MACtion Week 1 Discussion with Marsski

Push Akron 1st H, lose 1st H Under by .5 and lose 2nd H Over by 2 points.
Fuckin Toledo ML gonna spoil my big parlay. Hate Maction

I think I read Eastern Michigan hasn't won in Toledo since 1999. A lot can happen in this league in a short amount of time, but Toledo D needs to figure it out.
I think I read Eastern Michigan hasn't won in Toledo since 1999. A lot can happen in this league in a short amount of time, but Toledo D needs to figure it out.
ML doesn't matter now that Nutt State decided to quit scoring, parlay is dead and Toledo ain't covering
Akron was a fumble away at the goal line in the final minute+ from mabye winning this game. Crazy
That was an ice the game call there by Bobcats. Not sure you want Rodgers throwing it
hopefully it just goes out of bounds. That hasn't happened yet and normally does a lot
N Illinois might be fugazi. I don't know honestly, but I think they might be.
Been on their wagon this season, just figure they will score and won't stop Kent from scoring

Think they might have fallen victim to last season being so bizarre and it's set them up well for this year
Northern Illinois has been so good as far as winning...but...they trailed Central pretty big before coming back to win. Beat Toledo, NIU led most of game, but UT came back and NIU had to win on last minute FG. UT had 7 ypp on them. They have confidence and are in drivers seat of winning the division. They are hard to fade, but I really feel like they might lose here as I don't see them as being better than Kent. But maybe Kent not better than them either. Hence the short line which is just HF essentially.

Kent D has been pretty bad, again. They are bad every category except turnovers, but the TOs have slowed in league play, only 7 gained in last four games after being +7 first two games. Kent good at not turning it over though, just one total lost TO in 4 MAC games.

NIU wants to run (fewest pass att per game 21.9, most rush att per game 47.4), and they probably will be able to and Lombardi can hit throws. I wouldn't trust Kent D to get a lot of stops. Kent runs it about as much, but is better passing.

It's a hard game to really have a ton of confidence on either side. Both offenses should do well. I have no idea who wins. Probably Kent, but don't think I bet the full game side.
I just don't think they can score with Kent if they get rolling. Kent is better than what they have shown.
x3. I hate to gloat too much because surely somebody will have had Miami in that game and that was the right side. But right side don't always win, which a lot of times I count on when taking dogs like that. If right side always won, favorites would come in a lot more and I probably wouldn't even bet games.
Believe me, I have been on the losing end of that stuff more times than I can count and always enjoy reading the threads, getting the texts and watching my losses in that bad beats show, so it was nice to finally get one so to speak haha.
I don’t have time to do a big write up on the Kent game today but basically wondering how good Northern really is.

I feel like Kent’s offense is much more explosive and if this turns into a game in the 60s then they have the edge w more playmakers, better QB etc.

Making a small play on Kent -3.5 for half unit.

Looks like I'm gonna have some CLV in Kalamazoo.
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CMU/WMU total drops 3 points....from 67.5 to 64.5 in about an hour....I think thats fairly telling where this game is going.....27-20 final
think i decided i'm better off staying away from the mac - always a volatile conference. Last year seemed a little less so - this year no idea - auto bet dogs seems to be on point but the pregame stats kinda meaningless
I have nothing to add but wanted to say thanks for the thread and the discussion. I didn't watch last night because I was occupied by the World Series, but love the mid-week MAC games