Kick ass I didn't get banned

WHATS UP TUCK !!! Looks like we the only ones up at this hour...I like the EAZY E from NWA days ..but dont quote me boys cuz i aint said shit...
Throw up the fucking dub, no I don't care there steed he is in my browsers that is it, I mean I wouldn't go into his shit, fuck no.
I mean I don't understand why he is even a member anymore, cuz he ripped me off and he is a big fuck, I mean I guess nobody can verify that, but he did for 636 bucks, fuck he should be banned he ripped off a member for that much. You guys don't know though, understand that, but he did, he ripped me off for 636 bucks, but fuck who cares now.
I mean I am pretty crazy right now, he should pay me now, cuz I am not opposed to finding his dumb ass either. So ya know he can not pay, but I will come after him.
Just let all that shit go brother ...You have bigger problems just like me ...Got 65 days without a drink can do it too...Start today .
Okay Steed I will quit posting. It is trouble when you have just all this shit going on, 65 days without a drink, oh my no doubt I can't do that there rich d. Well I wish I could quit drinking, but no.
Im 44 Tuck...I have spent my whole life drinking...I have nothing ..No wife /girlfriend , house ,kids ,career nada zip
got 4 dui`s to boot ...should off had number 5 last november when i took out a bunch off trees...Totaled my paid off chevy avalanche, flipped it they said but i dont remember....somehow i crawled out of the wreck with my humerus bone protruding from my shoulder...Thats why i didnt get a dui , i wasnt in vehicle when they found me ....I crawled into the woods
Ill let TUCK move into my basement, Ill get him to stop drinking and when he wants to fight people I am just going to give him a big ole HUG and kiss on the cheek
No intention to be a prick there at all.

Tuck said he needed a roommate a while back and you guys both have a lot in common...thats all.

Ha, steed I thought that was kinda funny. Me and rich, fucking new roommates. That would be pretty funny just having some dude as a roommate at age 38, all the neighbors would be like a new Yag couple moved in next door, well when your older it would surely look that way. I'm sure rich d isn't as big a loser as me and needs a roommate, probably not. Well for me 8 bucks an hour I either need to find a chick to bang and help me out, or a dude roommate, no other options. Can't afford rent with that kinda money unless my bets are rollin always.

You to KJ.

I added on one after my big Detroit winner. That was easy there after the 1st quarter anyway. Man the stupid cable company here needs to figure shit out. My Fox is just stuck it isn't working. This Jack Nicklaus thing just keeps repeating. Those fucks better figure it out by the time the damn game comes on, fuck!!!

Seattle at San Fran -2, got a -105 at 5 dimes, risked 238.10 to win 226.76

I just figure Seattle blows on the road. No real great analysis. Well they only beat crap ass Carolina and Washington on the road, their other road games were debacles this year.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, I am just losing my mind here. Figure it out Time Warner, you idiots crap. Guess I'm not watching the football game today. Those morons somebody quit eating turkey and fix my damn Fox, oh wow, this is unbelievable.
Maybe it isn't the Cable Company. Could just be the retards in Hastings fucking it up, yeah that's probably it, the other channels work. Well our Fox here in Lincoln is a station out of bumfuck central Nebraska, some small hick town of 25 k. They switched it from an Omaha Fox station to this Hastings crap for some damn reason, must have been to save money I guess. Well look what it got ya, fucktards.
Thanksgiving dinner was at my Aunts house, well her husband, my uncle, died from smoking, too many strokes. It was great I wore my Barry Sanders throwback in celebration of my Detroit win ha. Everybody else had ya know nice collared shirts or a sweater or something, but I roll in with Barry Sanders and a Cubs hat on the black one with the white C, ha. Everybody in my family knows though by now, yeah it's crazy drunk Tuck just don't say anything about what he is wearing to Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. My sister's husband made a comment, like you are looking sharp tonight, Barry Sanders jersey, yeah looking good for Thanksgiving dinner. Yep, only the best for me. Well I used to be a huge Lions fan when I was younger loved Barry Sanders, would have my dad take me to the bar to watch em on Sundays. When he first started with the Lions I was 13 I think, or 12 not sure, could look it up. My bro's wife was looking hot, whoa, I wanted to bang that, oh yeah.

This is kinda funny my dad said he was gonna take all of us to the Husker bowl game whatever it is. I was looking at it, and fuck, we may be going to damn Nashville for the Music City Bowl, son of a bitch, I don't want that one. Then it will be damn country music bars, oh no, maybe I will decline the invitation ha. Well I know my bro and sister like country music, my dad kind of. My bro's wife hell no on that the half black chick she has more my taste in music. Come on San Diego and the Holiday Bowl, but then I would lose my bet tomorrow on Iowa, so now I'm really torn. I don't wanna lose the Iowa bet, but I don't wanna go to Nashville either, oh well I guess ha, it is a win win scenario then I suppose. The good old win win cliche, oh whoa.

Gonna look at what I want to line up for tomorrow.
Ha sure thing there Braves, yeah no doubt. Man I better just pull for the Huskers to beat Iowa and not bet the game. I mean I would much rather go to San Diego than fucking stupid ass Nashville, and hell it will be cold in Nashville I'm sure. Yeah I better not bet Iowa now, I want San Diego damn it, will be warm and nice yeah, and fuck it is way better than Nashville. And hey then I get to have some drinks with braves, yeah.
Got some Westside Connection Terrorist Threats album on. You know the side trick, better get up on it, cuz it must be a single with Nate Dogg singing on it. Oh yeah believe that homeboy, it ain't a hit til Nate Dogg spit.
They are decent, but I'm not a big fan there braves. I am not opposed to em, I don't ever just ya know listen to em if I have a choice.

Ha kj.

Man come on Huskers, I want San Diego damn it, come on, beat Iowa ha. GO BIG RED GO BIG RED GO BIG RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha I am not betting Iowa tomorrow just cuz I want San Diego hahahaha. I know Nashville is coming, oh well, gotta pull for San Diego now. Well my dad is such a pimp he just tonight announced we are going to the bowl game at dinner ha, yeah got the cash baby. Well fuck he is loaded.
I know what is gonna happen Iowa kicks our ass then I'm headed to Nashville and country bars, fucking great ha, oh well I guess I will take it.
He shot a real dud with me, a worthless load ha. Yep his junkie kid, that's me, and he is supporting my junkie ass.
Damn come on Huskers ha, I know were gonna lose, and then Nashville wooooo, just shoot me in the head if I'm going to country music bars, oh nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Guess I will go anyway, put in earplugs when I go.
Man it is sooooooooooo on tomorrow. I am gonna be fired up, come on you worthless fucks get a win so I can go to San Diego. Stupid bitch ass Pelini, Papuchis, and Beck they all suck. Come on guys pull it together for one game, you can do it. Fuck I should be on my way to Iowa City now to help em out with their game plan, then we might have a shot ha.
You know what it is, Tuck can't have nothing ha. Huskers will lose and then I will be sitting in some country bar in late December of course in damn Nashville.
My numbers say I should take Virginia Tech, but I am looking at it thinking, well I don't know if I should do that ha. Ummm, it warrants a play, but I don't know.
Yeah you guys better all bet Iowa, cuz Tuck can't have nothing. It will be the usual, then I'm going to Nashville ha, that is probably a damn guarantee. Well if the Huskers win then would be San Diego, which hell that would be a great trip. But no, Huskers will lose then I get Nashville.

Probably jimmymo, that is who I liked, but I am pulling for the Huskers now cuz my dad is taking all of us to the bowl game. And like I said guarantee now the Huskers will lose, I know whenever I want something really bad it doesn't happen.
Christ sakes I wouldn't bet on Pelini with your money tuck, be surprised if they even care tomorrow
No I'm not betting on the Huskers tomorrow kj, oh no no. Just pulling for em since my dad said tonight he was taking everybody to the bowl game, so GO BIG RED GO BIG RED GO BIG RED!!! I can't bet Iowa now, cuz if the Huskers lose to Iowa it is Nashville Music City Bowl, country music bars oh no, and cold probably. But if the Huskers win, then boooooooooooooom San Diego oh yeah, I want that fo sho, come on Holiday bowl. If the Huskers win that is the most likely thing to happen. So like I said earlier, no way it will happen, anything I really want is fucked ha.

Well I made one bet. I don't know what else I'm doing yet. I am gonna take Virginia Tech but that is a late game. Well my numbers have Va Tech -3.5 or -4, I am sort of in between numbers there, but I have to bet it at +1. Air Force should not be +7.5, but there is an injury there, Kale Pearson the QB is a ?, so that throws that off then. Air Force should be +2 or so. I was gonna bet Kent St, but now at 3 ummm the value is kind of lost there. Here is my bet I did make, and I got fucked on this line too.

Stanford at UCLA -6, got a -102, risked 240 to win 235.29

UCLA is the better team no doubt, and at home, I liked the -4.5 a lot better though. Stanford just has no offense, they are terrible. They have a good defense Stanford, but they won't keep em close enough to cover I don't think. Figure a 7 point win would be the closest it would be. I have UCLA -10, with my crappy numbers ha, but those are not to be considered the ultimate source no no, could be wrong, we'll see.