Joe Mixon Tape

I am just looking at that as any woman. Even if she provokes the fight there is no reason to crush her with a right hook when her hitting him in the chest is doing literally zero damage. If she were charging him with a weapon or was being more aggressive than she was then I would be a bit more understanding, but she was never a threat to him. She pushed him in the chest and then he clocked her, it wasn't like she repeatedly punched him in the face.

Yes, his reaction is too great. We agree there. And I generally take the woman's side (and word) in most cases, so this isn't a case of me not being sympathetic to man-on-woman violence or anything like that. I am just saying she laid hands on him first and we shouldn't treat her like a petulant 3 year old having a tantrum (probably deserve a spanking too), but expect her to act as a grown adult. She attacked him and assumed the risk of that response. I guess I am just repeating myself with that point and you are repeating yourself with the point that he was not in any real danger (I mostly agree) and shouldn't have hit her with his closed fist the way he did (I mostly agree).
:shake2: you are completely right about even touching him at all is assuming the risk of the fury that befell her. I was thinking you were backing mixon more initially. I think we are on a similar page
He obviously didn't make a good decision by hitting her, but if this is a 5'6 130 pound guy with Napoleon syndrome instead of a drunk woman with an attitude, how does this play out & why is it much different? I think a one-year suspension was appropriate for his actions, but not a career ender. If he has had prior incidents hitting women (I have no knowledge of that being the case), or if he had bashed her multiple times, I would feel differently. Also, if there was ever another incident that turned physical involving a woman, lock him up & throw away the key. That is, assuming another woman wasn't trying to bash him with a hammer or throw a ninja star at him. To say he should have hit her in the chest as opposed to the face, or grabbed her arms & restrained her sounds like a more intelligent course of action, but in the heat of the moment and with alcohol a probable factor, that's easier said than done. Most of us have made a terrible decision or two as 18-year-olds that we wish we could take back. I was 22 the one and only time I ever hit a woman in my 50 years. She was drunk & had been badgering me for 10 minutes prior to the incident & when I attempted to walk away from her she grabbed my shoulder, spun me around & punched me in the mouth. Did it hurt, but it did set off an automatic defense mechanism where I proceeded to hit her back, once in the face. I also didn't break her jaw, but then again I wasn't a 225 pound running back. I don't pretend to know all that went on leading up to the slapping & punch, but the details do matter.
What is she gonna get? His weekly envelope from the booster/assistant coach?

I have no idea what she might get. I just find it laughable that she is suing him. I could go on, but I generally agree with CC's commentary throughout this thread. Not much else to be said from where I sit.
are you a millennial?

I'm 34. I probably should just put a sock in my mouth, but I won't. If women want to be treated equally in ALL things, they should be treated the same way when it could negatively affect them too. Why should the gender matter at all here? College athlete socks what appears to be a drunk, college student, in retaliation to that person's actions. End of story. Don't care the student was man or a woman. Was the response too much? Likely, but those are the breaks when you put yourself in certain situations.
I am just looking at that as any woman. Even if she provokes the fight there is no reason to crush her with a right hook when her hitting him in the chest is doing literally zero damage. If she were charging him with a weapon or was being more aggressive than she was then I would be a bit more understanding, but she was never a threat to him. She pushed him in the chest and then he clocked her, it wasn't like she repeatedly punched him in the face.

Would be interesting to have your view (and others) to an individual "protecting" themselves in a stand your ground state. A teen breaks into your house, you okay with shooting them automatically or should you figure out if they have a weapon and think things through? Would you then want to charge a person because you find out they didn't have a weapon or they could have taken a different action if the thought things through.
We cannot live in a society where one person physically attacks the another person who defends himself with one swing and leaves and blame the person who defended themselves. Or we shouldn't anyway.

Did he do the right thing? Probably not. But she started the fight, not him.

cops had the option to charge her, his attorney practically begged them. they didn't do it. because it wasn't serious enough. if we're callin what he did self defense--then legally, his action has to be within the scope of what he received from the girl.

it wasn't. this ain't self defense, this is a woman beater beating a woman. pretty simple.
I'm 34. I probably should just put a sock in my mouth, but I won't. If women want to be treated equally in ALL things, they should be treated the same way when it could negatively affect them too. Why should the gender matter at all here? College athlete socks what appears to be a drunk, college student, in retaliation to that person's actions. End of story. Don't care the student was man or a woman. Was the response too much? Likely, but those are the breaks when you put yourself in certain situations.

this is my favorite part.

hey! you wanna have equal rights, well you gotta take a few broken jaws to reach true equality.

no room for nuance is allowed. it's all black or white. no grey here.
Would be interesting to have your view (and others) to an individual "protecting" themselves in a stand your ground state. A teen breaks into your house, you okay with shooting them automatically or should you figure out if they have a weapon and think things through? Would you then want to charge a person because you find out they didn't have a weapon or they could have taken a different action if the thought things through.
I live in SC and own multiple weapons. If you were feeling threatened and someone broke into your house I would not judge you for firing first. I personally would try to be very vocal, maybe fire a warning shot, and if I saw them I would aim for a leg or something of that nature but I would not begrudge someone defending themselves in their own home. You being asleep and someone breaking into your home, thus trespassing, would qualify as danger/threat to me.
go on with what? i just don't understand how women can't have like, equal rights and shit without understanding that a whole lot of em are smaller and not a threat to a 220 lb 5* running back, and therefore shouldn't get their jaw broken.
would you feel the same if i mouthed off to joe mixon and shoved him because I am likely the same amount of a threat as she was i.e. 0? if not, why?
would you feel the same if i mouthed off to joe mixon and shoved him because I am likely the same amount of a threat as she was i.e. 0? if not, why?
Because if your are a dude, zero threat and mouthing off to said threat, you deserved to get punched. And over\under before someone steps in should be 3 punches. Man code article 3, paragraph 2.

Bottom line is you cant punch drunk chicks. Just can't. Why? Going back 1000 years- it's the pussy. They have it, we like it. Think this was quote of year many back. "Chicks, if they didn't have pussies, we would hunt them"

they do have pussies, so absolutely under no circumstances can you hit them.

Curious tho from technical standpoint -- none of these thugs use the body first, to bring the hands down,. Youth wasted on the young
and who on earth is saying she mouthed off to joe mixon?

Not sure if she mouthed off or not, but she sure as hell smacked him upside the head (on what looked like the left ear); ever get seriously smacked in the ear? It hurts and it'll likely piss you off (see Fight Club).

Again, not condoning his behavior as he certainly overreacted, but he is NOT 100 percent at fault for the cause of this event. Not even close.
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Stupid double post. No winners in this event, anyway. A reputation tarnished and a physical injury that may never be 100 percent recovered.
this is my favorite part.

hey! you wanna have equal rights, well you gotta take a few broken jaws to reach true equality.

no room for nuance is allowed. it's all black or white. no grey here.


I live in SC and own multiple weapons. If you were feeling threatened and someone broke into your house I would not judge you for firing first. I personally would try to be very vocal, maybe fire a warning shot, and if I saw them I would aim for a leg or something of that nature but I would not begrudge someone defending themselves in their own home. You being asleep and someone breaking into your home, thus trespassing, would qualify as danger/threat to me.


go on with what? i just don't understand how women can't have like, equal rights and shit without understanding that a whole lot of em are smaller and not a threat to a 220 lb 5* running back, and therefore shouldn't get their jaw broken.

I think we're pretty close to being on the same page even if it sounds like we're far off. I just don't see it as a gender thing. Big person, little person issue. Sure.

if you're 5'6"/130 i would have a problem with joe mixon lighting you up like that, yes.

You added 5'' to Cubskers height.
Not sure if she mouthed off or not, but she sure as hell smacked him upside the head (on what looked like the left ear); ever get seriously smacked in the ear? It hurts and it'll likely piss you off (see Fight Club).

Again, not condoning his behavior as he certainly overreacted, but he is NOT 100 percent at fault for the cause of this event. Not even close.

my mama is irish catholic. boxing ears was her favorite sport. somehow, i never smacked her back.
but she's a woman and she hit me first. just tryin to fit in round here.

my mama still hits me. i still haven't swung on her. i deserve a medal.
Because if your are a dude, zero threat and mouthing off to said threat, you deserved to get punched. And over\under before someone steps in should be 3 punches. Man code article 3, paragraph 2.

Bottom line is you cant punch drunk chicks. Just can't. Why? Going back 1000 years- it's the pussy. They have it, we like it. Think this was quote of year many back. "Chicks, if they didn't have pussies, we would hunt them"

they do have pussies, so absolutely under no circumstances can you hit them.

Curious tho from technical standpoint -- none of these thugs use the body first, to bring the hands down,. Youth wasted on the young

I wouldn't hit a woman. I'm arguing more from a legal standpoint where the sexes are supposed to be equal, not an ethical one, where we all know that men and women are different.
I just read this entire thread, many of the replies have me scratching my head. Here is my thoughts, I'm the father of a 24 yr old girl, she's 5"4 117 lbs. If any man ever touched her like this person did I'd be doing life in prison.
BOOM = I agree in social media parlance; I'm fairly old so I just assumed everyone else knew that.
he said the dude mouthed off to her. not the girl he socked. and my 10 to your 1 he made that up.

he said the guy called him a n. he said the girl got in his face. He said they both blew smoke in his face. There were a lot of witnesses, so I'm guessing it's pretty clear on if Mixon was being truthful. If he wasn't, I'm guessing he wouldn't have got the plea deal that he did, but that's just what I believe.
and does anyone here think that joe mixon wouldn't sock that dude in the mouth if he actually called him the n word? comeeee ooonnnnnnnnnnn
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Bob Stoops believes he would've come to a different decision now two years later. Believes dismissal would've been the right call.</p>&mdash; Adam Cooper Kemp (@Adam_WK) <a href="">December 21, 2016</a></blockquote>
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elll ohhh elll
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elll ohhh elll

wait? He had no idea of what was on the video? Please....
fire stoops.
He still playing in the bowl game Bobby??<iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" title="Twitter analytics iframe" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none;"></iframe>
Stoops trying to sit on the fence because the PC crowd is getting after him.

He should have said "We made a decision when the event occurred to give Mixon a suspension and an opportunity at a second chance. He has done everything since that time to prove we were right to make that decision. Don't judge either him or the young lady solely based on their decisions that night."
Stoops trying to sit on the fence because the PC crowd is getting after him.

He should have said "We made a decision when the event occurred to give Mixon a suspension and an opportunity at a second chance. He has done everything since that time to prove we were right to make that decision. Don't judge either him or the young lady solely based on their decisions that night."

The worst thing Stoops could do would be to mention the decision of the young lady