Joe Mixon Tape

I can't really tell much of anything from that tape, but if anyone actually grabs your throat, you aren't walking away. Let's face it, this guy could have likely done exactly that, hard to dispute that. But if some crazy goes for the throat, I doubt anyone is keeping things in perspective. Maybe you've been there and have been able to, I don't know.
I am going to be the dick, I guess. Let me preface what I am about to say with I have been attacked by a woman wielding a hammer with intent to bash me with it. I didn't strike her. So understand, I would never hit a woman because I have already faced a serious threat and didn't do it.

With that said ... why do we treat women like 4 year old children? She put her hands on him first. She initiated the violence. There can be consequences to that. I don't think she was really going for the throat, just flailing the way women do when they swing. Much like the Ray Rice incident, I find the initiating woman the one really at fault. I find in both instances the reaction of the man involved after he ktfo's the girl to be really weird but women should be taught to not hit men the way men are taught to not hit women. I guarantee you that she will think twice (if she can still think, she was clearly and visibly messed up) before doing that again.

Guy was a piece of shit, shouldn't have hit her ... but I find her to be in the greater wrong. Don't lay your hands on the man, sweety.
What she did wasn't violence, she could but both hands around his throat and he would still be able to breathe. Mixon could have killed her with a worse placed punch.
Similar cc, have been at the breaking point yet didn't put a hand on her, hope I'm never in a position to think I have to. They get passes because they have vaginas, and what's worse is that the bad ones know it and use it to their advantage.

It's obvious that most of us would walk away, but we don't know anything about what was going on other than a video, and I find it ironic in this day/age when everyone jumps on the media for creating drama, that's exactly what a video like this does. They both might have been wasted and even on bath salts for all we know.
It is all well and good that you guys think the woman is at fault...and maybe she did instigate it. But you clearly have no idea how the law enforcement officials are trained to handle these situations. I'll share a little story with you.

About 10 years ago, I was dating a girl and we had been to the bar earlier that night where her mom worked. Now this dipshit of a chick I was seeing at the time got to be nasty when she drank, very uncontrollable and you never knew what would happen. Total drama queen, but whatever...there are plenty of them out there.

We get back to my apartment at about 10pm at night and the shots of Jaeger she was pounding earlier have clearly gotten her crazy drunk. She was to the point where you couldn't even speak with her without her getting into a rage for no reason.

Well for some reason, she started getting irate over not being able to find something to eat in the kitchen. I responded to her to just grab anything, who cares, you're drunk and food is food when you're hammered.

This apparently set her the fuck off and she lost it. She started screaming and yelling at me to STFU and that if I uttered one more word, she was going to make me STFU. Well I told her to knock the shit off and just chill. This set her off even more. So much so that she grabbed the biggest kitchen knife she could find and started telling me she was going to get me to STFU.

I told her multiple times to drop the knife, she was drunk and to chill the F out. She kept cackling like a creepy ass witch and told me again she was going to come over there with the knife and shut me up and started coming at me. I screamed at her to stop right there, put the knife down and chill immediately otherwise I was calling the cops. She said, "I dare you to."

So I called the cops and told them exactly what happened. She had the knife, was threatening me and was coming at me drunk AF with a huge-ass kitchen knife chefs use and shit....the cops took my statement and then went and asked her what happened and she said to them "look at the redness in my face, he hit me." Nothing could be further from the truth and since she had mild rosacea, it wasn't uncommon for her to get red patches occasionally on her face.

The result...the cops arrested me and said it was a domestic violence claim and that the woman's word is always going to take precedent over the man's. I then logically said to them...wait a minute... I CALLED THE COPS ON HER...WHY WOULD I HIT HER AND THEN CALL YOU TO SHOW UP?!?

The cops told me that when the woman makes a claim, it is standard procedure to take her for her word. It was just the way things are said the cop. I then had to take the next 6 months through the judicial system just to clear my name for something THAT NEVER HAPPENED.

So based on my own personal experience, with a lying, deceitful, insane, drunk c*nt of a doesn't matter what she does...the dude is screwed.

Now apply that to this case...this is on video...this is never going away. There is too much rape and domestic abuse from men to women where law enforcement basically will always take the female's side until proven incorrect. This audio...good luck Joe Mixon. You're done.
Oh yeah, his real world is all kinds of fucked right now, there's no disputing that.

That fucking blows scarf, and she knew she could get away with it all along...bottom of the barrel bullshit there.
My wife once smashed a beer mug on my head in anger. She's not very strong, so no worse for wear. Little bloody. You can't hit back though, out of the question.
Pretty sure I spoke out of school. As I said though, new leaf.
I just watched the video again. Anyone who thinks she had him by the throat and he needed to defend himself are idiots, sorry.
This story is 2 years old; anyone that requires a video to form a conclusion is an idiot. Sorry.
Regardless, I agree Mixon completely overreacted.

I have very little regard for the woman though; whether she was trying to choke him or not...who cares. What justification can anyone provide that makes her putting her hands on him (and slapping him) allowable either. And now SHE'S suing HIM. What a country.
Regardless, I agree Mixon completely overreacted.

I have very little regard for the woman though; whether she was trying to choke him or not...who cares. What justification can anyone provide that makes her putting her hands on him (and slapping him) allowable either. And now SHE'S suing HIM. What a country.

Well whether or not she was choking him matters because some were saying it was "more justified" because he was being choked and in imminent danger. He wasn't being choked though, and completely overreacted. No justification for why she put her hands on him, you're right...but again there were dozens of options for him, and breaking her jaw with a punch was the absolute last on the list.
Similar cc, have been at the breaking point yet didn't put a hand on her, hope I'm never in a position to think I have to. They get passes because they have vaginas, and what's worse is that the bad ones know it and use it to their advantage.

It's obvious that most of us would walk away, but we don't know anything about what was going on other than a video, and I find it ironic in this day/age when everyone jumps on the media for creating drama, that's exactly what a video like this does. They both might have been wasted and even on bath salts for all we know.

Again though, what more info are you asking for, or thinking would be there to change anything?

I also don't see the irony...this is the actual video footage of what took place, it's not "creating drama" in the least bit. Yeah, maybe they were both on bath salts...still doesn't change anything as far as the law is concerned.
I agree he wasn't in imminent danger and I seriously doubt he felt he was; he was pissed though and that led him to choose a terrible option out of many to choose from. Just wish you (and others) would point out that she had options as well.
Seems she gets a pass for her poor decision making. Feminists should be pissed at how unequal this treatment is.
You can't hit girls. We're stronger. It's just a law of nature.
You can't hit girls. We're stronger. It's just a law of nature.

For some reason I live by this but question whether it's right. If a bitch throws a Chinese star at me, I'm supposed to catch it then sympathize with her emotions. I'm quick so no biggie, but those emotions can get hot.
For some reason I live by this but question whether it's right. If a bitch throws a Chinese star at me, I'm supposed to catch it then sympathize with her emotions. I'm quick so no biggie, but those emotions can get hot.

Thanks man :shake2:
I think I could dodge a female ninja's star. I picture myself bounding off the ottoman, flipping on to the couch, seeing it stuck in the wall, and saying, "nice try, baby."
Clogs kind of dates me, plus that's a women's shoe. I just got back, I want to make it clear I've never worn clogs.
I agree he wasn't in imminent danger and I seriously doubt he felt he was; he was pissed though and that led him to choose a terrible option out of many to choose from. Just wish you (and others) would point out that she had options as well.

Of course she had options, didn't I agree with you that she handled it poorly herself?

Regardless of how poorly she handled it, and regardless of how many options she had that she didn't choose...he still broke her jaw with a punch, and that was still the worst possible option that he had.
yes she was acting like a dumb cunt.
Does that mean u knock her out?
I am more annoyed with the AD n stoops, the arrogance to think they could hide this.
boot the kid when it happened u tools, why risk it all?
Of course she had options, didn't I agree with you that she handled it poorly herself?

Regardless of how poorly she handled it, and regardless of how many options she had that she didn't choose...he still broke her jaw with a punch, and that was still the worst possible option that he had.

Can he help that she has a glass jaw?
Regardless, I agree Mixon completely overreacted.

I have very little regard for the woman though; whether she was trying to choke him or not...who cares. What justification can anyone provide that makes her putting her hands on him (and slapping him) allowable either. And now SHE'S suing HIM. What a country.

What is she gonna get? His weekly envelope from the booster/assistant coach?
think there were some changes on the freedom of information act in the state

those changes were made before joe mixon socked that girl, and the changes were made to make it easier to release these kinds of videos. oklahoma is really progressive in terms of transparency, but as you can imagine the city attorney of norman is an alum, and did everything in his power to keep this from view.

her side also didn't want just the few seconds leaked. he leaked it on her graduation day.
We cannot live in a society where one person physically attacks the another person who defends himself with one swing and leaves and blame the person who defended themselves. Or we shouldn't anyway.

Did he do the right thing? Probably not. But she started the fight, not him.
We cannot live in a society where one person physically attacks the another person who defends himself with one swing and leaves and blame the person who defended themselves. Or we shouldn't anyway.

Did he do the right thing? Probably not. But she started the fight, not him.
I usually agree with your trolling but this is just a pretty laughable statement. He could have easily shoved her across the room if he felt "threatened" by her pushing him. Instead he took her head off with a right hook. Did she provoke him? Yes. Should he have ended the provocation in the manner in which he did? Come the fuck on.
I usually agree with your trolling but this is just a pretty laughable statement. He could have easily shoved her across the room if he felt "threatened" by her pushing him. Instead he took her head off with a right hook. Did she provoke him? Yes. Should he have ended the provocation in the manner in which he did? Come the fuck on.
What do you mean by trolling? CC usually makes reasonable arguments even if you disagree with him.
What do you mean by trolling? CC usually makes reasonable arguments even if you disagree with him.
He does a generally good job of playing devils advocate, not sure why we are trying to take Mixon's side on any level here.
He does a generally good job of playing devils advocate, not sure why we are trying to take Mixon's side on any level here.

I am not trolling fwiw. I also think he is a jerk for responding the way he did. I do not think it was the best choice. My point is that I don't think you can hold him legally responsible for how he defends himself when physically attacked by another person when he threw one punch in self defense. You cannot reward her behavior with a won lawsuit or ruining this dudes life because he punched her, whether we think it is right to do it or not. Just my opinion. Maybe I am wrong ...

So in your mind, I should be able to go up to Evander Holyfield and punch him in the face and nothing happens to me and he has to walk away right? Because my punching him in the face is no threat to a great fighter like him.
I am not trolling fwiw. I also think he is a jerk for responding the way he did. I do not think it was the best choice. My point is that I don't think you can hold him legally responsible for how he defends himself when physically attacked by another person when he threw one punch in self defense. You cannot reward her behavior with a won lawsuit or ruining this dudes life because he punched her, whether we think it is right to do it or not. Just my opinion. Maybe I am wrong ...

So in your mind, I should be able to go up to Evander Holyfield and punch him in the face and nothing happens to me and he has to walk away right? Because my punching him in the face is no threat to a great fighter like him.
First, her even touching him is like a fly compared to a mac truck. If a marine were to fight a civilian he would be treated differently than a random man because he has been trained and is more dangerous. Not too far off here for a kid who works out for a living. Does she touch him first? Yes, but is he ever in danger? Does she ever pick up a random item to hit him with? No. I saw your earlier post as well about her not touching him and I agree completely that she should not touch him but you will have a hard time convincing me that he was acting in self defense. I also agree with not wanting to "ruin" peoples chances for mistakes but this was completely unnecessary to do what he did.
First, her even touching him is like a fly compared to a mac truck. If a marine were to fight a civilian he would be treated differently than a random man because he has been trained and is more dangerous. Not too far off here for a kid who works out for a living. Does she touch him first? Yes, but is he ever in danger? Does she ever pick up a random item to hit him with? No. I saw your earlier post as well about her not touching him and I agree completely that she should not touch him but you will have a hard time convincing me that he was acting in self defense. I also agree with not wanting to "ruin" peoples chances for mistakes but this was completely unnecessary to do what he did.

Nicholas Cage learned this the hard way in Con Air.
I am just looking at that as any woman. Even if she provokes the fight there is no reason to crush her with a right hook when her hitting him in the chest is doing literally zero damage. If she were charging him with a weapon or was being more aggressive than she was then I would be a bit more understanding, but she was never a threat to him. She pushed him in the chest and then he clocked her, it wasn't like she repeatedly punched him in the face.