Kick ass I didn't get banned

I ain't fuckin with that Appalachian St game, although they have match up advantages big time, not sure though fuck -16.5 I don't know if I wanna gamble on that no, probably not.
I don't know about Cincy gettin bet up to -7, I don't see any reason there. Fuck I think the line was more right earlier, now hell I like Temple a bit. I will say ya know Temple is pretty decent defending the pass yes, and they are at home catching 7, I know their offense sucks, Temple, but Cincy's defense is fucking terrible, fuck anybody can move on those guys. Yeah I like Temple catching 7, not sure why it got bet up to that, who knows.
Yeah fondy ha, would be nice there, would like to be doing some gardening, but ya know it is kind of tough here. I mean I could but ummm, well I don't know. I have this chick off Lincoln backpages on my phone, but I didn't call her fucking Tatie ha, who knows about that, I can't pay for it now, fuck I'm broke. She looks really fucking hot on her page, just a half black chick that is just bangin, but oh well.

Don't think I'm doing shit on Texas St at Georgia St no.
Fuck her ass and titties were oh my, oh whoa, I should have called her when I had money now I don't. Well I don't know how much she would charge. In Vegas I would always talk em down a bit, but I mean some of those chicks just wouldn't budge much, be like you better come with 300 or fuck you ha.
Shit it is still fucking early. Just drank my glass of vodka, time to pour another, yeah bitch. Ha I get drunk all night and then sleep all day yes.
I don't understand this Arkansas St love, why is it, this happens every week ha, well okay I will bet against em. New Mexico St +22.5 at Arky St, whoa Arky St is not that good no. They are decent but ummm fuck they aren't kickin ass by over 22 points no.
Fuck I better go to bed, got my parents harassing me ha, yeah like you woke me up Tuck with your music. Well that is what is happening, I am broke and fuck this sucks, I wanna just play some music and shit, but I can't. I mean I could but then I will get kicked out and be homeless ha. I mean this is a pretty big house, but I kinda turned it up too loud and woke up my mom, uh oh there. I am a huge loser oh man, and I share on here about it, ha, but ya know I don't give a fuck. My mom just yelled at me ha, fucking 38 and homeless yep, well I would be if I wasn't here. I better shape up and not play any music or I am gonna be homeless. Well they are ummm funding my gambling account and giving me money for booze. Fuck I am a huge loser, whoa, but ya know I could get hot, then I'm heading to Vegas. They should just give me some damn money to get out of their life for a while, fuck why not they have millions. I would pay to get rid of me for a while, gimme some Vegas money, fuck why not?
Picks coming from my parents basement ha, yeah you better fade these, oh my, well I wanna get out, but it would have to be something illegal, cuz I have too much shit on my record. Guess I applied for a good Coke job, see if it works out, my guess is no. Well I could just go work at the fucking gas station, or the grocery store, but what the hell is that gonna get me, fuck 8 bucks an hour, so then I have to have subsidies to pay the rent.
Well subsidies or a damn roommate some fucking dude I guess. Unless I can find a chick to take care of my ass, that would be nice.
Things really suck ass right now, I am just pissed, and it never ends, like I think well maybe this place will hire me, no no, fuck you Tuck you suck ass.
Oh well, gotta keep trying keep plugging away, you never know what can happen. Fuck this is terrible, I can't stand it, oh wow, but then if I get a job at the damn gas station I have to have a roommate or I won't be able to pay the damn rent, fuck 8 bucks an hour nobody can pay rent on that. Unless I fucking steal from em ha.
Gonna be homeless Tuck tomorrow, no more posting ha. Well if they kick me out yeah I'm done then, I don't have any options except killing myself really, guess I can stay at the shelter. No I don't think they are gonna kick me out, although what I did tonight was not good, I didn't think my music was that loud, well maybe. It is pretty tough to get it that loud to where they can hear it, a big house, fuck guess they could. Man I am such a loser oh wow, really pathetic.
Well ya know it is what it is, I gotta deal, ha. Oh well I guess maybe one of these things I applied for will come through I hope, and I can get outta here, not likely with my record. Everything is fucked, I was thinking my dad said he would pay for me to go to community college to learn to be an electrician then I could have my own business, which I should probably do that. Classes start in late December, I better do that. I don't know though then I gotta drum up some business, cuz it isn't gonna be easy there getting business early anyway, I don't think. Fuck who knows, may as well give it a shot I guess. I don't know shit about it now, but if I took some classes then I could do that. Problem is getting people to call me up to come over ya know, some damn business.
Oh my I was misspelling crap and just this really deteriorated here last night. I don't remember anything after I quit looking at the games. Well gonna order some headphones for the computer now, Beats By Dre of Skullcandy, hmmm not sure which is better. Beats are more expensive. I did the Jake Cotton on here last night.

Here is the link.

Yep me and Jake we are boys. Just a damn blooper reel. Well you can ya know read this, and say wow what a loser ha. Then think well at least my life isn't that much in the crapper. Yeah yeah, things are going pretty great for me, you can just feel good about yourself. It is a real pick me up for anybody reading.

Going bowling tonight woooo, haven't done that in a while. My goal is a 150+, not sure I might be pretty terrible now at bowling. I used to be able to get close to 200. 180 or 190 that would be good, I am gonna be pissed if I get beat by my bro's wife ha, she probably will beat me, that will be humiliating. My nephew is going too, wonder if he will be able to do it. Not sure there, that ball will barely be moving down the lane cuz he's only 3. Come on buddy give it a good push little guy, he will have to kind of push it down the lane. I may have to help him out.
No I can't call my nephew little guy, he will get pissed, ha he always does if you say something like that. He will go no, no, I'm a big boy, and gets this mean look on his face, ready to throw down ha.
Fuck my bro's wife will probably dominate in bowling tonight. I better set my goals a little lower just try and beat my 3 year old nephew. Damn it I got beat in bowling by a 3 year old, fuck. Shit this will probably wear me out I don't ever do anything anymore. Yeah I am gonna be sore tomorrow ha. Most people would be like yeah got a football game tonight, gonna be hurtin tomorrow. No with me it is bowling, hell I bet I will be laid up tomorrow, where is the advil, fuck I can barely walk.
Yes!!!! I beat my bro's wife and my nephew in bowling tonight booooooom!!! Ha I was worried about losing to her. My bro won though, we only played 1 game. My nephew loves bowling, oh my, it was great cuz he just got so fired up, he would roll it and then stand there jumping around watching, like come on, while it slowly rolled down to the pins. Then he would be like yeah!!!!!!!!! I got one, it was the best I was just cracking up. My bro's wife put it up on facebook. Man I think my 3 year old nephew is gonna be like this guy, we got a pro bowler on our hands.

He's gonna be like Pete Weber ha, I love this clip here of Pete.

Here is the link.

Or maybe he will be like this guy, nobody fucks with Dejesus ha.

Here is the other link.

Nobody fucks wit Dejesus, bang.

I put more money in the account. Got some more from dad ha. Well shit 500 bucks 1000, shit that is pissin in the wind for him, who cares there. Will be back with some bets.
Got some real nice headphones too. Skullcandy headphones, I thought they sounded better than the Beats by Dre ones. I tested em out at Best Buy, and the Skullcandy were cheaper.
Oh well, none of those links work. Shit kj I am not betting hoops until at least late December. I will lose my ass. Could watch it, but I gotta keep breaking down football now.
Fuck I am the low hanging fruit I think there kj. I always suck early whenever I do it.

Are you ready to be fucked man? I see you roll your way into the semis, dios mio man, Leam and me, we gonna fuck you up. Then the dude, he says, yeah well that is just your opinion man. Nobody fucks wit dejesus. Ha I had to watch a few clips of the Big Lebowski since I went bowling. Better get to football figure what I'm gonna do with my 500 bucks dad gave me. Wonder when he is gonna cut me off? Fuck I gotta something going get rolling and get the fuck outta here this sucks.
I think Detroit might be the way to go tomorrow see it's -7 at +100 at 5 dimes. Hmmmm, wonder if I should go now on Detroit or not? The Bears aren't gonna be able to protect Cutler, my Husker boy Suuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh, he is gonna toss him like a rag doll ha. Yeah Cutler could die tomorrow on the field I think, well, I wouldn't wanna be him no.
Shit I don't know what I'm gonna do yet, both the NFL games are tough early. Man the skullcandy headphones are way better than those beats ones, fuck that ain't close in my opinion. I was listening to em both at Best Buy, and was like oh I know what I'm getting, fuck took 2 seconds, those Dre beats ones are more expensive too.
Fuck I am gonna be deaf in 2 weeks with these headphones, yeah. Put on some Eazy E, the Eazy duz it album, there we go, now will come up with some good bets. Well I like LSU -3, a bunch I know what will happen there. LSU will be able to run it right at Texas A@M, and on the other side Texas A@M won't be able to throw cuz LSU has a very good secondary, other than that tomorrow it is a crap shoot.
Okay here is what I came up with hopefully it works out for me. On my way to 25 k and Vegas baby, well I hope so, would be nice to get out of my parents basement ha, yeah, oh well whatever happens is gonna happen. It is not good, no, not good at all, well my only option is to start fucking thugging again which I don't wanna do. I mean or some damn 8 buck an hour job, which I would need a damn roommate then, or a chick I was with to help out. Which I don't have at the moment. Well I look terrible, really bad. Then my dad sees it, yet he buys me a bottle of vodka everyday, but I know his goal kill me off. Which I don't care really. Well bowling tonight was a good time, my nephew would be really upset if I died, and my bro. Fuck what the hell would they tell him, my nephew, he would be like where is Tuck? Ummm he isn't gonna be around anymore buddy. I don't think I'm that close to kicking in though, but I may not be far off, my eyes are just looking bad now all sunken in my head and really red until I put in eye drops. Not yellow so that's good, my skin isn't turning yellow either, but it may soon. Oh well enough talking about me dying ha, I really don't know though my insides are just rumbling and shit now. There has to be something wrong I think anyway, guess who knows. Maybe I will be okay for 5 years or a bit more, guess don't know. I haven't checked with a doctor. I was still okay back in January, but he just pushed on my insides to feel for something no blood was drawn to check liver enzymes, so it could have been bad then. Ya never know though about drinking a bunch, some guys can drink a shitload and be fine, others no. What is a bad sign for me is there have only been two huge drunks in my family my grandpas two brothers and they didn't make it long one died in his 30's, the other was 40 I think, uh oh, I am right there now.

Well here are my picks, just fade away probably. Fuck I don't know I just get screwed all the time.

LSU -3 at Texas A@M, got a -115 at 5 dimes, risk 253.95 to win 220.83

Then got an if win bet

Chicago at Detroit -7, got -105 on that risked 250
Philly at Dallas over 55.5, got a -110, risked 250

We'll see it is kinda tough on the NFL games. Philly at Dallas has the makings of a huge shootout there I think.
Ha I just watched the video of my nephew that my bro's wife took at the bowling alley, saw it on facebook, yeah, my little buddy is gettin it ha. He got a damn spare, I mean whoa, that is some talent there, booooom!!! I really couldn't believe it ha, it is great, he is the man baby, you best step off.

Put on some Westside Connection, Terrorist Threats album. Yeah this is pretty damn good, throw up the dub.
Ha I would put up the video of my nephew picking up the spare, but I don't wanna share my name. It is great he is jumping around then goes I got it!!! Then goes over to the ball machine thing that returns the balls and smacks it and says yeah!!! Ha ha it is the shit, I gotta watch it again.
Damn I could watch that video all night, boom. Little fucking B Marsh, well he had that jersey on cuz my bro is a big Bears fan, so he always makes him wear Bears gear, or Huskers.
You know it's a white t occasion we in g formation. Ha, yes white t, was all you get in jail, well and this blue pullover thing which you had to wear when you saw the judge in court.
I mean what would compel you to just stalk me, guess who knows. That moron is in my thread again ha, well okay, guess you wanna suck my dick then, must be it, fuck you can baby, get on yo knees bitch. Ha well it is pretty so pretty, you will enjoy it fo sho there yg.
why do you care who's in your thread? you are just enabling at this point tuck, I've never looked at that part of a thread til you made a big deal about it. Avoid it.
And I don't really care, fuck if he comes in and talks shit fuck I will talk back, and fuck I am not losing that battle.