make judgements yet.

He only came out with a statement after Deadspin exposed the story.
Look at det187 trying to come off hard as nails behind the comp screen.."boy"
He only came out with a statement after Deadspin exposed the story.

so he didnt have knowledge of this before the deadspin story? didnt know this was coming out some how or sometime? didnt have a formulated strategy to take this on?

cmon, he's not the penn state BOT here, ND has some smart people working for them
Yeah, I'm not sure why Detroit just flipped his lid, but it's kinda funny I guess.

Detroit, what Tip's saying is probably more accurate, that the Te'o story breaking when it did is the best thing Lance could have asked for. Lance's interview had already been set, all eyes about to be on him and his confession....then Deadspin breaks the Te'o story and all of the focus was shifted to Manti. I guess in a way each of them helped each other, but Lance's story was set to go before the Te'o business.
so he didnt have knowledge of this before the deadspin story? didnt know this was coming out some how or sometime? didnt have a formulated strategy to take this on?

cmon, he's not the penn state BOT here, ND has some smart people working for them

No, he did. My point was simply that the reason he came public and made a statement on Wednesday night was because the Deadspin story broke a few hours earlier. He wasn't having that press conference when he did if the story didn't break.

You said the reason he made the statement was because he had all of his ducks in a row and everyone paid off.
Yeah, I'm not sure why Detroit just flipped his lid, but it's kinda funny I guess.

Detroit, what Tip's saying is probably more accurate, that the Te'o story breaking when it did is the best thing Lance could have asked for. Lance's interview had already been set, all eyes about to be on him and his confession....then Deadspin breaks the Te'o story and all of the focus was shifted to Manti. I guess in a way each of them helped each other, but Lance's story was set to go before the Te'o business.

i can agree with that, but when you back it up with "kid rape" out of nowhere and "whats your fucking point", i guess he could call Rush and ask him the same. It was only on much of his show today.
what does "cover up" of boy rape have to do with teo and why the "whats your fucking point" to someone u dont know.

didnt your mom ever teach u manners boy?

I'll respond in a mannerly way.

I'm a frequent visitor and sometimes contributor to threads at CTG so I've absorbed your passionate defense of Penn State. I was simply juxtaposing that passion with your apparent outrage with Notre Dame. I agree with you, ESPN has not been on the warpath here. Then again, no crimes were committed.

As for using "what the fuck is your point" instead of "what's your point", I apologize for the colorful language.
well of course he did after the deadspin article, he wouldnt if nothing came out, but he had to and he knew it was coming. my point was he had time to put his ducks in a row, which they knew they would have to do before hand.

guess it can be read in different context, my post that is.
I'll respond in a mannerly way.

I'm a frequent visitor and sometimes contributor to threads at CTG so I've absorbed your passionate defense of Penn State. I was simply juxtaposing that passion with your apparent outrage with Notre Dame. I agree with you, ESPN has not been on the warpath here. Then again, no crimes were committed.

As for using "what the fuck is your point" instead of "what's your point", I apologize for the colorful language.

fair enough, me too if there was.

wade can still live in hell though, eternally.
Det187 u a creep flat out..
(My eyes straight ahead as I type/say this)
haha, i always love when guys say "go get your shine box", and that is the one sucking limes in the trunk.

glad i amuse you!

watching the 2nd ep of catfish now.

oh just saw that wade, thanks man! wanna be my catfish?
haha, i always love when guys say "go get your shine box", and that is the one sucking limes in the trunk.

glad i amuse you!

watching the 2nd ep of catfish now.

oh just saw that wade, thanks man! wanna be my catfish?

I said "go get your shine box" simply because tip was egging you on again by dropping another F bomb in his response. The fact that he ended up in the trunk means absolutely nothing in this situation (me using it as reference).

Manti Te’o gives off-camera interview to Jeremy Schaap

Posted by Michael David Smith on January 18, 2013, 10:39 PM EST

AP Manti Te’o is in the process of giving his first interview since this week’s shocking news broke that the story of his girlfriend dying during his senior season at Notre Dame was a hoax. But it’s an interview that is likely to raise more questions than answers.
ESPN confirmed on Friday night that Te’o was sitting down with reporter Jeremy Schaap. That Schaap was chosen as the first interviewer Te’o would sit with is not surprising, as reports surfaced this week that Schaap and Te’o would be sitting down together.
But what is surprising is that ESPN also confirmed that Schaap and Te’o are having an off-camera interview. That is bizarre. ESPN is a TV network and Schaap is a TV interviewer. Obviously, ESPN would prefer to get his interview on camera, so that must have been a demand from Te’o and his camp. But why, if Te’o is simply an innocent victim of a hoax — as he and Notre Dame have insisted is the case — wouldn’t he want to face the cameras and tell the whole truth?
Even more surprising is that ESPN released a photo of Schaap sitting down with Te’o and Te’o's attorney. If Te’o is simply an innocent victim of a hoax, why does he need to have an attorney present before he can answer any questions?
Also odd is that Te’o decided to do this on a Friday night: It’s right out of the damage control P.R. playbook to put out damaging information on a Friday evening and hope that the information will get lost in the weekend’s news. But, again: If Te’o is simply an innocent victim of a hoax, what damaging information is this interview going to uncover?
We simply don’t know, and until we hear what Schaap and Te’o talked about, we’ll have more questions than answers.
And with this bizarre story, it’s safe to say that even after we hear what Schaap and Te’o talked about, we’ll have more questions than answers.
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I said "go get your shine box" simply because tip was egging you on again by dropping another F bomb in his response. The fact that he ended up in the trunk means absolutely nothing in this situation (me using it as reference).


i dont know what to say, i was just making light of the situation and adding in another line from goodfellas, screwing around, joking, lol haha that kind of stuff

you really are a funny guy
Posted by Mike Florio on January 18, 2013, 11:19 PM EST
As we wait to hear whether and to what extent ESPN’s Jeremy Schaap will vouch for the credibility of an athlete who granted Schaap an exclusive off-camera interview, there is new evidence regarding the lack of credibility demonstrated by Manti Te’o's fake dead girlfriend.
According to the Honolulu Advertiser, Te’o has told family and friends that, when his fake dead girlfriend called in December to say she wasn’t actually dead, she said thatshe had faked her death to elude drug dealers.
And that’s what finally prompted Te’o to become suspicious.It’s not clear when the fake dead girlfriend claimed she faked her death to avoid drug dealers. Notre Dame Athletic Director Jack Swarbrick told reporters on Wednesday night that Te’o learned that the fake dead girlfriend was merely fake dead on December 6. Te’o thereafter made multiple references to his dead girlfriend in comments to the media.