Kick ass I didn't get banned

I mean I don't post in his crap anymore. No, no way, I don't. But then he comes in here. Well it is just jealousy and envy, hatred whatever it may be.
Don't post on your retarded threads, until you start running your mouth. pretty simple concept retard!

You are right I am super jealous and envious of you. Heavenly tuck, and not to forget your brother I am so jealous of your life style. Living in your parents basement, gambling with daddies money, 3 DWI's, no job, too dumb to sign up for unemployment (I would know, I tried to help you sign up).
I don't give a fuck about you, shut up and get the fuck outta my thread dude. Bet against my picks there, my bets if you want, and you will fucking lose, a promise bitch.
I don't need unemployment man, I got money, so I don't care I don't wanna fucking apply for a bunch of shit. I should maybe but I don't wanna.
Oh okay there, I am not looking like that, I am fat, but not that fat. Well 5 foot 9 225, but I am not just a big pile of fat, no, and have some muscle I could still throw up some weight, that guy was a total fat ass ha.
I don't really wanna have a stupid internet fight ha, no, you can say what you want about me. Fact of the matter is you welched on our agreement you still owe me 636 bucks, and I mean I talked to you for fuck 3 months I think, and what the hell you just stiff me, don't pay. I mean fuck you, you are damn lucky you aren't in Lincoln, cuz I would have yo ass fucking kicked all over the place.
I don't want to argue either, I enjoy reading your rambling shit. Just keep my name out your mouth, and I won't bother you. I ain't stalking you, just enjoy reading your shit. Always have sweet cheeks. Just keep my name out your mouth.

I'm gonna put on some damn Rage Against The Machine. I don't wanna hear your dumb ass ha, no. Oh whatever you don't want any dude, fuck I would work your ass I'm sure. My 3 year old nephew would beat your ass ha, who cares it is all just internet jibba jabba, no reason to talk about it.

Too bad the CTG guys don't just know exactly what happened then that moron would be banned, well it is a straight forward fuck job, there is no 2 ways about it, just fucked me over.
I mean it wasn't that much money 636 bucks, but it pisses me off anyway. Hell who wouldn't be pissed about losing 636 bucks, fuck I am not gonna just be like oh well 636 bucks, no big deal there ha.
I guess my dad wouldn't be since he has millions ha, but me I got jack shit, and 636 bucks pisses me off, well anybody it would I don't think I'm out of line talking about it a bunch. Fuck raise your hand right now on CTG if getting screwed out of 636 bucks would seriously piss you off? Oh hell yeah unless your loaded like my dad, he would be like ahhhhh, I don't care.
Just what I needed yg to come in here and fire me up ha, now I can't go to bed for hours cuz I wanna kill somebody.
Fuck you dumb fucking bitch yg, I mean you can come into my thread whenever, but I am gonna talk shit every time, and it can go all night if you want. Too bad the ignore option doesn't work right away, damn it, I don't want to hear from a guy that owes me 636 bucks and hasn't paid, no, that guy can suck my balls.

Oh well Rage Against The Machine, London concert 2010, gotta put that on.
Yeah Yg I will keep your name out my mouth when you fucking pay me what you owe the 636 bucks, until then it is in my mouth and I'm fucking spitting all the time, you fucking bitch, fuck you.
You fucking bitch you get on here and act like nothing happened you don't owe me shit, well you do, fucking 636 bucks, and it isn't right. I really wanna break your arm, but I can't in Lincoln, you are lucky you aren't here bud.
Ha yeah got Bulls on Parade now on the London concert can't beat that. Fuck that yg guy, man he doesn't even know what the fuck he is dealing with, wish he was here, ha a felon oh my, he does not know, shit he would get worked.
I don't understand why he thinks I'm just gonna shut up about 636 bucks, ha, no fuck no I'm not. I mean he owes me, and didn't pay, so why would I just okay, I am gonna shut up just be okay with yg fucking me over, oh okay, ya know guess it is money gone ha.
I really don't even care if somebody gave me the money another guy, I want him to, cuz we had a damn agreement and he fucked me, he owes me, so I want that fuck to pay me.
Fuck he just gets on here and antagonizes me and gets me pissed, then I go off. Probably will get banned now, that guy he is the one that should get banned, he owes me 636 bucks. And I mean it isn't some huge amount of money no, and ya know people talk about oh you are a d bag, and why do you care so much, I will give you the money. But no, it is the principle of the matter, I don't like to be fucked, and I want what is owed to me. I mean does nobody get that? Guess okay if you don't.
Ha no, I don't want anybody to give me the money besides yg, he owes me 636 bucks, and I want it from him, he owes me, so pay that shit bitch. But he won't, shit he better hope there is no road trip to Minnesota next year cuz I think there may be one in the works, and then he has trouble cuz I will find his ass. Shit I got one guy that looks like Anthony Barr in that Subway commercial fuck Vinny looks just like that guy.
Yeah he better pay up that bitch, unless he wants to get wrecked when Nebraska plays at Minnesota next year, oh it will be a priority to find his ass, guarantee that.
Fuck I need to shut the fuck up ha, standing on the corner in a white godfather hat, he drives a long black gangsta Cadillac, he can steal a broads mind man in 3 or 4 minutes, its not how long you talk brotha it's what you put in it. Got a little Too Short on, better get off here, I am drunk enough I shouldn't be posting.
Fuck better check out. Stupid ass yg, he just keeps yapping like nothing will happen to him ha. Well he may wanna shut up, unless he wants to meet Anthony Barr, which he will next year, so I don't know why he is talking like a dumb bitch, but he can if wants, haha, oh my he is gonna catch a big whooping.
Ha that is funny how my bro's wife her brother looks just like Anthony Barr, man he does too, it is crazy every time I see that Subway commercial I think oh hey there's Vinny, but no. Shit I got plenty of guys that can go there and regulate on his ass stupid yg, he owes me, I am not letting it go ha. I mean everybody on here says let it go, but okay, would you just let it go if somebody jacked you for 636 bucks, and then is posting on a website you like that you post on. Fuck I think not there, most everybody would be pissed like me I think.
I mean it is only 636 bucks, but it is the principle of it, and then he is posting on a site I like, and posting at me, so that is the deal there. Fuck you bitches talking bout well who cares it is 600 bucks whatever. Well ya know I am pissed this guy isn't paying and then he is posting on here, fuck it is infuriating to me, so you can fuck off.
I don't know won't talk about it anymore, bed time. But yg is gonna catch a beating Nebraska at Minnesota I am gonna find his ass, so he can talk now, he is gonna catch one oh yeah, just keep talking bud.
Oh you are gonna catch one from Anthony Barr, ha, he is about that size, not quite that big, but he looks like him in the face exactly, that is why I said it.
It has been a success so far today, gotta hope New Mexico St hangs in there, and Rutgers. They are both on the brink right now as we speak, or I mean as I talk to myself on here ha.

Added one.

Nevada at UNLV +8.5, got a -105 risked 257.50 to win 250

I really don't understand this line at all, makes no sense. Well these teams grade out basically even up, with slight edge to Nevada, and UNLV is at home even catching 8.5, what? Ha this line is waaaaaayy off, not even damn close, I'm thinking about putting more on this one. We'll see I guess, may add on.
Now people will call me crazy saying Nevada and UNLV are close in my mind to even, and hey maybe I am crazy ha. But I know Nevada is not good, no. We'll see what happens, but I expect UNLV to win actually outright.
Added on one.

Washington at Wazzu +3, got a +100, risked 250 to win 250

Another line way off. Should be Wazzu -5. Not sure if I will add anything else. That Auburn at Bama, I can't take in that, seems on the mark, the line.
Well I'm 5-2 today, a couple games didn't count, since I had if win bets going, but I did line em up pretty well, getting paid today so far. Now need to finish strong.

So I still have these yet to go.

Nevada at UNLV +8.5
Washington at Wazzu +3
Oregon at Oregon St +19

I should at least go 2-1 with those. Hopefully 3-0. Yeah 3-0 that would be nice 8-2 on the day then. Hope yg faded my picks, he is gonna get destroyed if that is the case. Well he already would be in trouble so far.

I'm at my bro's house now. Maybe do some groping later, yeah grope his wife ha, no better not on that. She wakes up and I'm grabbing a boob ha, boooooooom!!!
I am really gonna be pulling for Ohio St to get in the playoff at #4 and have to face Bama. Oh yeah the destruction will ensue, fuck I will put everything I have on that game if it happens. That would be great, no way the line would be high enough on Bama.
Needed a TuckFexas reminder
i am sure this isn't one of the best ones either
where the hell is Tuck?
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