Magic-Lakers play


Pretty much a regular
I've been eyeing this play since Sunday night when I had a chance to watch both Orlando and LA play. Orlando showed me their record is for real (31-8) by getting out to a half-time lead vs SA and holding the fort down the whole way. Meanwhile, the Lakers were having all sorts of problems with the Heat and escaped with a 3 point win.

So, since then, what has transpired?

Lakers have taken their injury riddled team on a 2 game gruelling road trip vs Houston and San Antonio. They got involved in two slugfests where they had to keep starters in right till end. After splitting on the road trip, the Lakers have now won 10 of past 12 games so this is not a must win for them tonight.

On the other hand, Orlando would have been excused for a look ahead on Tues night while facing Sacramento but all they did was set a record for most three pointers. Gotta think a well rested and healthy Orlando would like nothing better than to win on a big national stage since everyone disrespects them by showing love for only the Celtics and Cavs in the east.

Orlando with all their three point shooters is becoming a nightmare match-up for other teams as you have to respect their range but at the same time they have a beast Howard down low as well as Turk who can play both down low and far away from basket.

Orlando +4 and ML +156 for two units each.
Defenitely like Orlando in this spot.
Just checked and last time Orlando had 2 days rest they beat the shit out of both Hornets and Spurs.
Meanwhile the Lakers play their 3th game in 4 days. They played 2 very tough games in HOU and SA, Kobe played in both games 40+mins. Before this Kobe had not played 40+mins on consecutive games this season.

I'm bit worried though as this a revenge game for the Lakers.
What do you think about this?
True on revenge game but this same circumstance was present when the Lakers played the Heat this past Sunday (since they lost at Miami earlier) and they barely won that game.

Orlando has won 2 of past 3 games with Lakers so we are simply asking them to do something they have done before BUT with some added factors in Orlando's favour
Problem here is if they "barely" win this one they prob. cover the short line. You correctly state they've won 2 of 3 vs.LA but that Means they split last year. When was last time Magic swept LA for the season? How often have Lakers lost b-to-b games? Tough to say there's value in this short line...
Seems pretty automatic to me. Fisher physical condition a real factor. Superior rest better defense and more healthy players. Revenge factor is simply nonsense. Why would winning at home by 3 establish revenge and when will people stop saying such silliness. Further they have played 3 teams this year at home who have beat them earlier this year and have not come close to covering in any game. Indiana losing by 2 and Indiana losing by 3. In the actual world previously giving 6 or less points at home, using my data bank I see them going 2-4 ats in the 6 examples from them playing at home. There is really not much logic here. Thinking 4.5 point is not real value when good teams play ---what can you say to this. GL
This play is very very simple to me..

Orlando is the best road team in the NBA. I am waiting for them to be losing in a road game by more than 5 points or 10 but it doesent happen. Orlando is hard to get a run against because they hit so many 3's.

Secondly the last 5 games orlando has been hitting somehwere around 60% from 3 point range, they have so many shooters, nelson, lewis, reddick, lee, Turky, Bogans-

Thirdly and the most important factor is this--

LAKERS maybe next to the RAPTORS are the worst team at defending the 3 pointer-
THey simply cannot stop the 3 pointer.
No Farmer and Vucaccic, if he is out, there is 2 perimeter players--

THe reason Lakers cannot cover is Radman, Gasol, Bynum is wild, none of these guys have a clue how to play team Defense-

The lakers are the worst team defending 3's and also bad at dribble penetration-

I bet a big one on HEAT vs them--

Indiana, Granger and Dunleavey looked like Hall of Famers vs Lakers, they just cannot guard anyone, absolute pathetic defense, is why they cant even beat heat or indiana by more than a few points and lost to a pathetic Spurs old Team.
revenge means nothing here in this game. Lakers are a great offensive team and a pathetic defensive team, they have guys that have no clue how to play D-- they rarely ever make a steal anymore.

however I thought this line would be -7 or so--

THey have knocked way too many points off due to lakers struggels of late, Orlando blowout of Sacramento and win over SPurs and also lakers 3rd in 4 nights i believe.

I know that Lakers revenge is bullshit, they are lucky to win games these days, this team cannot blow out anyone, trust me they cant make stops--

It is possible they win big, only chance is if Magic shoot like 30% on 3's and struggle shooting.
So when was last time this horrible Laker team lost b to b games SU? Or are we banking on a 1-3 pt win. Look I'm not playing either way but to say the Lakers are smart to bet against when giving less than 5 at home is silly to me. Plenty of better games on the card GL...
LA at home on Friday
This season 2-4 ats and 5-1 over
Last 10 they are 3-7 ats at home on Friday.
That was tide's comment Tuck. My ? was when was last time LA lost b to b straight up games? If your taking +4 you're saying they will prob. Lose SU...
This year the Lakers have had fairly soft opponents and it has not happened although in the game after their losses they have covered 1 spread. Last year at least 7 times. I could say more as in some of the cases they lost 3 in a row but am counting 3 game losing streaks as 1 case.
thanks for the stats, but i don't care about them honestly. i'm not betting on them, i'm just not betting against it
nice pick tailed it and nailed that one-- solid writeup, lakers cannot stop anyone as i posted above, magic are lethal team with this makeup
I think Howard is really moving himself into the MVP talk club about now.

Nice play. :cheers: