Kick ass I didn't get banned


Pretty much a regular
Well I mean if I just wouldn't see the guy in my browsers always I wouldn't mention him in here ever. Just ya know stay away from me, please stay far away from me, leave me by my lonely, just let me be. Yeah here's the link for that. Perfect song.

Here it is listen up, stay outta my browsers. Here is the link

They holla the weirdo, but I got plenty Robert dinero, not mine, but my dad does, and he gives me at least money for the account, and for booze, at least I get drunk everyday and gamble ha, great, a lot of good that does me, but if I get on a roll then boom, going to Vegas. That is a good song though. Just gotta make it to about 65, good luck Tuck. Shit I say that but in reality I have no idea what I would get, and split 3 ways, fuck who knows there, when they are goin to damn Italy and Chile and everywhere else all the time blowin money left and right.

Well anyway enough about that, will not talk about that dude anymore. It just aggravates me big time, back to Junior High with some people here, not many, but a few. Most people I like here, this site is way better than covers.

I keep thinking about how kick ass it would be to have one of those 2015 Corvette z06 cars, oh shit, I wish I had my dad's money, I would have one fucking right now I'm goin to get it. Fuck posting then I got shit to do like terrorize Lincoln ha, well would be in Vegas if I had dad money pickin up chicks in that ride and with that money. That would be funny if I'm driving down hwy 77 here, it is a 4 lane hwy, driving down it going fucking 220. There is a cop clocking in the center of it, what the fuck, 220, oh shit. I better call for backup, radio to Beatrice 20 miles south of here cuz I can't catch him. Maybe damn boss hog in Beatrice can get him for me, set up a road block, pop the tires with the spikes. I would never pull over going damn 220 in a 65. Wonder what kind of jail time you would get for that? Would be pretty stiff I think, yeah may do some hard time for 220 in a 65 zone. Anyway here is the pick.

Ohio at Miami Ohio over 52, got a -105, risked 146.99 to win 139.99

Just risked what I had left in the account, oh well daddy will give me more money ha. Hope I can get on a roll here then goin to Vegas. Well I am perfectly capable of huge runs. Don't need to tell you guys, you have all seen me roll up 25 k in about a month and a half. Did it twice in the past year, but lost it all back to the bookie, boooooooom!!! I just figure in this game that Ohio should have no trouble movin it on Miami Ohio that defense is bad. But I was thinking Miami Ohio can throw it around a bit, and Ohio has big issues stopping the pass, a bad secondary.
My dad is just trying to kill me off at this point ha. Yeah fuck here's another 1.75 of vodka go nuts ha, well okay with me I guess.

Game time you ready here it come!!!!!
Yeah let's go schrute it is soooooo on!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh okay kj, it should work cuz Ohio has problems in the secondary. There is no wind, it is cold, but who cares.

Gotta watch my link again. I love that video it is great, and that song.
Well this isn't looking too good at the moment, guess it figures, damn it. Why can't Ohio do shit on offense I don't understand, Miami Ohio is terrible on defense, this doesn't make any sense. I guess though I just turn shit bad, I have that effect where all hell breaks loose.
At least that guy isn't in my browsers all night pissing me off, that's good news there. I mean he was just antagonizing me pretty much. It is a real relief there.
Well this game is over. Fuck I am really tired of even watching any games anymore it is just everything goes wrong all game. Yeah fuck, guess will put more money in for Thursday. It is depressing at this point.
Wooooooooooooooooo pick 6, fuck I needed that shit. I can't understand Ohio's struggles on offense, what in the hell ha. I mean Miami Ohio they are one of the worst defenses in the country. But okay ya know got some points, hopefully Frank pulls his head out his ass and figures shit out here. Maybe he needs some margaritas, ha, that was funny when Frank Solich was downing margaritas at a Mexican restaurant and got a DWI in Ohio.
Booooom!!!!! Okay now fucking Frank you idiot figure it out, you are getting shut out by a horrendous defense, come on man, shit what the hell?
I brought up boss hog earlier, man, me and my brother would watch The Dukes of Hazard every damn week, we loved that show when were real little. I'm gonna get those Duke boys, fucking boss hog ha.
Well we got a decent shot it looks like. Guess Ohio will have to figure shit out on offense. I really have no idea why they can't move it on this terrible defense, but so far yep.
Yeah there cappy, I think we can do it, I don't wanna be negative here. Gotta keep the faith, it is gonna happen.
Exactly,,,, negativity will get you no where. We are winning this bitch. I will see you at the ticket window at to cash the ticket
Yes indeed, I think Ohio will at least figure some shit out at halftime make some adjustments on offense, guess we'll see there cappy.
Oh wow, that was just awful there. He had the fucking tight end wide open, fucking wide fucking open short. I guess that's the deal for me, oh well.
There we go baby, fuck good thing Miami Ohio blew a coverage. I don't really know which qb I want in there for Ohio, they are both terrible ha. Well one Sprague is more capable, but then he has these retard moments where he just does something completely stupid. But then Vick is totally incompetent as well, but who knows I guess, hopefully one of those retards will get some points for me.
Damn that Brendan Stai fuck I wish we had him back for the Huskers on the o line, fuck he is just a beast. Now our guys are pussies ha. I just made that comment cuz he is on this Papa Johns commercial they always show during football games.
Fucking work the option on that ass Frank come on. That was funny the Lawrence Phillips reference by the announcers, yes, LP baby, drag a chick by her hair, the cave man. Fuck he is jail now in LA I think still for trying to run over somebody in his car ha.
Come on Ohio fucking just run the damn option Frank, they should keep doing that it seems to be working when they do.
This is gonna be tough, but could maybe get OT if we don't get it in regulation. I don't know. I liked the Lawrence Phillips reference, he is still in jail, fuck he has been for I don't know how long. Well he was playing a pickup football game with some guys, and then he lost and got pissed and I think he ran over somebody with his car, but he didn't kill the guy or anything ha. Yeah pickup football did get heated back in the day when I was little oh there were always fights, oh yeah fo sho.
Ha we needed damn cameras on the field for pickup football back in the day, need instant replay. Cuz it would be like fuck no you didn't catch that bitch, then the other team would argue, and oh no there is throw down during pick up football ha. I can definitely see why LP ran those guys over ha, I felt like it sometimes.
Pickup football back when I was a kid ha, I remember there was this big black kid Bobby, and he would try and play with us. Then we were all like no no, you can't play, cuz you kick our white asses ha. It would suck when he played, get fucking drilled, ouch, fuck.
Guess can get some OT now, then maybe it will work out if shit goes perfectly, TD then TD, a back and forth there.
Well I suck ass, nothing ever goes according to plan for me. Guess fuck it. Am still gonna look at the games coming up. Not like I'm gonna quit, I can get more money.
I am really at my lowest point now, it is a debacle oh my. May need to blast myself. Guess you never know things could turn around I suppose. I applied for this pretty good job at Coke, but I won't get it I already know. Well the whole problem is my record, background check, but I mean I have nobody to blame but myself so why bitch about it, fuck it's my fault for being stupid.
Yeah there is a lot of shit I want, but I can't have it, nope. Not any damn thing, fuck I can't have nothing. Suppose I will keep looking at Saturday games, I already did Friday. I don't know I may need to jerk it for about an hour before I look at anything just to make me feel better.
Well okay ready to look at more Saturday games, not betting em yet, cuz I don't have any damn money, fuck why can't I get going, I'm just in a damn funk lately, I don't know. I just saw fucking Sherman that was the shit he goes yeah the NFL ya know they don't want us to drink yet their biggest sponsor is a beer company, bang, I like Sherman that guy is right. Then Cuban he is fucking right too, I said this a while back before he did on here. But he said how hypocritical the NFL is by endorsing fantasy sports, but then they say no betting on the NFL is terrible we can't have this legalized, it is funny cuz fantasy sports is gambling too, guess it isn't based on the outcome of games, but it is the same damn thing. The NFL really is fucking retarded on their whole operation it is just all crazy, they do make a killing, but there are a bunch of things they are wrong on.

Better look at some more games, got in enough jerking for the night ha. Got in enough for a damn day at least.
I really like Rutgers at +8 at Maryland, well I was looking at em, and there is no separation there. Maryland should be -4 for home field is what I think. I mean they are both equally terrible ha. Gonna be a damn war woooo, I think it could go either way really. Plus 8 points looks damn good to me.
Rice at Lousy Tech, that looks about right -7, I don't see anything there. Fuck I don't know who I would take on that. Really my posting might just get me a better number ha, people will be like oh man Tuck is snake bit, I better go the other way. Well I know what I'm doing, but then the game is played and it just goes horribly wrong lately for some damn reason I don't know.
Maybe I should quit looking at the stats and numbers and just throw darts I guess ha. I am a big fucking stat and number geek. I remember back when I was real little I would play this stratomatic baseball game and it was really dork stat time then, ha I would break everything down on that game, I really liked that game.
NC St + 6.5 at NC that looks decent to me. Really NC State I think is the better team, although I guess that is debatable. But it is a good match up for em, cuz North Carolina is just gonna throw it, for the most part, and NC St they are pretty good against the pass, pretty good secondary, well good in terms of the ACC anyway. Then fuck North Carolina on defense they can't stop anything, oh no, they are pretty terrible, yeah horrendous.
Oh man, Illinois at Northwestern is next on the docket whoa, here we go for a bowl game no doubt. Both retards are trying for a bowl here, gonna be a good retard fight ha, they are gonna be throwing down with retard power, boooom!!
What in the fuck? Why is Northwestern -8 ha ha, okay, not sure there. Fuck their qb Siemian just got hurt last game, and now they got some damn bum in there, Oliver. I mean there wasn't a huge difference between the two teams anyway, but now, fuck you have to take Illinois on that line. Oh I am so down on that one, fo sho, no doubt banger. Oh my I have a big stiffy for Illinois I will tell ya there.
It is a damn good thing I don't have one of those Corvette z06 cars I was talking about. Oh no, I would be going out right now all wasted, yeah bitch, fucking smoking the tires, and going 220 mph, oh yeah no doubt there. Well they couldn't catch me anyway could get away I suppose.
What in the hell? Why is Purdue at Indiana -2.5 ha. Ummm, well ya know neither team does anything great except Indiana with Tevin Coleman running the ball. So there ya go winner with Indiana, fuck I don't think there is even a question there, what the hell -2.5 whoa, they are way off, shit this is gonna be a Tevin Coleman beat down, like me in 7th grade 90 lbs, I am Purdue, vs that big 9th grader he is Indiana, oh no, I gotta try and run ha.
And if you wanna fuck with my best bet just look at Appalachian St +9.5 at la Laf last week, bang bitch ha, fucking outright beat down there, boom.