Hall and Ollison. Pitt loves that ground game, we knew that going in. They rely on it even more than last year. GT can't stop anything tho
They’re not good but tough to tell, they can’t get out of their own way at the moment.

I also can’t believe LSU let Pooka Williams get away, to Kansas of all places. He’s electric.
Utah, He looks ok thankfully, I'm glad low hits are out,

I was talking to a friend and said NFL to me is so much better this year without the gratuitous violence, I like it more now, less bonehead plays
Utah, He looks ok thankfully, I'm glad low hits are out,

I was talking to a friend and said NFL to me is so much better this year without the gratuitous violence, I like it more now, less bonehead plays


not sure who it was, but I was listening to something that suggested removing helmets from the game to eliminate bad hits. Radical idea that would never happen, but its not a bad one