I've been hearing about this tantric shit, does it work?

Yes it does. I meditated so much one day near the ocean. My body felt so light. When I was done after 3 hours in a trance my balls felt as if they were receiving a B job. It was the weirdest feeling but felt good and I was alone !!
Sammy. One time my and these girls did X.
One of the coolest things we did. ....

We sat really close to a fire and got really hot
One of us stood out in the snow
We ran and started hugging each other and the feeling of the warm and cold bodies together was unreal.

You could feel the cold and the hot leave your body and merging
Sammy. One time my and these girls did X.
One of the coolest things we did. ....

We sat really close to a fire and got really hot
One of us stood out in the snow
We ran and started hugging each other and the feeling of the warm and cold bodies together was unreal.

You could feel the cold and the hot leave your body and merging
Holy shit that sounds amazing.

Amazing how substances can change reality in good ways
Why not take acid?
Nothing like candy flipping. X and acid whew. Boy I got one helluva story from candy flipping at my buddy's place in auburn for the Alabama auburn game in 99. First time bama beat them there. The stories from that night alone is almost a books worth lol