I have realized, that I no longer know the rules of football. Oregon State is kicking a FG to win the game, miss, but the kickers plant leg is wiped out. No call in Vegas. Hawaii, they were absolutely robbed in that game, call after call. Every play has a flag, but I am not sure what they will call.

You should know as a Steelers fan who got robbed by the Pats in the regular season. Replay review, concern over the welfare of the players, and targeting have all acted to give the refs more power to be capricious. They say they're looking at it closely or are protecting players but they're really just being enabled to call whatever the fuck they want.
It is crazy, now, every hard hit is a penalty. I watch a catch in Iowa State were the ball hits the ground but he maintains control, good catch, then Hawaii catches a pass, ball hits the ground he maintains control, no catch, they lose.
Northwestern Wildcats are DOG CRAP this season lead Akron 28-26 with 12 minutes to GO and Akron ball, Wildcats will be lucky to WIN the game :mad:

Hokey Smoke!!! 39-28 Akron with 7 minutes to GO!!!

AND Missouri just BLEW a 10 point LEAD!!! NOW 40-37 Purdue!!!