Kobe Or Jordan ???

i dont like kobe but at least some one else touch the damn ball, i hate watching the cavs because all lebron does is dribble or run off screens. There is zero team ball with Lebron....

And i dont want to hear this shit about he how he has crappy teammates...If he was so compelling and good, somebody good would want to come play with him, but they would like to be part of an offense, not a spot up jump shooter or a hustle player. This is why lebron will never win a championship.
and when they ask the question, could you see MJ EVER giving up a 24 pt lead at home in a playoff game, and the answer is an obvious NO!.....you can substitute lebron's name in there and the answer would be the same, no matter what kind of scrubs danny ferry puts on the court with him

Was lebron in the finals to be in the conversation???? Thats what I thought. Also when he did make a trip last year, I believe he lost 4 games in a row. WOULD JORDAN LOSE FOUR GAMES IN A ROW IN THE FINALS???? I DONT THINK SO.
and the scrubs danny ferry puts on the floor with him is because no great player wants him to dominate the ball 80% of the game. That is why they cant generate another great player in cleveland.
and the scrubs danny ferry puts on the floor with him is because no great player wants him to dominate the ball 80% of the game. That is why they cant generate another great player in cleveland

why so bitter?
not bitter, i could give a rats ass....just tired of hearing complaining about either how lebron has it soooooo bad in cleveland, or supposedly how dominating lebron is. Lebron is a great player, but to be legendary he has to win a title. So it makes me sick when people throw his name and jordans in the same sentence.

I love baseball, so that is like hearing some pretty good pitcher in todays game (i.e. brandon webb, roy halladay, etc.) being compared to nolan ryan. Its like, "Are you serious"
couldn't agree more. lebron IS the 2nd best player in this year's league though. but you're right, no talk to lebron until he wins a title...
all im trying to say is

Jordan>>>>>>>>> Kobe or Lebron

other than that, who cares unless one of them boys win a title as a leader
this is why lebron will never win a title? u and i both know that it's just a matter of time for that so i'm not even going to address that ignorant comment. and his team was far inferior than the spurs were and he got swept in the finals...what does that have to do with this kobe topic at all? lebron will win a title at a younger age than jordan. and there is no comparison...i never said that he's better than jordan i said he's better than kobe and he is. i cant help but notice u didnt address my comments on that at all but instead pointed out that lebrons not better than jordan which everyone already knows. no shit. kobe is much further away from jordan than lebron is though and it isn't close
webb in halladay are much much much further from ryan that either kobe or lebron is from jordan though....who the hell compares those guys thats ridiculous hahahha
Breen and this ABC crew continually calling Bryant "the best player in the world" as if it's a universally accepted fact is really starting to bother me.

LeBron's blood must go up every time he hears that shit.
you're telling me you'd rather have kobe than lebron...that has to be a joke.

lebron has better body control and balance going to the rim.

lebron is bigger, faster, and stronger (significantly bigger and stronger, and yes he is faster although kobe is quicker)

kobe clearly has a big advantage on his 3 ball, and a much better mid-range jumper. lebron has the potential to gain ground with his mid-range although he'll never be at kobe's level in that category...not many are.

lebron is a more valuable defender because he can guard anybody including kobe, and kobe is one of the most overrated defenders in the history of sports (with 5,000,000 hustleman stats to back this up...yes he's off the wall when it comes to kobe but he makes sense when trashing kobe's defense)

lebron is significantly better passer.

lebron is heads above in leadership on the court

kobe has an edge on how clutch he's been, but that is one of those "potential categories" that lebron will gain ground and probably surpass

so you wouldn't take the bigger, stronger, faster, better defending better leading, better chance of fighting contact and finishing near the rim, and better passer over the quicker, more clutch jump shooter? that's nuts.

wow...this was probably the most bullshit-made statement in this whole thread. Lebron is not faster whatsoever. He is bigger, stronger and a better penetrator to the basket. thats it.

kobe has the better all around shot
kobe has the better defense by far
kobe has way way better passing
lebron definitely doesnt have better leadership and he definitely doesnt have that killer instinct yet which even he has agreed to in earlier games.

you taking lebron over kobe this year in the nba is beyond stupid. come on buddy

lebron is in the eastern conference my friend. 'nuff said....lebron might not even be top 5 in the nba

i asked who people thought was better, jordan or kobe...not kobe or lebron....ive only heard lebron being compared to his own teammate "the 2nd lebron" Pavlovic...which is beyond embarrassing

ill take these over lebron without a doubt

kobe, garnett, pierce, chris paul
measy apparently you don't watch lebron play much. you think bryant's the better passer??? hahhaa wow. no one will ever sniff jordan's jock...and to ask if kobe is better than jordan is "the most bullshit-made" question cuz he's light years away
you put lebron on the lakers they sweep the celtics....with his vastly inferior coaching and supporting cast he still came a lot closer than kobe did to beating the celtics in a series...so how is that "beyond stupid"? you make zero sense.
if i were to have read what that you said lebron is not even top 5 in the nba prior to my previous posts i wouldn't have even wasted my time. that speaks for itself...no rational nba fan would say that no matter how bad they hate him. good luck defending that statement.
Video Game James gonna be nasty at PF spot in Beijing. Wonder if he'll shoot 70% again.
Well lets do the kobe v lebron comparison

defense -- i think this should be an easy advantage for kobe
passing -- i think this is lebrons biggest advantage over kobe
shooting -- i think kobe has a clear edge
driving -- i think this is a toss up. certainly kobe is aided by the fact that his jumpshot is better and thus it is easier to drive. From a skill set standpoint i like lebron slightly better but as games play out i think they are close enough to give neither a clear edge. If i have to , i will give an edge to lebron
leadership -- ummmm kobe may have the worst leadership skills of a major nba star in league history. this one is easy .. lebron by default.
clutch -- think i give the edge to kobe here , though lebron is far more clutch at this point in his career compared to when kobe was at this point. edge to kobe right now
desire -- kobe wants to win. lebron wants to win. i think kobe wants to win more right now.
Coachability- big edge for lebron
upside -- another big edge for lebron but it has no bearing on a comparison of their current skill set
raping --clear edge to kobe.

Guess right now that i would have to say kobe is slightly the better player than lebron though i would certainly expect lebron at his prime to end up being better than kobe in his. kobe has the shooting and defense edges , basically the individual oriented skill sets ... and lebron has the team oriented skill sets down better in passing and leadership.

I would rather play with lebron if i was a teammate.
Lebron can only help out spot up shooters. He will not mesh with a big man the way Kobe does. He needs the ball in his hands too much and is not a threat at all without it.

Jordan vs. Kobe is a joke. We saw that here with Kobe losing his handle on the games at times in this series. Kobe vs. Lebron is as much as a joke as well though... Lebron is a freak than he is a basketball player. Play with him and sit in the corner and get ready to watch him clunk FT's or hold his hand up in the air as he banks in 3's.
you put lebron on the lakers they sweep the celtics....with his vastly inferior coaching and supporting cast he still came a lot closer than kobe did to beating the celtics in a series...so how is that "beyond stupid"? you make zero sense.

yea i realize that kobe is not comparable to jordan anymore especially after that finals series he had....but lebron is no where close to kobe.

if kobe was on the shittiest team in the east he could make it to the conference finals every year EASILY.

and you lebron fans always complain and say he doesnt have a good supporting cast... how does he not? HE WAS EVEN WITH BOOZER AND DIDNT DO SHIT.

hes blessed with a team that damn near everybody can shoot the 3 ball. He has ben wallace who won defensive player of the year before, Big Z who has a good mid-range shot and has an inside presence. Deep at the point guard and shooting guard position.

So your wrong, if kobe had his team, he would have swept celts. not the other way around.

lakers bench and even starters didnt show up for shit. Odom and Gasol played terrible, vujacic and radmonavic played good one game then shitty the next. the only consistent player was fisher who didnt get enough play time.

so how is that kobes fault. Quit hating on kobe and just admit hes the best by far in the nba today, and if hes not better than jordan, he is 2nd best EVER.
and anyways the "IF" shit doesnt matter.

lebron is not on the lakers and never will be. and kobe isnt on the cavs. kobe made it to the finals and lebron didnt. kobe got the mvp and lebron didnt.

sounds like kobe is better if you act realistic about the situation.

but you probably jus hate kobe after you heard he had his dick in a white woman and still got away with it.
I seem to recall Lebron go to the finals last year earlier than Kobe, which is why he bitched wanting to be traded before the season started remember?. Gasol, Bynum and Odom are more talented compared to Z, J.Smith and Big Ben. DFish vs DWest? I wont even bother with this one. Pavlovic vs Radma same...

Lakers have the better team versus Cavs especially with Bynum.
I will admit Kobe being the better offensive player by a mile, more clutch. Kobe lacking help?? He made his team mates spectators in the 1st quarter of game 6, clearly he thinks he doesn't any need help. Now laker fans blame the supporting cast?

Lebron's the better leader and team player which ultimately will lead to a ring someday.

But the dick in the white girl thing I can't comment on that one though but GO Kobe rape em' all!!! haha
I seem to recall Kobe going to the finals 4 times before lebron did remember? and you mentioning bynum has nothing to do with anything, he didnt play one playoff game. If he was playing we wouldnt be having this conversation, because lakers would have won easily if they had a physical big man playing in the finals this year.

but dont get me wrong i am not complaining about lakers supporting cast at all. i just think our players are overrated especially gasol n odom. they are both very inconsistent.

Point is....KOBE SHITS ON LEBRON BAD. n whoever disagrees doesnt know shit about basketball. maybe lebron will end up better but i never disagreed to anything like that. i said kobe is better now and a few people in this forum who were hopefully blown off some magnificent mary jane were thinking i am wrong.
Wow, MeasyMoney, are you watching the same LeBron as the rest of us? What more can the guy possibly do?
Lebron and Jordan dont even have the same type of game. I've never seen an nba player with the height, weight and athletic prowess of Video Game James.

I think its easier to compare the games of a Mike Jordan to a Kobe Bryant even tho Mike is overwhelming better than Kobe to comparing Mike to Lebron.
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Wow, MeasyMoney, are you watching the same LeBron as the rest of us? What more can the guy possibly do?

ya im pretty sure there is only one. your tellin me hes better than kobe too? haha wow i can tell this forum sure does have a whole bunch of kobe haters.
ya im pretty sure there is only one. your tellin me hes better than kobe too? haha wow i can tell this forum sure does have a whole bunch of kobe haters.

guilty as charged.

But not his basketball skills , just how i view him as a human being.
I dont hate Kobe. I hate how people talk about him like hes the next Michael Jordan. Some say he is even better than Mike. There will never be another Michael Jordan.
I'm also annoyed by how he continues to deny to compare himself to Mike yet carries himself as his equal or greater.
Brewer... I like that guy in your avatar. I think he was good back in the day. Some think Kobe was better than him. Forgot his name though.

I can't believe this thread is still going on.
this will be never-ending so you guys are right this thread was pointless...i just wanted to see peoples thoughts because obviously there is a whole bunch of kobe haters for all the wrong reasons (everybody likes to get their dick wet by a white woman from time to time) , and now that he is going to the finals again i wanted to see if anyones thoughts have changed bout him, regardless bout what anyone thinks his leadership skills have drastically increased...

Ok I had to stop reading. I'm sure this guy who started this thread has came to his senses after watching Bryant meltdown on his teammates in the CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES. Leadership skills? Do what?

To act as though Kobe has haters for no reason whatsoever is laughable. The topic of this thread just adds to the hater list. No one that is over 25 and has a clue would ever ask this question. The influx of hip hop and a much lower median age of the NBA viewership has dumbed down the league. Athleticism may have increased but the I.Q. of the game is at an all-time low. If you didnt watch Bird live as a kid (which the author of this thread CLEARLY didnt) you shouldnt make comments about his comparisons to other players. Bird was the most awkard, least athletic, dominate player to ever play in any sport. His mouth and his heart got him further than any of the god given abilities Kobe inherited have done for him yet. If Kobe would actually win a title with his team as a team and not blame them anytime something goes wrong he might get some credit.
I just wish some of you could of watched basketball when it was a legitimate team sport. The ironic thing about it is that Jordan is the very reason we have the league as it is today. Stern wasnt about to let his cash cow move on without him so he went hip hop and targeted the younger audience.

I guess it sucks that I'm finally old enough to laugh at the little whipper snappers that argue moronic points just because they want "their guy" to be considered the best. Do you fellas realize how many points these guys scored in the mid-80's? Like B.A.R. pointed out the defense was insane and Duncan and co. would cry for a foul after each pass in those days.
Anyway they scored in the 120s more often than they did the 90s.
And I know its hard for Kobe fans to understand but yeah that was the TEAM score. Back then if you acted and whined for new teammates like Kobe did you got your wish and ended up being the best player on a cellar team.

Now since we have erased the Kobe is god factor for at least 6-7 more months can we address the insanity of this perceived oncoming Lakers dynasty? Hell Portland has a better chance of being a dynasty at this point. Kobe and his team are soft.......one person (Bynum) will not erase that fact.
that being said,
i think it should also be said that BYNUM will be a great individual player.
whether or not the LAKERS do something with that talent, we'll all see !
Ok I had to stop reading. I'm sure this guy who started this thread has came to his senses after watching Bryant meltdown on his teammates in the CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES. Leadership skills? Do what?

To act as though Kobe has haters for no reason whatsoever is laughable. The topic of this thread just adds to the hater list. No one that is over 25 and has a clue would ever ask this question. The influx of hip hop and a much lower median age of the NBA viewership has dumbed down the league. Athleticism may have increased but the I.Q. of the game is at an all-time low. If you didnt watch Bird live as a kid (which the author of this thread CLEARLY didnt) you shouldnt make comments about his comparisons to other players. Bird was the most awkard, least athletic, dominate player to ever play in any sport. His mouth and his heart got him further than any of the god given abilities Kobe inherited have done for him yet. If Kobe would actually win a title with his team as a team and not blame them anytime something goes wrong he might get some credit.

Forget about melting down on teammates in the finals ... he melted down on teammates in a police station while lying to cover his own ass. A great leader that i would certainly want to follow into any battle ( sarcasm intended ).
yeah o.k.

this is why lebron will never win a title? u and i both know that it's just a matter of time for that so i'm not even going to address that ignorant comment. and his team was far inferior than the spurs were and he got swept in the finals...what does that have to do with this kobe topic at all? lebron will win a title at a younger age than jordan. and there is no comparison...i never said that he's better than jordan i said he's better than kobe and he is. i cant help but notice u didnt address my comments on that at all but instead pointed out that lebrons not better than jordan which everyone already knows. no shit. kobe is much further away from jordan than lebron is though and it isn't close

And this comes from a guy with an OSU avater. Un-bias as a Bavetta/donoghy game! 1. Jordan 2. Kobe 3. nail-biting mama's boy from Akron...
I still say Bird is/was a better all around ball player than Kobe

lets look....

defense --kobe
shooting --Bird
rebounding * for position since one is F and other G *--bird
passing --Bird one of the greatest passers ever, maybe THE greatest from a forward
leadership --lmao Bird
in the clutch -- Bird
driving --kobe
In the post -- Bird
raping -- kobe

Did i forget a category ?? And does anyone disagree with who is better at each of those ??

Looks like Larry Legend wins again.
Ok I had to stop reading. I'm sure this guy who started this thread has came to his senses after watching Bryant meltdown on his teammates in the CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES. Leadership skills? Do what?

To act as though Kobe has haters for no reason whatsoever is laughable. The topic of this thread just adds to the hater list. No one that is over 25 and has a clue would ever ask this question. The influx of hip hop and a much lower median age of the NBA viewership has dumbed down the league. Athleticism may have increased but the I.Q. of the game is at an all-time low. If you didnt watch Bird live as a kid (which the author of this thread CLEARLY didnt) you shouldnt make comments about his comparisons to other players. Bird was the most awkard, least athletic, dominate player to ever play in any sport. His mouth and his heart got him further than any of the god given abilities Kobe inherited have done for him yet. If Kobe would actually win a title with his team as a team and not blame them anytime something goes wrong he might get some credit.

first of all dickhead...have you ever heard of game film?...you can watch a game after it has been played life over and over. thats whats cool about the technology in our day stupid ass....so my age has nothing to do with it.

and bryant didnt "meltdown" on his teammates. His teammates didnt show up to play basketball. its not his fault that gasol plays one good game and 5 bad ones. he didnt play physical enough. odom only had one good game to and phil jackson didnt even let him play the whole game.

all you guys who make these bullshit posts hating on kobe make no sense. there is a few people who are stating their opinions with facts to back it up such as a brewer and a few others which is fine, but most of you other guys hate kobe as a person? thats stupid, have you talked to him? did he fuck your mom or wife? probably not, so who cares! if hes good at ball which he is then thats all that matters. hes paid for us to watch him play, not to be a good role model or any other dumb shit like that. and if you need a basketball player as your role model then you are a loser anyways.
Who said anything about him being a role model.?

He is a likely rapist.
At a minimum he is an adulterer
At a minimum he lied to police to cover his own ass while throwing other teammates under the bus during his interrogation.
At a minimum , it has been long reported that his teammates don't like him, that he is a dick , that he is a lockerroom cancer type of guy.

No one is making this shit up, dude ... this is the resume of a guy who has everything too. Imagine what kind of an asshole this guy would be if he couldnt play basketball.

He is good at ball. No one is saying he isnt. Someone started a thread trying to compare him to michael jordan and kobe is gonna get flamed in a thread like that.

Believe me , kobe is far from a role model. We agree on that.
hahaha your right...kobe will get flamed in a thread like this, this i have learned....but how about we keep it to basketball at least. not jus hating the guy because he did the same shit millions of people do.

and if you honestly think that he is a rapist then you are far from correct. hes kobe bryant. a money maker. he could fuck whatever bitch he wants. there is no need for him to rape that ugly white lady, she jus needed money. just like they did to mike tyson and 2pac. shit just happens but shouldnt define his NBA CAREER. they robbed kobe out of a few mvp's cuz of this shit.
i will try to keep my remarks regarding kobe in this thread to basketball from now on, but it won't be easy for me.

measy ... in my larry vs kobe post ,,,, do you think i have given the edge to bird anywhere that it should belong to kobe ?