Kick ass I didn't get banned

Damn it dad, why did you have to say that? Ha was gonna have a winner on Iowa. Well ya never know I guess if Abdullah somehow is feeling good and tears it up, fuck he has not looked the same in a month. If he was playing like at the beginning of the year then hell yeah Huskers could win, but he is sucking lately, just playing ya know 60 or 70% not top notch.
Yeah kj that is a good one there, wish I had -4.5, but I will take 6. Really I may be off it should maybe be more like -11 or -12, I guess.
Virginia Tech nobody will be on those guys no, I have a feeling though they will show up and play big here, we'll see, seniors at home playing for a bowl game. With just the statistics I think Va Tech should be favored by 3.5 or 4, you could argue it fo sho with me.
Well gotta put on some Spice 1, 187 he wrote that album. That is the shit bitch, you can't step. I just remember tearing shit up in my Camaro to that album, oh yeah, just smoking fools left and right, and smoking tires of course.
Oh you can't beat clip and the trigga on that Spice 1 album, oh it was throw down time vs a Mustang then yeah for money.
Ha tonight at dinner I was just thinking oh my, my bro is gonna bang that later, damn it I wish I was. Well I mean she isn't super hot or anything, but fuck she is cute, and a half black chick, with nice big titties oh yeah, she is fat yes, but fuck who cares, I am down, sign me up mothafucka fuck I would bang the shit outta that.
Well fuck fat who cares, shit her face is cute as hell, so I don't care. Hell I would take anything at this point. Shit that would be a score for me, boom, score one for Tuck ha. Well she is just a bigger chick cuz her dad played DT for the Huskers, so she is just built bigger, she isn't necessarily hugely fat, just got some fat to her. Fuck fine with me, every time I see her all dressed up and shit I think oh oh oh oh, I wanna bang her so bad ha.
Shit if I tried to fuck her she would kick my ass most likely, ha yeah, she is pretty serious size wise. Well think I could take her in a fight, not sure though ha, she may beat my sorry ass, yeah maybe, I am pretty pathetic at this point. I don't think I am quite that pathetic that a chick would kick my ass, not sure though, maybe ha. I know an old girlfriend threw down on me, and then I just held her down, so she would quit, and then she did.
Better put on some Ganksta Nip, South Park Psycho, oh it don't get no righter. Most people would be like what the fuck? This shit is insane, well yeah I like it, fuck off.
Oh anybody that doesn't like Ganksta Nip, oh I don't know what your thinking ha. Well the first song is a bit rough, but then it gets a little better, well they are all crazy, I fucking love it.
There go that ****** who owe me money that didn't pay, he heard my voice, cuz he know his ass fitting to get beat, yeah yg, you better not come to Lincoln bitch.
I mean you can say whatever the fuck you want about that yg thing. He ripped me off, I am not fucking with you about it he did, and yeah I get pissed about it why not? I mean I try to not talk about it, but I do sometimes just cuz I'm pissed. Well anytime somebody rips me off for 636 bucks I am gonna be upset ha. I really don't care what anybody says, they are wrong if they say I am wrong for saying something about it, fuck yeah, fuck that bitch should be kicked off the site. Well I thought we had a damn agreement then oh no, he fucking doesn't pay me, and nothing I am saying is wrong it is the truth, yg was a total welcher and a fucking liar, fuck he was talking to me for months, and I thought well I can trust this guy, nope. I should have known better, but it pisses me off when I see his posts on here, cuz I really wanna kill him, and I mean he better quit fucking with me or he will see me, cuz I have his damn name. I mean you keep pushing it man, I will roll up there with my bro and Vinny and Gabe so you got trouble then bitch. Vinny he looks exactly like Anthony Barr, every time I see that Subway commercial I think hey there is Vinny.
Yeah and I paid him when we won, oh yeah paid him fuck right away, no questions, no nothing. Then we lose, and he just fucking is like oh yeah I will pay in a few days ha, then no, never did.
Fucking yg should be banned, I am not fucking around he fucked me over. I mean he readily admits it, yet he is still on here posting. I mean shit he just stole 636 bucks from me, now granted that isn't a huge amount no, I am not saying that, but it still pisses me off, fuck I still wanna kill him, oh yeah.
I will get off now, I have made enough posts that you guys may not like there. Well I don't understand why that yg guy isn't banned. I mean there is no reason to ban me, when all I am doing is saying exactly what yg did to me. I understand you guys don't know everything, oh yeah I know.
Thing is he readily admitted to it to on here, he was like oh yeah I'm betting 636 bucks on the Giants, he posted that to me, he fucking admits on here to it, and then nothing. He just keeps posting.
Come on Huskers, let's go baby, I wanna be in San Diego in December. Having bloody marys now. My dad has these kick ass glasses that say Nebraska jigger on em on one side, then on the other they say football territory, GO BIG RED, NEBRASKA CORNHUSKERS 1970-71 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS. They are really old glasses, fucking nice. Gonna decide in a bit if I am adding anything on. Yes sack woooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like I better get ready for Nashville in late December, oh yeah, country music then, great ha. Guess that bowl at the Niners stadium may get that, I hope.
Mike Rozier woooooo, I am fired up now for the 2nd half ha, they just showed some highlights. I had that jersey when I was real little, when I started going to Husker games with my dad.
It was great back in the day the Huskers O line would just pancake everybody, and run wild, just smashing teams, except Oklahoma, then that was a throw down, usually a loss for my Huskers.
Oh my, the Huskers o coordinator Beck is twirling a gem today ha. What a retard, fuck Abdullah has about 12 yards per carry today, and he is never getting the ball he has I think 8 or 9 carries is all. Okay genius, give the ball to Abdullah. No no, we get the ball at the Iowa 45, air it out, fuck it chuck it deep ha. Three throws and punt.
Wooooooo Pierson El, boom, man he is really good at returning punts, he is Devin Hester almost.

Oh wow Beck, you lucked out, Kenny Bell made a great play, otherwise 2nd and 10 ha. It just amazes me how stupid his play calling is, he lucked out big time there.
Booooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!! Pierson El, oh oh yeah, San Diego here I come baby, bang!!! He is Dana Brinson, Tyrone Hughes ha, those are old great Husker punt returners.
7 minutes until San Diego for me in late December, come on Huskers, come on baby.

Added on one, Kale Pearson is gonna play for Air Force the qb, so I'm down. My numbers have Air Force +2, not +8.

Colorado St at Air Force +8, got -105, risked 234.78 to win 223.60
Well that's good my Huskers are going to the Holiday Bowl in San Diego, and so am I yes. Just cuz my dad is taking all of us, fuck I don't have any damn money. I don't know for sure what bowl it will be yet. I am sort of in favor of that one personally, I have never been to California before, Vegas is as far west as I've been. I heard that if we won vs Iowa it would be that bowl, guess we'll see.

Added on a game.

Virginia at Va Tech +1.5, got a -102, risked 250 to win 245.10

Va Tech should be -3.5, so I like it. Gonna be a big winna winna like Air Force. UCLA really shit the bed today, whoa, that was an awful bet there, my bad, oh my. I should be shot in the head for that bet.
I really hope my good buddy, and fellow Husker fan Deaz is there at the Holiday Bowl ha, we can hang out then ya know. That was funny the guy had no posts on here just joined to talk shit to me. Man I hate this Tuck guy so much I'm joining CTG to talk shit to him, and tell him how pathetic he is ha.
Hey right on the mark -3.5 or -4, well how bout -4 push woulda been then ha. Glad you joined kj, winna winna. Fuck that was a real battle though oh my. Gonna figure out tomorrow now. I have some in mind, will be up til 4 am or something I'm sure. I already did enough work on a bunch of em that I know what I want for some. We'll see here what I'm gonna do here in a bit.

Got some Geto Boys on, gotta get my mind right for some ass kicking hopefully tomorrow.
Ha ha who are these idiots that keep betting up Arkansas St, man they blow, fuck bet up to -24, oh wow, that is laughable man ha. I will be on New Mexico St fo sho. Fucking retards, shit they will be lucky to win by 14.
You goin to San Diego man, fuck yeah, I am gonna be there. You and braves could show up we could have some pre game drinks whatever. Well gonna be me my bro, his wife, my sister, and her husband, my mom and dad. Fuck if anybody from here on CTG wants to come hang for pre game drinks and then go to the game that would be fine with me.
My bro has way more jokes and is better to hang with than me, shit I just laugh my ass off all the time. I can't step to him ha.
What the fuck Wazzu is +3, ha, you gotta be kidding me. Fuck they should be favored at home, I have Wazzu -5 what in the hell, +3, ha okay, guess somebody is stupid. Wazzu is winning that game, Washington St can get to steppin.
Yeah kj, I have never been, but that is a good bowl game I always like it. You can drink some beers with me, my bro, and braves. Fucking braves said he would go, can go to a bar before the game or something ya know.
Hell yeah have a little CTG drinking session before the Holiday Bowl at a bar in San Diego yes, ha. I would be fine with anybody that wants to show up unless it is yg, defaz, or deaz, I really don't wanna see them, otherwise okay.
Fuck I would like bitch ass yg to show up at the bar before the Holiday Bowl, so I could kick the shit outta him. Well about to make some bets, just trying to configure em now.
Here are the bets, some if win bets is what I have, since not much money right now, trying to get something going.

Purdue at Indiana -3, risked 250 there
NC State +6.5 at NC risked 250
Oregon at Oregon St +19, risked 250

Those are all if win bets though, so I need em all to win to make me some big money.

Same thing here, if win bets.

Old Dominion +3.5 at Fla Atlantic risked 250
New Mexico St +24 at Arkansas St, risked 250
Cincy at Temple +7, risked 250

Another if win bet here.

Illinois +8 at Northwestern, risk 203
Rutgers +8.5 at Maryland, risk 203
Florida +4.5 for the 1st half at Florida St, risk 203
Miss St at Ole Piss +3, risk 203

There are a shitload of games I like, but I can't bet em all straight so hoped I lined em up right. Yeah I'm winning all of em ha. Well here is the breakdown.

Okay with Indiana they do one thing well run the ball, Purdue doesn't do anything well.
NC State I like just cuz they have a pretty good secondary, so if they stop NC from throwing, then we have a battle, which okay I cover then.
Oregon St I am just hoping they can throw on Oregon, cuz Oregon is terrible in the secondary, and a big rivalry, so okay, will take a chance.

Old Dome is the better team that line is off. Should be Old Dome -2 or so.
New Mexico St yes, ha Arkansas St they are bitch asses how they are favored over anybody by 24 I don't know.
Cincy at Temple, well I like Temple just cuz Cincy's defense is so terrible maybe Temple can get something going at home.

Illinois they actually have a better offense than Northwestern. I will go with that.
Rutgers grades out equally to Maryland, so there we go take the points.
Florida +4.5 for the 1st half, nothing new there, Florida St is terrible in the 1st half always.
Ole Miss +3 at home that is easy there, there is no big advantage for Miss St, no.

Yg you can suck my balls, and you wouldn't whoop my ass bitch fuck no way. Ha you can try, but end up bloodied and beaten, and then I would get my 636 bucks you owe me.
Ha yg he still posts in here, for some reason. Well ya know some guys wanna suck my balls really bad, ya know just down the Tuck tube, but sorry yg, I am into chicks, but ya know you can keep trying you big bitch.