Down by 36...under 7 minutes in the game...of course Georgia State should try a FG. Makes sense. Football Coaches May be more brain dead than zombies me thinks...
Down by 36...under 7 minutes in the game...of course Georgia State should try a FG. Makes sense. Football Coaches May be more brain dead than zombies me thinks...

Somebody should change your tag line to „Calls Out Morons When He Sees Them“
Somebody should change your tag line to „Calls Out Morons When He Sees Them“

That’s the beauty of calling out stupid people. They’re so fuckin’ stupid, they don’t even understand you’re insulting them. They just go back to being the walking, talking dipshits they are.
That’s the beauty of calling out stupid people. They’re so fuckin’ stupid, they don’t even understand you’re insulting them. They just go back to being the walking, talking dipshits they are.

I feel like you‘re either really mean or really nice. No in-between
Apparently, one should not eat asparagus and pound Stellas. Huh!! Who'd a thunk it. Makes for a lethal combination. Talk about a rude awakening.
Wtf? If you drink too much beer you‘ll feel stomach pain and pain pissing from dehydration i don‘t see why you gotta blame a healthy veggie...
Wtf? If you drink too much beer you‘ll feel stomach pain and pain pissing from dehydration i don‘t see why you gotta blame a healthy veggie...

Maybe u can tried it once and let us know what you think of the smell? I don’t drink, me bro told me once that pissing next day after having asparagus for dinner is a no no...
Asparagus? The long green thing with the leafy end? I‘ve eaten it plenty and never had a problem. Maybe you put some spices on it that could cause stinging while peeing
Not denying it that it’s healthy and tastes good....

Well a lot of food we consume takes good and healthy.....but when we sheeeet it out, yikes

I thot that was only a problem with spicey food. What could a fiber- and vitamin-rich vegetable contain that would generate pain during a sheet