Kobe Or Jordan ???

i will try to keep my remarks regarding kobe in this thread to basketball from now on, but it won't be easy for me.

measy ... in my larry vs kobe post ,,,, do you think i have given the edge to bird anywhere that it should belong to kobe ?

well i just think that you missed a few categories such as dribbling, dunking, other shit i cant name off the top right now. and bird is a way better long range shooter than kobe but i dont know about mid-range.
And this comes from a guy with an OSU avater. Un-bias as a Bavetta/donoghy game! 1. Jordan 2. Kobe 3. nail-biting mama's boy from Akron...

of course i'm not completely un-biased, just as some people who are from california and/or don't get to watch every cavs game like myself can't be considered un-biased.

and i'm not one of the people who hate kobe. there's things i don't like about him and there's things i don't like about lebron, but i actually really like kobe and was rooting for him to win this title. i watched at least half of the lakers' games this year and about that amount every year and i've watched every single lebron cavs game. many of you are making your opinions based on about 10 cavs games + playoffs per year.

and if you don't think that lebron will win multiple titles in his career barring major injury no matter how un-biased you are i don't know what to say. i don't believe i'm being biased on that at all because chances are he gets close in cleveland a couple of more times and then goes and wins 10 titles with new jersey or new york, but he'll definitely win several titles. some of his weaknesses that guys have pointed out are legit, but they can all be re-tooled and he has the work ethic to make himself better in all of those areas. for example his first year in the league he was nowhere near the defender he was and now he has shown he can lock down any team's best player at the end of the game (except for pierce in game 7 haha). if you don't see the intangibles that this guy has and don't think he's on kobe's level and will eventually rise above kobe's level (i already happen to think he's above), then i don't think you watch enough cavs games. some of the supporting cast comments are shocking to me. you don't think the cavs would be leaps and bounds better with a guy like odom? second tier stars not wanting to cleveland has nothing to do with playing with lebron (kidd was practically begging to) and everything to do with not wanting to come to a declining, run down, beat up, shit city. i love this place personally, but if i'm in ANY other nba city i don't want to come and live in cleveland unless i have ties here.
first of all dickhead...have you ever heard of game film?...you can watch a game after it has been played life over and over. thats whats cool about the technology in our day stupid ass....so my age has nothing to do with it.

After it has been played LIFE?

so its cool that you can watch game tape in your day?
thank god we made those advances in my lifetime. whew.
oh wait that was loooooooooooong before I was born.
And I watched all those games LIFE.

One hell of an argument sir. It makes my LIVE better having crossed your path.

Kobe - :36_11_6:

Lakers - :36_11_6:

Ignorant Kids that say Ignorant things to back up Ignorance - :36_11_6:

Enjoy your LIVE buddy Enjoy your LIVE.

Ok buddy you started an ignorant thread about an over-hyped player in a watered down league. You can try your name calling and hi-tech talk all you want you brought up a dumb topic cause you thought your boy would get title #4. Then reality set in when they actually had to play the series out and since it wasnt a popularity contest Kobe couldnt compete.
You have expressed your age and intellect throughout this thread and then you top it off with name calling and insults when your hero is exposed for the 100th time.

I stated all of the same facts prior to the Lakers getting their ass kicked by the best team in basketball in 2008. Many mostly respectable members were all over the Lakers and couldnt see reality as it stared them in the face. Defense wins championships as do team players and humble individuals. If Los Angeles could find one of those three that would be making positive steps. Now when those fuzzy berries of yours drop and you get a chance to step away from those games tapes you have obviously been watching for many years maybe you can come up with a more realistic thread.

GAME TAPE - :36_11_6:
well i just think that you missed a few categories such as dribbling, dunking, other shit i cant name off the top right now. and bird is a way better long range shooter than kobe but i dont know about mid-range.

I am sure that i missed more categories than that.

midrange game - bird.
dunking - kobe
dribbling - kobe , but they didnt palm the basketball back then ( as much ) , it was against the rules ... so it isn't as bad you might think
athleticism/quickness/speed -- Kobe --Really this is only important as it relates to playing the game but i suppose it helps in getting to loose balls, breaking down the court for a cherry-pick etc etc.

This is a lot harder to debate since they played different positions.
Honestly , the player that kobe really reminds me of is Bernard King. Great player that no one mentions anymore. Pure scorer. Injuries devastated his career early.
purple and gold- you are an idiot sir. way to make fun of a misspelling when you obviously knew what i meant. your hella funny dumbass.

and you made a stupid comment about age when it has nothing to do with anything.

yes i am younger than you, probably with more money, FOR SURE i get more pussy than you and i am probably a better capper too....so you like i said, are an idiot. go ahead and think bout that.

and kobe "over-hyped" ? keep coming with the stupid stuff. you must have lost every game you bet on because it seems like you just started watching basketball this year.
I am sure that i missed more categories than that.

midrange game - bird.
dunking - kobe
dribbling - kobe , but they didnt palm the basketball back then ( as much ) , it was against the rules ... so it isn't as bad you might think
athleticism/quickness/speed -- Kobe --Really this is only important as it relates to playing the game but i suppose it helps in getting to loose balls, breaking down the court for a cherry-pick etc etc.

This is a lot harder to debate since they played different positions.
Honestly , the player that kobe really reminds me of is Bernard King. Great player that no one mentions anymore. Pure scorer. Injuries devastated his career early.

excellent comparison with bernard king. i have watched game film that PURPLE N GOLD didnt know existed, and that man could score with the best of them. but i believe kobe was a little better because of his defensive skills
wow.... i am shocked to see this thread is still alive after Kobe's Lakers got the ass whoopin' they did the other night.... give it a rest guys...

Jordan 4 Life.... :shake:
just wanted to pull this shit up for ddk997.......here ya go, no need to start it up again, even though no one can stop the lakers this year its looking like so far, and kobe will redeem himself in the finals vs celtics rematch!!!!