Joe Mixon Tape

I will beat u in an ugly Sager suit, ur pal. He ran around table to table right.. uhh ur ex said something dumb, silly girl..
I think he is wrong and I wouldn't handle it that way.

For discussion.....lets say women and men are equal, correct?
Why can she put hands on him?

Again.....I come from a place where you just don't hit a woman....even if she stabs you.
But I have to ask myself: why could the same woman that says treat me equally and this and that can be extremely outraged here.
I'm just asking the question for discussion.
Again, I'm from a place where that doesn't happen or go down.

That's dumb. There is no point in discussing a topic where men and women are equal because they aren't and never will be. However, to the bolded point, if I get stabbed by ANYBODY, I don't care if male or female they will get the same reaction which is a load full of .40 cal bullets in their chest (assuming I'm carrying).

She put her hands on him. I don't think she hurt him at all but she did put her hands on him and, for the most part, he has a right to defend himself. But he smoked the shit out of her. I don't know (and I've not read anything about) whether his punch broke her face in 4 places but if you watch the video it looks a lot like she hit her head on the table. Doesn't really matter. His punch caused her to break bones and he crossed the line. End of story.

Now, if that was a guy that did that, would Mixon be justified in retaliating that way? Judges don't look to favorably on people with exceptional physical talents and abilities like football players beating up common folk unless they are in grave danger or defending themselves.

At the end of the day, this is a real bad look for Mixon and OU and there is going to be a ton of backlash against OU and their administration for not booting him off the team.
What work overnight, in the mortgage industry would require you to "be online" for some work overnight? Again, something just doesn't add up. Or lots of somethings, in this case.
who fucking cares? really? who cares?
who fucking cares? really? who cares?

People that don't like frauds I guess. Not sure exactly, but calling a spade a spade seems to be the right thing to do. But that's just me, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion/view.

What does it matter though if the convo is taking place? Really...what does it matter?

Amazing, a voice of reason. Hands are hands, strength is strength. Women aren't weak, the just aren't as strong as us. But they can kill you with a shot or, even worse, a choke. It's so admirable and noble of you guys to just say to protect the woman, but they aren't weak, and by god, if they make a move to kill you, fuck them.
People that don't like frauds I guess. Not sure exactly, but calling a spade a spade seems to be the right thing to do. But that's just me, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion/view.

What does it matter though if the convo is taking place? Really...what does it matter?


So I'm fraudulent? Please press forward with this, you're so on top of the world.
That's dumb. There is no point in discussing a topic where men and women are equal because they aren't and never will be. However, to the bolded point, if I get stabbed by ANYBODY, I don't care if male or female they will get the same reaction which is a load full of .40 cal bullets in their chest (assuming I'm carrying).

She put her hands on him. I don't think she hurt him at all but she did put her hands on him and, for the most part, he has a right to defend himself. But he smoked the shit out of her. I don't know (and I've not read anything about) whether his punch broke her face in 4 places but if you watch the video it looks a lot like she hit her head on the table. Doesn't really matter. His punch caused her to break bones and he crossed the line. End of story.

Now, if that was a guy that did that, would Mixon be justified in retaliating that way? Judges don't look to favorably on people with exceptional physical talents and abilities like football players beating up common folk unless they are in grave danger or defending themselves.

At the end of the day, this is a real bad look for Mixon and OU and there is going to be a ton of backlash against OU and their administration for not booting him off the team.

Amazing, a voice of reason. Hands are hands, strength is strength. Women aren't weak, the just aren't as strong as us. But they can kill you with a shot or, even worse, a choke. It's so admirable and noble of you guys to just say to protect the woman, but they aren't weak, and by god, if they make a move to kill you, fuck them.

Sure. But again...she WASN'T choking him in the least bit in that video. If you can point to where she was, I'll admit I'm wrong.
People that don't like frauds I guess. Not sure exactly, but calling a spade a spade seems to be the right thing to do. But that's just me, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion/view.

What does it matter though if the convo is taking place? Really...what does it matter?


Call me out bitch, what's your angle. A fraud? really?
No, I have no clue why you'd call me a fraud but if it makes you feel better, so be it. Just odd. What do I have to lie about? I'm good.
No, I have no clue why you'd call me a fraud but if it makes you feel better, so be it. Just odd. What do I have to lie about? I'm good.

I don't know what you have to lie about...just seems you do an awful lot of it.
This is even more odd, why would someone lie about going to the world series? what's the point?
This is even more odd, why would someone lie about going to the world series? what's the point?

Well there are a multitude of reasons to do so. Come on, you're not oblivious.

I don't think I ever mentioned the World Series to begin it's even more odd that you went right to that after my comments.
It's weird and I don't really care if I were to lie to anyone here, just seems a waste of time. Have fun with your theories I guess, while I live my life.
That's dumb. There is no point in discussing a topic where men and women are equal because they aren't and never will be. However, to the bolded point, if I get stabbed by ANYBODY, I don't care if male or female they will get the same reaction which is a load full of .40 cal bullets in their chest (assuming I'm carrying).

She put her hands on him. I don't think she hurt him at all but she did put her hands on him and, for the most part, he has a right to defend himself. But he smoked the shit out of her. I don't know (and I've not read anything about) whether his punch broke her face in 4 places but if you watch the video it looks a lot like she hit her head on the table. Doesn't really matter. His punch caused her to break bones and he crossed the line. End of story.

Now, if that was a guy that did that, would Mixon be justified in retaliating that way? Judges don't look to favorably on people with exceptional physical talents and abilities like football players beating up common folk unless they are in grave danger or defending themselves.

At the end of the day, this is a real bad look for Mixon and OU and there is going to be a ton of backlash against OU and their administration for not booting him off the team.
Men and women aren't equal? That's dumb?
It's weird and I don't really care if I were to lie to anyone here, just seems a waste of time. Have fun with your theories I guess, while I live my life.

On CTG, and internet forum, of course.

Have fun yourself...glad we've ended this on a positive note in agreement.
You do understand my job and I'm online most hours of the day right? Why is it so bizarre to you that I see posts on CTG? My career is pretty much online 75% of the day. Is that odd to you?
P unit.....I brought it up for discussion.
Again, I stated that is not how I would handle it.

But let's say that same instance happened and it was 2 it different in your opinion?
You do understand my job and I'm online most hours of the day right? Why is it so bizarre to you that I see posts on CTG? My career is pretty much online 75% of the day. Is that odd to you?

Short answer...yes. I know many people in the mortgage industry. Not one of them needs to be online even 8 hours a day, let alone 17.

But you also regularly refer to yourself as a "banker," so that throws a wrench in the entire thing.
My bank is east coast, so this time of year it's 6:30 -3:30 my time as to when they get stuff done. But my clients are all AZ, so I take calls til midnight if I have to. I'm pretty easy going and have some hours during the day that are boring, but don't shut my business down other than sleeping hours.
P unit.....I brought it up for discussion.
Again, I stated that is not how I would handle it.

But let's say that same instance happened and it was 2 it different in your opinion?
yes, I would say it is different. Obviously, if a girl gets physical and you need to defend yourself, that's a different story. That wasn't the case here IMO.
Sure, but that doesn't mean he had to punch her in the face. There are dozens of ways to diffuse that situation, some of them may even involve him putting his hands on her (to restrain her, etc)...absolutely last on that list is simply punching her in the face.

He could've of restrained her. Pushed her. Or just walk away. But to straight clock her with a closed fist. What a coward. And for the record, I have seen some things that women do, that they deserve to get smacked. But not this one. Personally for me, to hit a girl this hard, she has to do way more than that.
Interesting, and I'm guessing you all know I'm likely backing the female unless I see reason not to, I'm that liberal pussy.

That said, she goes for the throat and he instantly cold cocks her...trying to take the emotion out and figure at what point did he fear his life. Maybe he didn't at all, it went down very fast, and maybe he did.

So in retrospect, he's an idiot...that seems to be the consensus. We can't hear it so she gets the benefit of the doubt there as well. Trying to view it from the outside, he knocked her very fast, and unless we know the context, it should at least be heard that his life was in danger. Women aren't harmless. Interesting case here, unfortunately we get no audio and he just seems a thug.
i thought i heard she was saying racist shit to him. wifey just saw it on sportscenter. I relayed what i heard about it and she went from "thats awful" to "well,........." obv, its bad but how long does a persons life get ruined for doing something like this? forever seems harsh. i also dont get why prosecutors take pleas on stuff like this. a lot easier to let him play football after he's done a year in the county.
Curious fondy, does shaker think anything wrong of the gal?

She hasn't seen the video. Just me bitching about how the guy gets ruined because someone baited him

I don't know how anyone watches the video and sees anything other than an asshole knocking out a girl

I see an asshole knocking out another college student who tried to start a fight with him. yes, it was a dick move. But I don't give a fuck if it's a chick or some 300lb guy.

I have two daughters if this happened to one of them I would break his legs so bad he wouldn't walk straight, that's a fact.
Enjoy debating this situation kj u ***

I'd be the same way if it was my son.

The guy is a piece of shit.

Uh huh
Interesting, and I'm guessing you all know I'm likely backing the female unless I see reason not to, I'm that liberal pussy.

That said, she goes for the throat and he instantly cold cocks her...trying to take the emotion out and figure at what point did he fear his life. Maybe he didn't at all, it went down very fast, and maybe he did.

So in retrospect, he's an idiot...that seems to be the consensus. We can't hear it so she gets the benefit of the doubt there as well. Trying to view it from the outside, he knocked her very fast, and unless we know the context, it should at least be heard that his life was in danger. Women aren't harmless. Interesting case here, unfortunately we get no audio and he just seems a thug.

U a pussy sager
god if this is gonna be some bullshit between wade and myself, let's move it

I honestly think the gal here is getting let off the hook, and of course we can't hear the audio, but she seems to be quite the instigator
Most entertaining thread in a long time

I'm with KJ, it's a natural defense mechanism for anybody that goes for a vurenable place on the body.

Also, if you're a successful MLO, being available 17 hours is normal.
My man, we just do what we do :beer:

It ain't pretty at times, fortunately, I really do enjoy this thing, and with no family, the hours are just a part of the gig. It doesn't suck.
You can tell the sort of person he is by the reaction afterwards. He walks away with no concern or care for the victim, who is obviously hurt
I've tried to read through the entire thread. I don't believe anyone has mentioned that this is only on the inside of Subway. Something must have happened in the parking lot. He appears to walk in and straight towards her. This is a continuation of something earlier.

Do I condone what happened? No. He should have not entered the restaurant.

Do I believe women are helpless and should not be touched/harmed? Once again, no. Women should not dish out anything they can't take. She physically instigated, but received much more than she should have. Even liberals will agree that under law we are to be equal. Women rights movements have fought for this and the good has to be taken with the bad. Courts won't see it this way, as women are still viewed as a lesser gender and deserve to be protected. Mixon will be dealt with accordingly. He should have left the establishment before entering. This all could have been avoided if he did just that.
If a police officer did that the entire world would be yelling "excessive force" and want him fired. I doubt any of you giving Mixon a pass would be doing it if that was Trump, I know for a fact KJ wouldn't.

Good thing precedent was set for how tough this coach and administration is...verbally abuse a parking lot attendant, get a game suspension. Destroy a woman's jaw to where she needs her jaw wired...stay on scholarship.

Stoops seeing that video and deciding to keep him on scholarship and then to make the statement he made in this article is purely comical. What a joke.
i thought i heard she was saying racist shit to him. wifey just saw it on sportscenter. I relayed what i heard about it and she went from "thats awful" to "well,........." obv, its bad but how long does a persons life get ruined for doing something like this? forever seems harsh. i also dont get why prosecutors take pleas on stuff like this. a lot easier to let him play football after he's done a year in the county.

To me, the racial slur wouldn't change anything.....
Some of yall( me included ) are ingrained with the don't hit a girl mantra....

It is hard for me to step back and separate it and take the emotion out of it.

She put hands on him first.....that's all I'm saying
Yep, just a poor decision by her. Actions have consequences.

What's funny is that I'm probably more liberal than most here and am all for protecting the woman. She instigated, and made a move to fuck his life. Every dude in here would go crazy if a chick put her hand on your throat. It's called survival.

Take my pussy home satisfy it wade, and text me when you're done.


His ass should have served time for that.
my point which wifey agreed with was that if a white dude called a football player a n word and shoved him in the chest and then got knocked out, people would say, well, you fucked with the wrong guy. not saying it's the same and i'm not excusing what he did. like i said, i don't know why prosecutors let these guys off the hook with pleas.